Change the block size for memo files




<nSize> is the memo file block size in bytes. The initial memo file block size depends on the RDD. For most drivers that support the .dbt memo file format, it is 512 bytes. However, if you are using BLOB files (.dbv memo file format) via inheritance from the DBFMEMO driver, the default is 1.


SET MBLOCKSIZE is functionally equivalent to calling DBINFO( DBI_MBLOCKSIZESIZE, <nSize>). Refer to this function for more information. SET MBLOCKSIZE sets the block size for the memo file associated with the database.

The block size is the minimum amount of space in bytes allocated in memo files when storing character strings in memo fields.

The initial memo block size depends on the replaceable database driver used to open a database in a work area.

The following table lists the default sizes for memo blocks of RDDs shipped with Harbour:

Default memo block sizes

         Memo type Block size Changeable
         --------- ---------- ----------
             DBT      512     No
             FPT       64     Yes
             SMT       64     Yes


      .  The following example illustrates the SET MBLOCKSIZE command:
      USE Inventor NEW
      ? DBINFO(DBI_MBLOCKSIZESIZE)         // Result: 256


DBINFO(), RddSetDefault(), Set()

C5DG-8 DBPX Driver

Clipper 5.x – Drivers Guide

Chapter 8

DBPX Driver Installation and Usage

DBPX is the Paradox 3.5 compatible RDD for Clipper. It connects to the low-level database management subsystem in the Clipper architecture. When you use the DBPX RDD, you add a number or features, including the ability to:

. Create access to and modify Paradox tables, records, and fields

. Create, select, and activate secondary indexes on Paradox tables

. Create and modify Paradox table structures, including primary index fields

. Use explicit record and file locks with concurrent execution of other Clipper applications

. Import Paradox tables directly into Clipper arrays

In This Chapter

This chapter explains how to install DBPX and how to use it in your applications. The following major topics are discussed:

. Overview of the DBPX RDD

. Installing DBPX Driver Files

. Linking the DBPX Driver

. Using the DBPX Driver

Overview of the DBPX RDD

The DBPX driver lets you create and maintain (.db), (.px), (.x??), and (.y??) files with features different from those supplied with the original DBFNTX driver and compatible with files created under Paradox 3.5. The new features are supplied in the form of several syntactical additions to database and indexing commands and functions. Specifically you can:

. Create tables that recognize the standard Clipper data types as well as Currency ($) and Short (S) numbers between -32,767 to +32,767

. Create equally efficient keyed and unkeyed tables

. Create, select, and activate secondary indexes on Paradox tables

The DBPX driver provides simple, seamless access to the Paradox database system. The Clipper application programmer who intends to access Paradox tables with the “VIA” clause need only include the RDD header file at compile time and make the appropriate libraries available at link time.

Paradox stores data in tables (known to Xbase developers as data files (.db)’s), consisting of fields and records. Unlike Xbase databases, a Paradox database refers to a group of files that are related to each other in some way, rather than to one file.

Also, Paradox employs the concept of companion files, known as objects, that are related to the table. Some examples of object files are report forms, indexes, and data entry forms. A table and its accompanying objects are referred to as a family.

It is easy to identify objects belonging to a particular family since they all have the same base filename and are distinguished by their extensions as shown in the table below.

Paradox File Descriptions
——————–  —————————————————
Extension         Object

.DB                       Table

.PX          Primary Index 
.X?? or Y??  Secondary Index
.F or F??    Data Entry Forms
.R or R??    Report Formats
.G or G??    Graph Specifications
.SET         Image Settings
.VAL         Field Validity Specifications
------------ ------------------------------------------------------------

The DBPX driver only deals with the table and index files (.db, .px, .x?? and y??) so only these files are discussed here.

Though Paradox tables are limited to 8 character filenames, each table can contain an unlimited number of records in files up to 256M in size. Paradox records in nonkeyed tables can be up to 4000 bytes each while keyed tables have a 1350 byte limitation. Each record can contain up to 255 fields of up to 255 characters each.

There are some field naming restrictions you must observe. Field names may:

. Although the Paradox file structure allows fields to be up to 25 characters long, since Clipper symbols can only be 10 characters, DBPX truncates the field name to 10 characters.

. The Paradox file structure allows embedded spaces in field names. Since this is illegal in Clipper, the DBPX driver converts spaces into underscores (_).

. Not be duplicated in the same table.

Also, most Paradox data types directly match data types in standard Xbase data files, with these differences:

. Paradox tables support both the Numeric (N) data type as well as a more specific Currency ($) data type. Both the N and $ data types can have 15 significant digits. Numeric types that exceed this length are rounded and stored as scientific notation. Also, DBPX supports the Short (S) data type to represent numbers between -32,767 and +32,767.

. The Alphanumeric field type allows all ASCII characters except embedded nulls (ASCII 0). The Alphanumeric type is identical to the Character (C) data type in Xbase. Paradox limits this field type to 255 characters.

. Paradox also supports a Date (D) field type, stored as a long integer. It can contain any value between January 1, 100 A.D. and December 31, 9999.

Installing DBPX Driver Files

The DBPX RDD is supplied as the file, DBPX.LIB:

The Clipper installation program installs this driver in the \CLIPPER5\LIB subdirectory on the drive that you specify, so you need not install the driver manually.

Linking the DBPX Database Driver

To link the DBPX driver, you must specify DBPX.LIB to the linker along with your application object (.OBJ) modules.

1. To link with .RTLink using positional syntax:

C>RTLINK <appObjectList> ,,,DBPX

2. To link with .RTLink using freeformat syntax:

C>RTLINK FI <appObjectList> LIB DBPX

Note: These link commands all assume the LIB, OBJ, and PLL environment variables are set to the standard locations. They also assume that the Clipper programs were compiled without the /R option.

Using the DBPX Database Driver

To use Paradox files in a Clipper program:

1. Place REQUEST DBPX at the top of each program file (.prg) that opens a database file using the DBPX driver.

2. Specify the VIA “DBPX” clause if you open the database file with the USE command.


3. Specify “DBPX” for the <cDriver> argument if you open the database file with the DBUSEAREA() function.


4. Use RDDSETDEFAULT( “DBPX” ) to set the default driver to DBPX.

Except in the case of REQUEST, the RDD name must be a literal character string or a variable. In all cases it is important that the driver name be spelled correctly using uppercase letters.

The following program fragments illustrate:

USE Customers INDEX Name, Address NEW VIA "DBPX"
USE Customers INDEX Name, Address NEW

Index Management 

The greatest variation from the standard Xbase database design in Paradox tables is index management. As in other systems, Paradox indexes are an efficient method of dynamically sorting or locating specific data within a table without forcing a search of all data in that table. Paradox tables take two forms: unkeyed and keyed.

An unkeyed table has no fields in its structure that have been identified as specific index keys. Therefore, records are maintained in natural order. New records are added to the end of an existing table, and the unique identity for each record is a record number.

Unlike Xbase data files, unkeyed tables are not more efficient in design or faster to traverse than keyed tables. This is because Paradox tables are built as linked lists rather than fixed-length, sequential tables. Therefore, it is actually less efficient to SKIP through a unkeyed table than it is through a keyed table.

A keyed table, on the other hand, can be lightning fast as long as the data you seek is part of the key. Otherwise, just as in an unkeyed table, you are forced to do a sequential search through the table’s data fields.

Paradox tables support two types of keys or indexes.

. Primary

. Secondary

Primary Indexes

Primary indexes are directly tied to keyed tables because a primary index indicates the table is keyed. Simply, it is impossible to have a keyed table without a primary index. If you remove the primary index from a keyed table it becomes an unkeyed table.

When you identify one or more of the table’s fields as a key field (by placing an asterisk (*) at the end of the field name) during table creation/restructuring, these fields are used to create a primary index. (Note that all key fields must be together as the first fields in a table). This invisibly rebuilds the table’s structure, though in operation it only seems to change or create the key index.

Once you identify this primary key, the table is automatically maintained in the key field order and all new records are checked to make sure that no duplicate keys are added to the table. This type of index is called a unique key index. You may have only one primary key per table, but this key can be a composite of many fields in the table. You may only modify by restructuring the table.

If it is necessary to change a primary key and restructure a table, all data in the table will still be bound to the unique key restriction. This is important if you change the primary key by adding a new field to it and there is already data in the table where this new composite key would have duplicates.

DBPX handles this situation by generating a runtime error and removing every record that violates this unique key and moving it to another table named KEYVIOL.db which has the identical structure of the offending table.

The KEYVIOL.db is automatically generated whenever this situation occurs. If there is already a KEYVIOL table, it is overwritten. Because of this you should always check for the existence of a KEYVIOL.db table immediately after any type of table restructuring.

Secondary Indexes

Secondary indexes are more like common Xbase-type indexes because they can be generated or modified on the fly without having any effect on the data or table structure and aren’t restricted to unique key data.

Unlike Xbase indexes, secondary indexes can only contain a single field as their key. As mentioned earlier, primary indexes are automatically maintained so that they are always up to date. Secondary indexes are created in two different types.

. Incremental (for keyed tables)

. Independent (for unkeyed tables)

Independent indexes are created only for unkeyed tables and are not dynamically maintained in any way. Because of this they can only be considered accurate at the time of their creation. If data changes inside the table that affects the index, the index must be completely regenerated before it can be considered useful again.

Alternately, incremental indexes are created only for keyed tables and are automatically maintained similarly to primary indexes except that instead of a complete rebuild at every change, only the portion of the index affected is updated. Incremental indexes are preferable when you are handling large tables since they take considerably less time and energy to keep accurate.

Temporary Indexes

ALL, NEXT, RECORD, and REST are all supported in the scoping expressions. The syntax of these keywords is identical to that used in Clipper. Note that you can only use one scope keyword at a time. If more than one of these keywords is encountered in a scoping expression, then the last keyword in the expression is the option used.

The ALL keyword (default) specifies that all records in the table should be included in the operation, starting at the first record.

NEXT processes the specified number of records, starting with the current record. For example, NEXT 5 would process the current record and the four records following it.

The RECORD keyword identifies a specific record to process. The desired record number should follow the keyword RECORD. To process record number 3, you would include “RECORD 3” in the expression.

The REST keyword causes processing to begin with the current record, instead of starting at the beginning of the table.


In the event that you want to reorder a table based on field data but don’t need or want to have an index attached to it, you have the option of sorting the table based on the current index. This entails a simple copy from a keyed table to an unkeyed table using the table sort function.

Passwords and Security

Although the Paradox DBMS cannot be considered a data dictionary system, it does have some special characteristics that make it more suitable to networks than the standard Xbase tables. One of these features is the level of security available.

There are two methods to make sure that your data is secure: master passwords and auxiliary passwords. As the owner of a table, you can limit access by attaching a master password to it. Auxiliary passwords can also be identified to establish access to the table and its family.

Once any type of password is identified for a table, its is encrypted. This protects it not only from unauthorized Paradox users but also from anyone trying to dissect it at the DOS file level. The encryption method used by Paradox is literally unbreakable and if you (or your users) forget a table password, there is no way to recover that information.

Auxiliary passwords allow access control at the table and field levels. Access to tables can be restricted to:

. ReadOnly: No changes to the table can be made

. Update: Changes to nonkey fields are allowed, no records can be added or deleted

. Entry: Same as update except that new records can be added

. InsertDelete: Same as Entry except that records can be inserted and deleted

. All: Full access including restructuring and table deletion

Access to the fields can be identified as:

. None: This field data cannot be displayed to the user

. ReadOnly: User can see the field value, but cannot change it

. All: Full access

With DBPX, you may perform basic database operations on Paradox tables without code changes.

Note that because Paradox tables can have primary indexes which are actually part of the table structure specification, when you open a Paradox table, its associated primary index (if applicable) is also opened and activated. The only exception to this rule is if you indicate that you want a secondary index to be activated at the time you open the table. If no primary index is available and no secondary index is specified, the table is opened in natural sequence order.

You can have up to twenty-four Paradox tables open simultaneously. These may be separate tables or the same table repeatedly or any variation in between. This might be important if you want to have more than one secondary index active for a single table, allowing you to move from one work area to another with the only change being the index order of the data in the table. Be careful with this type of multiviewed approach, however, since you will be eating up memory for each work area, despite the fact that they refer to the same table.

Sharing Data in Networks

The DBPX driver supports the native Clipper single-lock locking scheme. Therefore, in a shared environment, your application and Paradox will not see each other’s record locks. This may result in some concurrency corruption and errors.

In a shared environment, DBPX performs no record buffering; immediately writing all changes to disk.

Concurrency is an issue whenever your application is running either on a network or in some other shared environment. One example of a non- network shared environment is when your application is called from another program (like Paradox, Quatro Pro, etc.) that also has access to the Paradox tables. Even if you don’t have any plans to use your program on a network, you should design it to be smart enough not to become a problem if faced with this type of shared example.

Also be aware that many networks have different rights and privilege restrictions and you should know what they are and how to handle them.

Using (.px) and (.ntx) Files Concurrently

You can use both (.px), as well as (.x), (.y) and (.ntx) files concurrently in a Clipper program like this:

// (.ntx) file using default DBFNTX driver
// (.idx) files using DBPX driver

Note, however, that you cannot use (.px) and (.ntx) files in the same work area. For example, the following does not work:

USE File1 VIA "DBFNTX" INDEX File1.ntx, File2.px


In this chapter, you were given an overview of the features and benefits of the DBPX RDD. You also learned how to link this driver and how to use it in your applications.

C5DG-6 DBFNDX Driver

Clipper 5.x – Drivers Guide

Chapter 6

DBFNDX Driver Installation and Usage

DBFNDX is the dBASE III PLUS compatible RDD for Clipper. The DBFNDX driver uses the Clipper driver architecture to access dBASE III PLUS compatible index files within a Clipper program.

In This Chapter

This chapter explains how to install DBFNDX and how to use it in your applications. The following major topics are discussed:

. Overview of the DBFNDX RDD

. Installing DBFNDX Driver Files

. Linking the DBFNDX Driver

. Using the DBFNDX Driver

. Compatibility with dBASE III PLUS

Overview of the DBFNDX RDD

The DBFNDX database driver allows creation, access, and updating of dBASE III and dBASE III PLUS compatible index (.ndx) files. Index files (.ndx) created with Clipper are exactly the same as those created by dBASE III PLUS. All operations that can be performed on standard Clipper index (.ntx) files can be performed on (.ndx) files using the DBFNDX database driver.

In a network environment, the DBFNDX driver supports the Clipper file and record locking scheme. The multiuser behavior is the same as the default DBFNTX driver. This means that the DBFNDX database driver supports concurrent access to (.ndx) files between Clipper applications only. Concurrent access to (.ndx) files between dBASE III PLUS and Clipper programs is not supported.

Important! Updating database (.dbf) and index (.ndx) files shared between dBASE III PLUS and Clipper programs may corrupt the (.dbf) and any of its associated (.ndx) files.

Installing DBFNDX Driver Files

The DBFNDX database driver is supplied as the file, DBFNDX.LIB.

The Clipper installation program installs this driver in the \CLIPPER5\LIB subdirectory on the drive that you specify, so you need not install the driver manually.

Linking the DBFNDX Database Driver

To link the DBFNDX database driver into an application program, you must specify DBFNDX.LIB to the linker in addition to your application object files (.OBJ).

1. To link with .RTLink using positional syntax:

C>RTLINK <appObjectList> ,,, DBFNDX

2. To link with .RTLink using freeformat syntax:


Note: These link commands all assume the LIB, OBJ, and PLL environment variables are set to the standard locations. They also assume that the Clipper programs were compiled without the /R option.

Using the DBFNDX Database Driver

To use (.ndx) files in a Clipper program:

1. Place a REQUEST DBFNDX at the beginning of your application or at the top of the first program file (.prg) that opens a database file using the DBFNDX driver.

2. Specify the VIA “DBFNDX” clause if you open the database file with the USE command.


3. Specify “DBFNDX” for the <cDriver> argument if you open the database file with the DBUSEAREA() function.


4. Use RDDSETDEFAULT(“DBFNDX”) to set the default driver to DBFNDX.

Except in the case of REQUEST, the RDD name must be a literal character string or a variable. In all cases it is important that the driver name be spelled correctly.

The following program fragments illustrate:

USE Customers INDEX Name, Address NEW VIA "DBFNDX"


USE Customers INDEX Name, Address NEW

Using (.ntx) and (.ndx) Files Concurrently

You can use (.ndx) and (.ntx) files concurrently in a Clipper program like this:


// (.ntx) file using default DBFNTX driver USE File1 INDEX File1 NEW

// (.ndx) files using DBFNDX driver USE File2 VIA “DBFNDX” INDEX File2 NEW

Note, however, that you cannot use (.ndx) and (.ntx) files in the same work area. For example, the following does not work:

USE File1 VIA "DBFNDX" INDEX File1.ntx, File2.ndx

Compatibility with dBASE III PLUS

When accessing dBASE III PLUS (.ndx) files, there are several compatibility issues of which you must be aware. These issues are discussed below.

Supported Data Types

The DBFNDX database driver supports the following data types for key expressions:

. Character

. Numeric

. Date

This is consistent with dBASE III PLUS.

The DBFNDX database driver does not support indexing with logical key expressions as does the default DBFNTX database driver. This is actually a dBASE III PLUS limitation and is not supported by the DBFNDX driver in order to enforce compatibility with dBASE III PLUS.

To work around this limitation, index logical values by converting them to character values like this:

INDEX ON IIF(<lExp>, "T", "F") TO <logicalIndex>

Supported Key Expressions

When you create (.ndx) files using the DBFNDX driver, you must use only Clipper or user-defined functions compatible with dBASE III PLUS. Use of the other functions will render the (.ndx) file unreadable in dBASE III PLUS.


In Clipper, you can use the FIND command only to locate keys in indexes where the index key expression is character type. This differs from dBASE III PLUS where FIND supports character and numeric key values.

Note: In Clipper programs, always use the SEEK command or the DBSEEK() function to search an index for a key value.

The DBFNDX driver lets you recover from a data type error raised during a FIND or SEEK. However, since Error:canDefault, Error:canRetry, or Error:canSubstitute are set to false (.F.), you should use BEGIN SEQUENCE…END to handle a SEEK or FIND data type error. Within the error block for the current operation, issue a BREAK() using the error object the DBFNDX database driver generates, like this:

bOld := ERRORBLOCK({|oError| BREAK(oError)})
// Recovery code

There is an extensive discussion of the effective use of the Clipper error system in the Error Handling Strategies chapter of the Programming and Utilities guide.

Sharing Data on a Network

As mentioned above, the DBFNDX driver does not support dBASE III PLUS file and record locking schemes. Instead, the DBFNDX driver supports the DBFNTX file and record locking scheme. This means that if the same database and index files are open in Clipper and dBASE III PLUS, Clipper program locks are not visible to dBASE III PLUS and vice versa.

Warning! Database integrity is not guaranteed and index corruption will occur if Clipper and dBASE III PLUS programs attempt to write to a database or index file at the same time. For this reason, concurrent use of the same database (.dbf) and index (.ndx) files by dBASE III PLUS and Clipper programs is strongly discouraged and not supported.

Compatibility with dBASE IV

Specific compatibility with dBASE IV is provided through the DBFMDX driver. It includes (.dbf), (.mdx), and (.dbt) file format compatibility and is described in detail in the previous chapter.


In this chapter, you were given an overview of the features and benefits of the DBFNDX RDD. You learned how to link this driver and how to use it in your applications, and were given an overview of the compatibility issues.

C5DG-5 DBFMDX Driver

Clipper 5.x – Drivers Guide

Chapter 5

DBFMDX Driver Installation and Usage

DBFMDX is the dBASE IV compatible RDD for Clipper. This driver provides (.dbf), (.dbt), and (.mdx) file format compatibility.

In This Chapter

This chapter explains how to install DBFMDX and how to use it in your applications. The following major topics are discussed:

. Overview of the DBFMDX RDD

. Installing DBFMDX Driver Files

. Linking the DBFMDX Driver

. Using the DBFMDX Driver

Overview of the DBFMDX RDD

The DBFMDX database driver provides dBASE IV compatibility, including access to (.dbf), (.mdx), and (.dbt) file formats. The driver also supports dBASE IV compatible file and record locking schemes, allowing shared access between Clipper and dBASE IV programs.

Installing DBFMDX Driver Files

The DBFMDX database driver is supplied as the file, DBFMDX.LIB.

The Clipper installation program installs this driver in the \CLIPPER5\LIB subdirectory on the drive that you specify, so you need not install the driver manually.

Linking the DBFMDX Database Driver

To link the DBFMDX database driver into an application program, you must specify DBFMDX.LIB to the linker in addition to your application object files (.OBJ).

1. To link with .RTLink using positional syntax:

     C>RTLINK <appObjectList> ,,,DBFMDX

2. To link with .RTLink using freeformat syntax:

         C>RTLINK FI <appObjectList> LIB DBFMDX

Note: These link commands all assume the LIB, OBJ, and PLL environment variables are set to the standard locations. They also assume that the Clipper programs were compiled without the /R option.

Using the DBFMDX Database Driver

To use (.mdx) files in a Clipper program:

1. Place REQUEST DBFMDX at the beginning of your application or at top of the first program file (.prg) that opens a database file using the DBFMDX driver.

2. Specify the VIA “DBFMDX” clause if you open the database file with the USE command.


3. Specify “DBFMDX” for the <cDriver> argument if you open the database file with the DBUSEAREA() function.


4. Use RDDSETDEFAULT(“DBFMDX”) to set the default driver to DBFMDX.

Except in the case of REQUEST, the RDD name must be a literal character string or a variable. In all cases it is important that the driver name be spelled correctly using uppercase letters.

Though the DBFMDX driver supports numbered indexes, you should avoid using them (e.g., in operations like SET ORDER and INDEXKEY()). In a multiple-index system you do not have the absolute control of the numeric position of an open index that you have in a single-index system. As you add, delete, and rebuild index TAGs, their numeric position may change. You should make all command references by name. For example:

SET ORDER TO [<nOrder> | [TAG <cOrderName>] [IN <xcOrderBagName>]]


In this chapter, you were given an overview of the features and benefits of the DBFMDX RDD. You also learned how to link this driver and how to use it in your applications.

C5DG-4 DBFCDX Driver

Clipper 5.x – Drivers Guide

Chapter 4

DBFCDX Driver Installation and Usage

DBFCDX is the FoxPro 2 compatible RDD for Clipper. As such, it connects to the low-level database management subsystem in the Clipper architecture. When you use the DBFCDX RDD, you add a number of new features including:

. FoxPro 2 file format compatibility

. Compact indexes

. Compound indexes

. Conditional indexes

. Memo files smaller than DBFNTX format

In This Chapter

This chapter explains how to install DBFCDX and how to use it in your applications. The following major topics are discussed:

. Overview of the DBFCDX RDD

. Installing DBFCDX Driver Files

. Linking the DBFCDX Driver

. Using the DBFCDX Driver

Overview of the DBFCDX RDD

The DBFCDX driver lets you create and maintain (.cdx) and (.idx) files with features different from those supplied with the original DBFNTX driver and is compatible with files created under FoxPro 2. The new features are supplied in the form of several syntactical additions to the INDEX and REINDEX commands. Specifically, you can:

. Create indexes smaller than those created with the DBFNTX
driver. The key data is stored in a compressed format that
substantially reduces the size of the index file.

. Create a compound index file that contains multiple indexes
(TAGs), making it possible to open several indexes under one file
handle. A single (.cdx) file may contain up to 99 index keys.

. Create conditional indexes (FOR / WHILE / REST / NEXT).

. Create files with FoxPro 2 file format compatibility.

Compact Indexes

Like FoxPro 2, The DBFCDX driver creates compact indexes. This means that the key data is stored in a compressed format, resulting in a substantial size reduction in the index file. Compact indexes store only the actual data for the index keys. Trailing blanks and duplicate bytes between keys are stored in one or two bytes. This allows considerable space savings in indexes with much empty space and similar keys. Since the amount of compression is dependent on many variables, including the number of unique keys in an index, the exact amount of compression is impossible to predetermine.

Compound Indexes

A compound index is an index file that contains multiple indexes (called tags). Compound indexes (.cdx)’s make several indexes available to your application while only using one file handle. Therefore, you can overcome the Clipper index file limit of 15. A compound index can have as many as 99 tags, but the practical limit is around 50. Once you open a compound index, all the tags in the file are automatically updated as the records are changed.

Once you open a compound index, all the tags contained in the file are automatically updated as the records are changed. A tag in a compound index is essentially identical to an individual index (.idx) and supports all the same features. The first tag (in order of creation) in the compound index is, by default, the controlling index.

Conditional Indexes

The DBFCDX driver can create indexes with a built-in FOR clause. These are conditional indexes in which the condition can be any expression, including a user-defined function. As the database is updated, only records that match the index condition are added to the index, and records that satisfied the condition before, but don’t any longer, are automatically removed.

Expanded control over conditional indexing is supported with the revised INDEX and REINDEX command options as in the new DBFNTX driver.

Installing DBFCDX Driver Files

The DBFCDX driver is supplied as the file, DBFCDX.LIB.

The Clipper installation program installs this driver in the \CLIPPER5\LIB subdirectory on the drive that you specify, so you need not install the driver manually.

Linking the DBFCDX Database Driver

To link the DBFCDX database driver into an application program, you must specify DBFCDX.LIB to the linker in addition to your application object files (.OBJ).

1. To link with .RTLink using positional syntax:

C>RTLINK <appObjectList> ,,,DBFCDX

2. To link with .RTLink using freeformat syntax:


Note: These link commands all assume the LIB, OBJ, and PLL environment variables are set to the standard locations. They also assume that the Clipper programs were compiled without the /R option.

Using the DBFCDX Database Driver

To use FoxPro 2 files in a Clipper program:

1. Place REQUEST DBFCDX at the beginning of your application or at the top of the first program file       (.prg) that opens a database file using the DBFCDX driver.

2. Specify the VIA “DBFCDX” clause if you open the database file with the USE command.


3. Specify “DBFCDX” for the <cDriver> argument if you open the database file with the DBUSEAREA()       function.


4. Use ( “DBFCDX” ) to set the default driver to DBFCDX.

    Except in the case of REQUEST, the RDD name must be a literal character string or a variable. In all       cases it is important that the driver name be spelled correctly.

The following program fragments illustrate:

  USE Customers INDEX Name, Address NEW VIA "DBFCDX"


  USE Customers INDEX Name, Address NEW

Using (.idx) and (.ntx) Files Concurrently

You can use both (.idx) and (.ntx) files concurrently in a Clipper program like this:

// (.ntx) file using default DBFNTX driver
 USE File1 INDEX File1 NEW
// (.idx) files using DBFCDX driver

Note, however, that you cannot use (.idx) and (.ntx) files in the same work area. For example, the following does not work:

USE File1 VIA "DBFNTX" INDEX File1.ntx, File2.idx

Using (.cdx) and (.idx) Files Concurrently

You may use (.cdx) with (.idx) files concurrently (even in the same work area); however, in most cases it is easier to use a single (.cdx) index for each database file or separate (.idx) files. When using both types of index at the same time, attempting to select an Order based on its Order Number can be confusing and will become difficult to maintain.

File Maintenance under DBFCDX

When an existing tag in a compound index (.cdx) is rebuilt using INDEX ON…TAG… the space used by the original tag is not automatically reclaimed. Instead, the new tag is added to the end of the file, increasing file size.

You can use the REINDEX command to “pack” the index file. REINDEX rebuilds each tag, eliminating any unused space in the file.

If you rebuild your indexes on a regular basis, you should either delete your (.cdx) files before rebuilding the tags or use the REINDEX command to rebuild them instead.

DBFCDX and Memo Files

The DBFCDX driver uses FoxPro compatible memo (.fpt) files to store data for memo fields. These memo files have a default block size of 64 bytes rather than the 512 byte default for (.dbt) files.

DBFCDX memo files can store any type of data. While (.dbt) files use an end of file marker (ASCII 26) at the end of a memo entry, (.fpt) files store the length of the entry. This not only eliminates the problems normally encountered with storing binary data in a memo field but also speeds up memo field access since the data need not be scanned to determine the length.

Tips For Using DBFCDX

1. Make sure index extensions aren’t hard-coded in your application. The default extension for DBFCDX indexes is (.idx), not (.ntx). You can still use (.ntx) as the extension as long as you specify the extension when you create your indexes. The best way to determine index extensions in an application is to call ORDBAGEXT().

For example, if you currently use the following code to determine the existence of an index file:

IF .NOT. FILE("index.ntx")
    INDEX ON field TO index

Change the code to include the INDEXEXT() function, as follows:

   INDEX ON field TO index

2. If your application uses memo fields, you should convert your (.dbt) files to (.fpt) files.

There are some good reasons for using (.fpt) files. Most important is the smaller block size (64 bytes). Clipper’s (.dbt) files use a fixed block size of 512 bytes which means that every time you store even 1 byte in a memo field Clipper uses 512 bytes to store it. If the data in a memo field grows to 513 bytes, then two blocks are required.

When creating (.fpt) files, the block size is set at 64 bytes to optimize it for your needs. A simple conversion from (.dbt) files to (.fpt) files will generally shrink your memo files by approximately 30%.

3. Add DBFCDX.LIB as a library to your link command or link script.


In this chapter, you were given an overview of the features and benefits of the DBFCDX RDD. You also learned how to link this driver and how to use it in your applications.

C5DG-3 RDD Reference

Clipper 5.x – Drivers Guide

Chapter 3

RDD Reference


APPEND FROM     Import records from a (.dbf) or ASCII file                  
COPY TO         Export records to a new (.dbf) or ASCII file                
DBAPPEND()      Append a new record to the database in the current work area
DBGOTO()        Position record pointer to a specific identity              
DBRLOCK()       Lock the record at the current or specified identity        
DBRLOCKLIST()   Return an array of the current Lock List                    
DBRUNLOCK()     Release all or specified record locks                       
DBSETINDEX()*   Empty Orders from an Order Bag into the Order List          
DELETE TAG      Delete a Tag                                                
GO              Move the pointer to the specified identity                  
INDEX           Create an index file                                        
ORDBAGEXT()     Return the default Order Bag RDD extension                  
ORDBAGNAME()    Return the Order Bag name of a specific Order               
ORDCREATE()     Create an Order in an Order Bag                             
ORDDESTROY()    Remove a specified Order from an Order Bag                  
ORDFOR()        Return the FOR expression of an Order                       
ORDKEY()        Return the key expression of an Order                       
ORDLISTADD()    Add Orders to the Order List                                
ORDLISTCLEAR()  Clear the current Order List                                
ORDLISTREBUI()  Rebuild all Orders in Order List of the current work area   
ORDNAME()       Return the name of an Order in the Order List               
ORDNUMBER()     Return the position of an Order in the current Order List   
ORDSETFOCUS()   Set focus to an Order in an Order List                      
RDDLIST()       Return an array of available Replaceable Database Drivers   
RDDNAME()       Return name of RDD active in current or specified work area 
RDDSETDEFAULT() Set or return the default RDD for the application           
RECNO()         Return the identity at the position of the record pointer   
SEEK            Search an Order for a specified key value                   
SET INDEX       Open one or more Order Bags in the current work area        
SET ORDER       Select the controlling Order

C5DG-2 RDD Architecture

Clipper 5.x – Drivers Guide

Chapter 2

Replaceable Database Driver Architecture

Clipper supports a driver architecture that allows Clipper applications to use Replaceable Database Drivers (RDDs). The RDD system makes Clipper applications data-format independent. Such applications can, therefore, access the data formats of other database systems, including the dBASE IV (.mdx), FoxPro (.cdx), and Paradox (.db) formats on a variety of equipment. This driver architecture can even support database drivers that are not file-based, although all of the drivers supplied with Clipper 5.x are file-based.

The concept of replaceable drivers is not new to this version of Clipper. In previous versions, the use of the default database driver (DBFNTX.LIB) was hidden by the fact that it was automatically linked into your application. In fact, this is still the case. The DBFNTX driver has been replaceable since it was first introduced in version 5.0. Before this version, the DBFNTX driver was the only RDD supplied as part of the system.

In This Chapter

With the introduction of the new RDDs, Clipper provides many new and enhanced commands and functions that access and manipulate databases. These language elements can enable your applications to access data regardless of the RDD under which it is ordered. There are also commands and functions that give you specific information about the RDDs in use.

The Language Implementation section of this chapter includes tables that summarize these new and enhanced language elements. This chapter also covers basic terminology, implementation principals, and general concepts of the Order Management System.

The following major topics are discussed:

. RDD Basics

. Basic Terminology

. The Language Implementation

. Order Management System

RDD Basics

The cornerstone of the replaceable database driver system is the Clipper work area. All Clipper database commands and functions operate in a work area through a database driver that actually performs the access to the stored database information. The layering of the system looks like this:


                      | Database Commands and Functions |
                      |          RDD Interface          |
                      |         Database driver         |
                      |           Stored Data           |

 In this system, each work area is associated with a single database driver. Each database driver, in turn, is supplied as a separate library file (.LIB) you link into your application programs. Within an application, you specify the name of the database driver when you open or access a database file or table with the USE command or DBUSEAREA() function. If you specify no database driver at the time a file is opened, the default driver is used. You may select which driver will be used as the default driver.

Once you open a database in a work area, the RDD used for that work area is automatically used for all operations on that database (except commands and functions that create a new table). Any command or function that creates a new table (i.e., SORT, CREATE FROM, DBCREATE(), etc.) uses the default RDD. Most of the new commands and functions let you specify a driver other than the default driver.

The normal default database driver, DBFNTX (which supports the traditional (.dbf), (.ntx), and (.dbt) files) is installed into your \CLIPPER5\LIB directory. This driver is linked into each program automatically to provide backwards compatibility.

To use any of the other supplied drivers, either as an additional driver or an alternate driver, you must use the REQUEST command to assure that the driver will be linked in. You must also include the appropriate library on the link line.

All Clipper applications will automatically include code generated by RDDSYS.PRG from the \CLIPPER5\SOURCE\SYS subdirectory. If you wish to automatically load another RDD, you must modify and compile RDDSYS.PRG and link the resulting object file into your application. The content of the default RDDSYS.PRG is shown below. Only the portion in bold should be modified

     //  Current RDDSYS.PRG
     #include ""

     ANNOUNCE RDDSYS                     // This line must not change
        REQUEST DBFNTX                   // Force link for DBFNTX RDD
        RDDSETDEFAULT( "DBFNTX" )        // Set up DBFNTX as default
                                         // driver


     // eof: rddsys.prg

To change the default to a new automatically-loading driver, modify the bold lines in RDDSYS.PRG to include the name of the new driver. For example:

     //  Revised RDDSYS.PRG
     #include ""

     ANNOUNCE RDDSYS                     // This line must not change
        REQUEST DBFCDX                   // Force link for DBFCDX RDD
        RDDSETDEFAULT( "DBFCDX" )        // Set up DBFCDX as default
                                         // driver


     // eof: rddsys.prg

If you change this file, all Clipper applications in which it is linked will automatically include the new RDD.

To use any RDD other than the default, you must explicitly identify it through use of the VIA clause of the USE command.

You need not disable the automatic DBFNTX loading to use other RDDs in your applications, but if your application will not use any DBFNTX functionality, you can save its code overhead by disabling it.

To completely disable the automatic loading of a default RDD, remove the two lines shown above in bold. For example:

     //  New Revised RDDSYS.PRG
     //  disables auto-loading
     #include ""

     ANNOUNCE RDDSYS                     // This line must not change

     // eof: rddsys.prg

Basic Terminology

The RDD architecture introduces several new terms and concepts that are key to the design and usage of RDDs. You should familiarize yourself with these concepts and terms as you begin to use the RDD functionality. The meaning of some earlier terminology is also further defined. The following RDD functional glossary defines the terminology for all RDDs.

. Key Expression : A valid Clipper expression that creates a key value from a single record.

. Key Value : A value that is based on value(s) contained within database fields, associated with a particular record in a database.

. Identity : A unique value guaranteed by the structure of the data file to reference a specific record in a database even if the record is empty. In the Xbase file (.dbf), the identity is the record number; but it could be the value of a unique primary key or even the offset of an array in memory.

. Keyed-Pair : A pair consisting of a key value and an identity.

. Identity Order : Describes a database arranged by identity. In Xbase, this refers to the physical arrangement of the records in the database in the order in which they were entered (natural order).

. Tag : A set of keyed-pairs that provides ordered access to the table based on a key value. Usually, an Order in a multiple-Order index (Order). An Order.

. Order : A named mechanism (index) that provides logical access to a database according to the keyed-pairs. This term encompasses both single indexes and the Tags in multiple-Tag indexes.

Orders are not, themselves, data files. They provide access to data that gives the appearance of an ordering of the data in a specific way. This ordering is defined by the relationships between keyed- pairs. An Order does not change the physical (the natural or entry) order of data in a database.

. Controlling Order : The active Order (index) for a particular work area. Only one Order may control a work area at any time, and it controls the order in which the database is accessed during paging and searching.

. Order List : A list of all the Orders available to the database in the specified work area.

. Order Bag : A container that holds zero or more Orders. Normally a disk or memory file. A traditional index like (.ntx) is an Order Bag that holds only one Order. A multiple-Tag index (.mdx or .cdx) is an Order Bag that holds zero or more Orders. Though Order Bags may be a memory or disk file, Clipper 5.x only supports Order Bags as disk files.

. Record : A record in the traditional database paradigm is a row of one or more related columns (fields) of data. In the expanded architecture of Clipper, a record could be data that does not exactly fit this definition.

A record is, in this expanded context, data associated with a single identity. In an Xbase data structure, this corresponds to a row (fields associated with a record number); in other data structures, this may not be the case.

In this document we use “record” in the traditional sense, but you should be aware that Clipper permits expansion of the meaning of record.

. single-Order Bag : An Order Bag that can contain only one Order. The (.ntx) and (.ndx) files are examples of single-Order Bags.

. multiple-Order Bag : An Order Bag that can contain any number of Orders; a multiple-Tag index. The (.cdx) and (.mdx) files are examples of multiple-Order Bags.

. maintainable scoped Orders : Scoped (filtered) Orders created using the FOR clause. The FOR condition is stored in the index header. Orders of this type are correctly updated using the expression to reflect record updates, deletions and additions.

. non-maintainable/temporary Orders : Orders created using the WHILE or NEXT clauses. These Orders are useful because they can be created quickly. However, the conditions in these clauses are not stored in the index header. Therefore, Orders of this type are not correctly updated to reflect record updates, deletions and additions. They are only for temporary use.

. Lock List : A list of the records that are currently locked in the work area.

The Language Implementation

To support the RDD architecture and let you design applications that are independent of the data format you are using, many existing Clipper commands and functions have been enhanced, and several new language elements have been added. The following tables summarize these changes and additions. See the Reference chapter of this guide for more detailed information on a particular item.

     Enhanced Commands and Functions
     Command/Function  Changes
     APPEND FROM       VIA clause
     COPY TO           VIA clause
     DBAPPEND()        Terminology
     GO                Terminology
     DBAPPEND()        Terminology
     INDEX             ALL, EVAL, EVERY, NEXT, RECORD, REST, TAG, and
                       UNIQUE clauses
     SEEK              SOFTSEEK option
     SET INDEX         ADDITIVE clause
     SET ORDER         IN, TAG clauses
     DBSETINDEX()      Terminology
     RECNO()           Terminology

     New Commands and Functions
     Command/Function    Description
     DELETE TAG          Delete a Tag (Order)
     DBGOTO()            Position record pointer to a specific identity
     DBRLOCK()           Lock the record at the current or specified identity
     DBRLOCKLIST()       Return an array of the currently locked records
     DBRUNLOCK           Release all or specified record locks
     ORDBAGEXT()         Return the Order Bag file extension
     ORDBAGNAME()        Return the Order Bag name of a specific Order
     ORDCREATE()         Create an Order in an Order Bag
     ORDDESTROY()        Remove a specified Order from an Order Bag
     ORDFOR()            Return the FOR expression of an Order
     ORDKEY()            Return the Key expression of an Order
     ORDLISTADD()        Add Order Bag contents or single Order to the Order
     ORDLISTCLEAR()      Clear the current Order List
     ORDLISTREBUILD()    Rebuild all Orders in the Order List of the current
                         work area
     ORDNAME()           Return the name of an Order in the work area
     ORDNUMBER()         Return the position of an Order in the current Order
     ORDSETFOCUS()       Set focus to an Order in an Order List
     RDDLIST()           Return an array of the available Replaceable
                         Database Drivers
     RDDNAME()           Return the name of the RDD active in the current or
                         specified work area
     RDDSETDEFAULT()     Set or return the default RDD for the application

User Interface Levels

We want to make it easy for you to quickly take advantage of the added functionality provided in Clipper 5.x. In order to effectively use the RDDs, you should read the following discussions. They are provided as a means of identifying the degree of programming knowledge or Clipper experience that will let you effectively use the RDD features.

For this purpose the RDD feature set is arbitrarily divided into levels A and B. Tables listing the commands or functions that comprise these access levels are also supplied. In addition, an RDD Features Summary is provided in table form which outlines the features available in each driver. The commands and functions in both of these levels of access are described in the Reference chapter of this guide.

Level A – Command-Level Interface

Level A. a simple command-level interface very similar to those found in other languages (e.g., dBASE IV, FoxPro). This is the primary access for new Clipper users who may or may not be familiar with other languages.

The following table lists the commands and functions accessible by the Clipper programmer with background in languages such as dBASE or FoxPro. The commands and functions in this table provide access to the additional features without requiring an advanced knowledge of Clipper or other programming concepts.

     Basic Commands and Functions
     Command/Function  Changes
     DELETE TAG        Delete a Tag
     GOTO              Move the pointer to the specified identity
     INDEX             Create an index file
     SEEK              Search an Order for a specified key value
     SET INDEX         Open one or more Order Bags in the current work area
     SET ORDER         Select the controlling Order
     DBAPPEND()        Append a new record to the current Lock List
     DBRLOCK()         Lock the record at the current or specified identity
     DBRLOCKLIST()     Return an array of the current Lock List
     DBRUNLOCK         Release all or specified record locks

Level B – Function-Level Interface

Level B. Clipper also adds a function level interface that not only allows access to the enhanced functionality of the drivers, but permits the building of higher-level functions using these composing behaviors. This level is meant for more experienced Clipper users who need to take advantage of the full power of the driver and Order Management System.

The following table lists the DML and Order Management functions recommended to the intermediate to advanced Clipper programmer. These functions provide the greatest flexibility in accessing the extended features of these drivers

     Advanced Functions (including Order Management)
     Command/Function    Description
     DBAPPEND()          Append a new record to the current Lock List
     DBRLOCK()           Lock the record at the current or specified identity
     DBRLOCKLIST()       Return an array of the current Lock List
     DBRUNLOCK()         Release all or specified record locks
     ORDBAGEXT()         Return the default Order Bag RDD extension
     ORDBAGNAME()        Return the Order Bag name of a specific Order
     ORDCREATE()         Create an Order in an Order Bag
     ORDDESTROY()        Remove a specified Order from an Order Bag
     ORDFOR()            Return the FOR expression of an Order
     ORDKEY()            Return the Key expression of an Order
     ORDLISTADD()        Add Order Bag contents or single Order to the Order
     ORDLISTCLEAR()      Clear the current Order List
     ORDLISTREBUILD()    Rebuild all Orders in the Order List of the current
                         work area
     ORDNAME()           Return the name of an Order in the work area
     ORDNUMBER()         Return the position of an Order in the current Order
     ORDSETFOCUS()       Set focus to an Order in an Order List
     RDDLIST()           Return an array of the available Replaceable
                         Database Drivers
     RDDNAME()           Return the name of the RDD active in the current or
                         specified work area
     RDDSETDEFAULT()     Set or return the default RDD for the application

RDD Features

The following decision table summarizes the availability of key features across RDDs. It lists the features available in each RDD so you can use it as an aid in correct RDD implementation and data access.

     RDD Features Summary
     Item                                NTX   NDX   MDX   CDX  DBPX
     Implicit record unlocking in        Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes  Yes
     single lock mode
     Multiple Record Locks               Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes  No
     Number of Concurrent Record Locks   *1    *1    *1    *1   1
     Order Management (Tag support)      Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes  No
     Orders (Tags) per Order Bag (File)  1     1     47    50   N/A
     Number of Order Bags (Files)        15    15    15    15   N/A
     per work area
     Conditional Indexes (FOR clause)    Yes   No    Yes   Yes  No
     Temporary (Partial) Indexes         Yes   No    No    Yes  No
     (WHILE, ... )
     Descending via DESCENDING clause    Yes   No    Yes   Yes  No
     Unique via the UNIQUE clause        Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes  No
     EVAL and EVERY clause support       Yes   No    No    Yes  No
     Production/Structural Indexes       No    No    Yes   Yes  No
     Maximum Key Expression length       256   256   220   255  N/A
     Maximum FOR Condition length        256   N/A   261   255  N/A

     *1 determined by available memory.

Clipper 5.x Order Management

Clipper includes a new Order Management System which provides a more effective and flexible way of indexing data. The main objective of the new Order Management implementation is to raise the Xbase indexing paradigm from a low level of abstraction (Xbase database specific) to a higher, more robust, level. This higher level of abstraction allows the user to build new commands and functions.

Low level abstraction refers to manipulation of discrete elements in the database architecture (i.e., field names and sizes, methods of handling controlling indexes, etc.).

High level abstraction refers to manipulation of general elements in a data source. It lets us, for example, set a controlling Order without explicitly addressing the character of the data file structure. This higher level of abstraction was achieved by reviewing all the processes that indexes have in common.

The Order Management function set was generically named (i.e. non-dbf specific) to provide a semantic that could encompass future RDD implementations that may not be file-bound. For example, an RDD could easily be created that orders (indexes) on a memory array, or other data structure, instead of a database. Therefore, all Order Management functions simply begin with ORD (for Order). You will find the function names to be self-explanatory (e.g., ORDCREATE() creates an Order, and ORDDESTROY() destroys an Order).


An Order is a set of keyed-pairs that provides a logical ordering of the records in an associated database file. Each key in an Order (index) is associated with a particular identity (record number) in the data set (database file). The records can be processed sequentially in key order, and any record can be located by performing a SEEK operation with the associated key value. An Order never physically changes the data that it’s applied against, but creates a different view of that data.

There are at least four basic types of processes that you can perform with an Order:

1. Ordering: Changes the sequence in which you view the data records.

2. Scoping: Constrains the visibility of data to specified upper and lower bounds. Determines the range of data items included, through a scoping rule, like the WHILE clause.

3. Filtration: Visibility of data is subject to conditional evaluation. Filtration determines which items of data are included, through a filter rule, like the FOR clause.

4. Translation: Values in underlying data source are translated (or converted) in some form based on a selection criteria. For example:


The difference between scope and condition as it applies to FOR and WHILE is that the WHILE clause provides scope, but not filtering, but a FOR clause can provide both.

There are three primary elements in Order Management:

. Order: An Order is a set that has two elements in it: an Order Name, which is a logical name that can be referenced, and an Order Expression which supplies the view of the data. The Order Name provides logical access to the expression and the Order Expression provides a way of viewing the underlying data source. Data ordering can also be modified to ascending or descending sequence.

– Order Name: An Order Name is a symbolic name, that you use to manipulate an Order, like a file’s alias. The difference between an Order Name and the Order Number with which you would normally access indexes (Orders), is that the Order Name is stored in the index file. It is available each time you run the program, and is maintained by the system. The Order Number is generated each time the Order is added to an Order List and may change from one program execution to another. This makes Order Name the preferred means of referencing Orders.

– Order Expression: Is any valid Clipper expression. This is an index expression such as:


This expression produces the ordered view of the data. The values derived from this expression are sorted, and it is the relationship of these values to one another that provides the actual ordering.

. Order Number: An Order Number is provided by the Order List. An Order Number is only valid as long as the work area to which it belongs is open.

– Order Numbers provide one of the services performed by Order Names, allowing you to access a specific Order. In general, you should avoid accessing Orders by number.

– The ORDNUMBER() function returns the ordinal position of the specified <orderName> within the specified <orderList>.

. Order Bag: Unsorted collection of Orders. Each Order contains two elements (Order Name and Order Expression). Each Order Bag may have zero to n Orders. The maximum is determined by the RDD driver being used. Order Bags are similar to multiple-index files in that there’s no guarantee of any specific order within the container or Bag. Within an Order Bag you can access specific Orders by referencing a particular Order Name. Order Bags have persistence between activations of the program.

. Order List: An Order List orders the collection of Orders that are associated with and active in the current work area. It provides an access to the Orders active within a given work area. Each work area has an Order List, and there is only one Order List per work area. An Order List is created when a new work area is opened, and exists only as long as that work area is active. Once you close a work area, the Order List ceases to exist.

When you SET INDEX TO, the contents of the Order Bag are emptied into the Order List. At this point, the Orders in the Order List are active in the work area, where they will be updated as the data associated with the work area is modified. You may access an Order in the list by its Order Number or by its Order Name. You should access an Order by its name rather than a hard-coded ordinal position. You can make any Order in the Order List the controlling Order by giving it focus, as explained below.

. Order List Focus: Order List Focus is, essentially, a pointer to the Order that is used to change the view of the data. It is synonymous with controlling Order or controlling index, and defines the active index order. The SET ORDER TO command does not modify the Order List in any way. It does not clear the active indexes. It only changes the Order List Focus (the controlling order in the Order List).


The following list contains specific information regarding Order Bag usage and limitations with DBFNDX and DBFNTX index files:

. Single-Order Bags: With DBFNDX and DBFNTX you can explicitly assign the Order Name within the Order creation syntax. You can then use the Order Name in any command or function that accepts an Order Name (Tag) as a parameter.

. Single-Order Bag with INDEX ON: Single-Order Bags may retain the Order Name between activations. During creation, DBFNTX stores an optionally supplied Order Name in the file’s header for subsequent use. Therefore, the Order Name is not necessarily the same as that of the file. By contrast, DBFNDX cannot store an Order Name since this would prevent dBASE from accessing the file. By default DBFNDX Orders inherit the name of their index file.


This chapter has introduced you to the RDD concept, giving you specific information on the architecture that implements RDDs in Clipper. The basic terminology of RDDs has also been defined.

Finally, you have seen an overview of the language enhancements designed to make using RDDs straightforward and to let you build applications that do not depend on the RDD in use. The next chapter elaborates on these language enhancements, discussing syntax and usage in detail.


 Set or return the default RDD for the application

        --> cPreviousDefaultRDD


     <cNewDefaultRDD> is a character string, the name of the RDD that is
     to be made the new default RDD in the application.


     RDDSETDEFAULT() returns a character string, cPreviousDefaultRDD, the
     name of the previous default driver.  The default driver is the driver
     that Clipper uses if you do not explicitly specify an RDD with the
     VIA clause of the USE command.


     RDDSETDEFAULT() is an RDD function that sets or returns the name of the
     previous default RDD driver and, optionally, sets the current driver to
     the new RDD driver specified by cNewDefaultRDD.  If <cNewDefaultDriver>
     is not specified, the current default driver name is returned and
     continues to be the current default driver.

     This function replaces the DBSETDRIVER() function.


     // If the default driver is not DBFNTX, make it the default

        cOldRdd := RDDSETDEFAULT( "DBFNTX" )


C5 RDD Functions

          MEMOSETSUPER() :

Set an RDD inheritance chain for the DBFMEMO database driver

         MEMOSETSUPER([<cSuperRDD>]) --> cOldSuperName


Return an array of the available Replaceable Database Drivers

RDDLIST([<nRDDType>]) --> aRDDList


Return the name of the RDD active in the current or specified work area

RDDNAME() --> cRDDName


Set or return the default RDD for the application

         RDDSETDEFAULT([<cNewDefaultRDD>]) --> cPreviousDefaultRDD