

Change the video mode to a specified number of rows and columns


      SetMode( <nRows>,  <nCols> ) --> lSuccess


<nRows> is the number of rows for the video mode to set.

<nCols> is the number of columns for the video mode to set.


SetMode() returns true if the video mode change was successful; otherwise, it returns false.


SetMode() is a function that change the video mode depend on the video card and monitor combination, to match the number of rows and columns specified. Note that there are only a real few combination or rows/cols pairs that produce the video mode change. The followings are availables for GTDOS:

         12 rows x 40 columns   12 rows x 80 columns
         25 rows x 40 columns   25 rows x 80 columns
         28 rows x 40 columns   28 rows x 80 columns
         50 rows x 40 columns   43 rows x 80 columns
                                50 rows x 80 columns

The follow modes are available to Windows :

         25 rows x 40 columns   25 rows x 80 columns
         50 rows x 40 columns   43 rows x 80 columns
         50 rows x 80 columns

Some modes only are availables for color and/or VGA monitors. Any change produced on the screen size is updated in the values returned by MaxRow() and MaxCol().


      // The first example change to a 12 lines of display mode:
      IF SetMode( 12,  40 )
         ? "Hey man are you blind ?"
         ? "Mom bring me my glasses!"

      // Next example change to a 50 lines mode:
      IF SetMode( 50,  80 )
         ? "This wonderful mode was successfully set"
         ? "Wait. this monitor are not made in rubber !"


Some of these modes are not availables in CA-Cl*pper


DOS, Win


MaxCol(), MaxRow()

3 responses to “SetMode()

  1. Pingback: Harbour All Functions – S | Viva Clipper !

  2. Pingback: Harbour Set Functions | Viva Clipper !

  3. Pingback: Harbour RG Summary | Viva Clipper !

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