

Changes or evaluated environmental settings


      Set(<nSet> [,  <xNewSetting> [,  <xOption> ] ] ) --> xPreviousSetting


<nSet> Set Number

<xNewSetting> Any expression to assign a value to the setting

<xOption> Logical expression

<nSet> <xNewSetting> <xOption>

_SET_ALTERNATE <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

If enabled, QOut() and QQOut() write to the screen and to a file, provided that a file has been opened or created with _SET_ALTFILE. If disabled, which is the default, QOut() and QQOut() only write to the screen (and/or to the PRINTFILE). Defaults to disabled.

_SET_ALTFILE <cFileName> <lAdditive>

When set, creates or opens file to write QOut() and QQOut() output to. If <lAdditive> is TRUE and the file already exists, the file is opened and positioned at end of file. Otherwise, the file is created. If a file is already opened, it is closed before the new file is opened or created (even if it is the same file). The default file extension is “.txt”. There is no default file name. Call with an empty string to close the file.

_SET_AUTOPEN <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

TODO: Document

_SET_AUTORDER <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

TODO: Document

_SET_AUTOSHARE <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

TODO: Document

_SET_BELL <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

When enabled, the bell sounds when the last position of a GET is reached and/or when a GET validation fails. Disabled by default.

_SET_CANCEL <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

When enabled, which is the default, pressing Alt+C or Ctrl+Break terminates the program. When disabled, both keystrokes can be read by Inkey(). Note: SET KEY has precedence over SET CANCEL.

_SET_COLOR <cColorSet>

Sets the current color scheme, using color pairs in the sequence “<standard>, <enhanced>, <border>, <background>, <unselected>”. Each color pair uses the format “<foreground>/<background>”. The color codes are space or “N” for black, “B” for blue, “G” for green, “BG” for Cyan, “R” for red, “RB” for magenta, “GR” for brown, “W” for white, “N+” for gray, “B+” for bright blue, “G+” for bright green, “BG+” for bright cyan, “R+” for bright red, “RB+” for bright magenta, “GR+” for yellow, and “W+” for bright white. Special codes are “I” for inverse video, “U” for underline on a monochrome monitor (blue on a color monitor), and “X” for blank. The default color is “W/N, N/W, N, N, N/W”.

_SET_CONFIRM <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

If enabled, an exit key must be pressed to leave a GET. If disabled, which is the default, typing past the end will leave a GET.

_SET_CONSOLE <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

If enabled, which is the default, all screen output goes to the screen. When disabled, screen output is suppressed (Note: This setting does not affect OutStd() or OutErr()).

_SET_CURSOR <nCursorType>

If enabled, which is the default, the cursor is displayed on screen. If disabled, the screen cursor is hidden.


Sets the default date format for display, date input, and date conversion. Defaults to American (“mm/dd/yy”). Other formats include ANSI (“”), British (“dd/mm/yy”), French (“dd/mm/yy”), German (“”), Italian (“dd-mm-yy”), Japan (“yy/mm/dd”), and USA (“mm-dd-yy”). SET CENTURY modifies the date format. SET CENTURY ON replaces the “y”s with “YYYY”. SET CENTURY OFF replaces the “y”s with “YY”.

_SET_DEBUG <lStatus>

When set to .T., pressing Alt+D activates the debugger. When set to .F., which is the default, Alt+D can be read by Inkey(). (Also affected by AltD(1) and AltD(0))

_SET_DECIMALS <nNumberOfDecimals>

Sets the number of decimal digits to use when displaying printing numeric values when SET FIXED is ON. Defaults to 2. If SET FIXED is OFF, then SET DECIMALS is only used to determine the number of decimal digits to use after using Exp(), Log(), Sqrt(), or division. Other math operations may adjust the number of decimal digits that the result will display. Note: This never affects the precision of a number. Only the display format is affected.

_SET_DEFAULT <cDefaultDirectory>

Sets the default directory in which to open, create and check for files. Defaults to current directory (blank).

_SET_DELETED <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

If enabled, deleted records will be processed. If disabled, which is the default, deleted records will be ignored.

_SET_DELIMCHARS <cDelimiters>

Sets the GET delimiter characters. Defaults to “::”.

_SET_DELIMITERS <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

If enabled, GETs are delimited on screen. If disabled, which is the default, no GET delimiters are used.

_SET_DEVICE <cDeviceName>

Selects the output device for DevOut(). When set to “PRINTER”, all output is sent to the printer device or file set by _SET_PRINTFILE. When set to anything else, all output is sent to the screen. Defaults to “SCREEN”.

_SET_EOF <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

Defaults to FALSE on UN*X, but defaults to TRUE on everything else. If set to FALSE, then Chr( 26 ) does not get written when using COPY TO DELIMITED, COPY TO SDF, or when closing any of the various text files that are created using various SET values. [This is a Harbour extension]

_SET_EPOCH <nYear>

Determines how to handle the conversion of 2-digit years to 4 digit years. When a 2-digit year is greater than or equal to the year part of the epoch, the century part of the epoch is added to the year. When a 2-digit year is less than the year part of the epoch, the century part of the epoch is incremented and added to the year. The default epoch is 1900, which converts all 2-digit years to 19xx. Example: If the epoch is set to 1950, 2-digit years in the range from 50 to 99 get converted to 19xx and 2-digit years in the range 00 to 49 get converted to 20xx.

_SET_ESCAPE <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

When enabled, which is the default, pressing Esc will exit a READ. When disabled, pressing Esc during a READ is ignored, unless the Esc key has been assigned to a function using SET KEY.

_SET_EVENTMASK <nEventCodes>

Determines which events Inkey() will respond to. INKEY_MOVE allows mouse movement events. INKEY_LDOWN allows the left mouse button down click. INKEY_LUP allows the left mouse button up click. INKEY_RDOWN allows the right mouse button down click. INKEY_RUP allows the right mouse button up clock. INKEY_KEYBOARD allows keyboard keystrokes. INKEY_ALL allows all of the preceding events. Events may be combined (e.g., using INKEY_LDOWN + INKEY_RUP will allow left mouse button down clicks and right mouse button up clicks). The default is INKEY_KEYBOARD.

_SET_EXACT <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

When enabled, all string comparisons other than “==” exclude trailing spaces when checking for equality. When disabled, which is the default, all string comparisons other than “==” treat two strings as equal if the right hand string is “” or if the right hand string is shorter than or the same length as the left hand string and all of the characters in the right hand string match the corresponding characters in the left hand string.

_SET_EXCLUSIVE <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

When enabled, which is the default, all database files are opened in exclusive mode. When disabled, all database files are opened in shared mode. Note: The EXCLUSIVE and SHARED clauses of the USE command can be used to override this setting.

_SET_EXIT <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

Toggles the use of Uparrow and Dnarrow as READ exit keys. Specifying true (.T.) enables them as exit keys, and false (.F.) disables them. Used internally by the ReadExit() function.

_SET_EXTRA <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

QUESTION: What is this for? It does not affect _SET_EXTRAFILE in CA-Cl*pper!

_SET_EXTRAFILE <cFileName> <lAdditive>

When set, creates or opens file to write QOut() and QQOut() output to. If <lAdditive> is TRUE and the file already exists, the file is opened and positioned at end of file. Otherwise, the file is created. If a file is already opened, it is closed before the new file is opened or created (even if it is the same file). The default file extension is “.prn”. There is no default file name. Call with an empty string to close the file.

_SET_FIXED <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

When enabled, all numeric values will be displayed and printed with the number of decimal digits set by SET DECIMALS, unless a PICTURE clause is used. When disabled, which is the default, the number of decimal digits that are displayed depends upon a variety of factors. See _SET_DECIMALS for more.

_SET_INSERT <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

When enabled, characters typed in a GET or MEMOEDIT are inserted. When disabled, which is the default, characters typed in a GET or MEMOEDIT overwrite. Note: This setting can also be toggled between on and off by pressing the Insert key during a GET or MEMOEDIT.

_SET_INTENSITY <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

When enabled, which is the default, GETs and PROMPTs are displayed using the enhanced color setting. When disabled, GETs and PROMPTs are displayed using the standard color setting.


Specifies the language to be used for Harbour messages. [This is a Harbour extension]

_SET_MARGIN <nColumns>

Sets the left margin for all printed output. The default value is 0. Note: PCol() reflects the printer’s column position including the margin (e.g., SET MARGIN TO 5 followed by DevPos(5, 10) makes PCol() return 15).

_SET_MBLOCKSIZE <nMemoBlockSize>

TODO: Document

_SET_MCENTER <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

If enabled, display PROMPTs centered on the MESSAGE row. If disabled, which is the default, display PROMPTS at column position 0 on the MESSAGE row.


If set to 0, which is the default, PROMPTs are always suppressed. Otherwise, PROMPTs are displayed on the set row. Note: It is not possible to display prompts on the top-most screen row, because row 0 is reserved for the SCOREBOARD, if enabled.

_SET_MFILEEXT <cMemoFileExt>

TODO: Document

_SET_OPTIMIZE <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

TODO: Document

_SET_PATH <cDirectories>

Specifies a path of directories to search through to locate a file that can’t be located in the DEFAULT directory. Defaults to no path (“”). Directories must be separated by a semicolon (e.g., “C:\data;C:\more”).

_SET_PRINTER <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

If enabled, QOut() and QQOut() write to the screen and to a file, provided that a file has been opened or created with _SET_ALTFILE. If disabled, which is the default, QOut() and QQOut() only write to the screen (and/or to the ALTFILE).

_SET_PRINTFILE <cFileName> <lAdditive>

When set, creates or opens file to write QOut(), QQOut() and DevOut() output to. If <lAdditive> is TRUE and the file already exists, the file is opened and positioned at end of file. Otherwise, the file is created. If a file is already opened, it is closed before the new file is opened or created (even if it is the same file). The default file extension is “.prn”. The default file name is “PRN”, which maps to the default printer device. Call with an empty string to close the file.

_SET_SCOREBOARD <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

When enabled, which is the default, READ and MEMOEDIT display status messages on screen row 0. When disabled, READ and MEMOEDIT status messages are suppressed.

_SET_SCROLLBREAK <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

QUESTION: What is this flag for?

_SET_SOFTSEEK <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

When enabled, a SEEK that fails will position the record pointer to the first key that is higher than the sought after key or to LastRec() + 1 if there is no higher key. When disabled, which is the default, a SEEK that fails will position the record pointer to LastRec()+1.

_SET_STRICTREAD <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

TODO: Document

_SET_TYPEAHEAD <nKeyStrokes>

Sets the size of the keyboard typeahead buffer. Defaults to 50. The minimum is 16 and the maximum is 4096.

_SET_UNIQUE <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

When enabled, indexes are not allowed to have duplicate keys. When disabled, indexes are allowed duplicate keys.


TODO: Document

_SET_WRAP <lFlag> | <cOnOff>

When enabled, lightbar menus can be navigated from the last position to the first and from the first position to the last. When disabled, which is the default, there is a hard stop at the first and last positions.


Set() The current or previous setting


Library is core



3 responses to “Set()

  1. Pingback: Harbour All Functions – S | Viva Clipper !

  2. Pingback: Harbour Set Functions | Viva Clipper !

  3. Pingback: Harbour RG Summary | Viva Clipper !

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