

Tests for the existence of file(s)


      File( <cFileSpec> ) --> lExists


<cFileSpec> DOS skeleton (mask) or file name to find


<lExists> : true (.T.) if the file exists or logical false (.F.)


This function return a logical true (.T.) if the given filename <cFileSpec> exist. DOS skeletons symbols may be used in the filename in <cFileSpec>, as may the drive and/or path name. If a path is not explicitly specified, File() will look for the file in the SET DEFAULT path, then in each SET PATH path, until the file is found or there are no more paths to search. The DOS PATH is never searched and the current drive/directory is only searched if SET DEFAULT is blank.


      Assuming this directory tree and files exist :

         | temp                     D
         + ---- + Dir1              D
                |      doc1.docx    F
                |      test1.bat    F
                |      test1.txt    F
                + Dir2              D
                       doc2.docx    F
                       test2.bat    F
                       test2.txt    F

      ? File( 'C:\' )                        //  .F.
      ? File( 'C:\*.*' )                     //  .T.
      ? File( 'C:\temp\*.*' )                //  .T.
      ? File( 'C:\temp\*.' )                 //  .F.
      ? File( 'C:\temp\test*.*' )            //  .T.
      ? File( 'C:\temp\test.bat' )           //  .T.
      ? File( 'C:\temp\Dir' )                //  .F.
      ? File( 'C:\temp\Dir*.*' )             //  .F.
      ? File( 'C:\temp\Dir1' )               //  .F.
      ? File( 'C:\temp\Dir1*' )              //  .F.
      ? File( 'C:\temp\Dir2' )               //  .F.
      ? File( 'C:\temp\Dir2*' )              //  .F.
      ? File( 'C:\temp\Dir1\test1.*' )       //  .T.
      ? File( 'C:\temp\Dir1\test1.bat' )     //  .T.
      ? File( 'C:\temp\Dir1\*.bat' )         //  .T.


Cl*pper v5.2


Library is rtl

See also:

SET DEFAULT, SET PATH, SET(), IsDirectory(), IsDir(), HB_FileExists(), HB_FNameExists(), HB_DirExists()

3 responses to “File()

  1. Pingback: Harbour All Functions – F | Viva Clipper !

  2. Pingback: Harbour Files and Folders Functions | Viva Clipper !

  3. Pingback: Harbour RG Summary | Viva Clipper !

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