HMG IDE - Suggestions

Utilities like DBU, Make, IDE written in HMG/ used to create HMG based applications

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Post by Rathinagiri »

Yes. We will do that.
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HMG IDE - Suggestions - 2

Post by mol »

I have one suggestion in IDE. As you know, F5 key starts compilation of project. I'm also using F5 in my application, TotalCommander uses F5 for copying files.
But, very often, when I press F5 in my app or in Total Commander, this key is catched by IDE first.
It didn't happened in win'xp, but from win'7 it's a nightmare.

Regards, Marek
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HMG 3.1.5 (Test)

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mol wrote:But, very often, when I press F5 in my app or in Total Commander, this key is catched by IDE first.
Hi Marek, this could happen even IDE is not focused ? I means even IDE current window is not active ?
mol wrote: (at this topic) 1. I wrote in another post about F5 key. It works only in upper top window of IDE. When any form is open, F5 doesn't work.
So Marek, what is your suggestion for IDE for this case ?
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HMG IDE - Suggestions

Post by Pablo César »

srvet_claudio wrote:The improvements are small:
- Changing the language at runtime
- Language files with different extension (.ASN and .UNI)
- All names of files language are in English
- Show compiler version of HMG
- Show the path of the open project
- Display the contents of BUILD.LOG file
- Different icons and splash screen (red and blue)
- Version of the IDE with numbers
Hi Claudio,

Just for reminding, please accept improvement suggestions for IDE:

1. To merge Ini files at just one ini file
2. Just to make better use of space of the first item of StatusBar, remove the string "Compiler:" and just put the version of HMG. (Great idea put here HMG version).
3. IDE title, I find most attractive show the project name in the beginning. Because when is minimized window, to recognize the project name at first.
4. In Tools/Preferences at module Editor option.

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5. Run (optional) making copy at second place when file exists.
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6. IDE error message, IMHO this can eliminate this condition and have to accept the names and path as the OS accepts (iem 7 of HMG 3.1.5 - Improvements and corrections)

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7. In Build Log button I have more suggestions:

   a. Is showing wrongly accents characters at build.log file in OEM format. Convert for UNICODE format.
   b. Adding NOHSCROLL property at EditBox, will allows to wrap lines and see complete log.
   c. At Build process, sometimes Build log display a empty message, like this:
Screen.PNG (69.98 KiB) Viewed 5312 times
In this case, would change for actioning the "Build Log" button for displaying from Build.log file ?

8. Option of multiple selection for divers components, in order to:

   a. Resize and positioning of components. See example below:
Screen3.PNG (22.27 KiB) Viewed 5312 times
   b. Change color of multiple controls
   c. To create new components with some same properties (size,color) of an existing component in the form.
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9. Avoid to remove PRG/FMG files permanently at option of "Delete file" (project menu) or delete these files to Recycle Bin in order to recover files. Or another idea, make a second question: "Remove file name from project ?" and "Delete file <name_PRG_or_FMG> fisically ?"
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10. Strange behavior lowering case for modules names files. Would be nice to keep case as exactly was created or convert for camel-case, IMHO.
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11. Accepts source files (PRG and FMG) from outside of current project by adding path and name at "Project Browser" (Tabs Modules and Forms).
Screen1.PNG (21.96 KiB) Viewed 5312 times
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12. GUI Debug
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13. When start creating a new project, automatically creates the main.prg file. So is it posible to create with the same name of project as main source file ?
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14. At Tables tab in "Project Browser" would be usefull to create a new option which can generated source code for DBF creation and being posible to insert in our source code. This new option will be usefull when DBF is does not exists and need to be created on runtime. Probably this option could be add also at View menu option too, similar as fmg. And put DBF structure into clipboard for pasting at source editor.
Screen2.PNG (43.76 KiB) Viewed 5312 times
15. Need to add new features like as:
   - TIMEPICKER button option
   - GRID Properties and Events

16. In Tools\Preferences to make some preferences value when new components are created, like as default:
   - Font name
   - Font size
   - Font bold
   - Color/BackColor
   - CheckBox for autosave edited form in preferences
   - Also would be great a new folder structure for each project. Which can be distributed as ..\Source, ..\DataBases, ..\Images, ..\Resources, ..\Forms like other IDE structure folders.
   - Resizeable Object Inspector window (For more details)
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Javier Tovar
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Re: HMG IDE - Suggestions

Post by Javier Tovar »

Hi all;

I know I have not much experience in HMG-IDE, but what I also think is missing from the IDE automatically generating the code for additions, deletions, dodificaciones, queries, print, browses, etc.. to form we need for personnel records or items for example. Since I spend my form generator that I made (but very basic) and sometimes I have to do the form with the IDE (to give the best presentation!) And the gender code with my code generator. I know for complicated or special form can not be this, but for simple data logging if. And that would save much time and would be a good example of how you have to program, for all we started.
In a Clipper 5.3 lei tutorial already could do this.

The task is not easy.

They are with my best wishes.
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Pablo César
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HMG IDE - Suggestions

Post by Pablo César »

Hola Javier, con todo respecto: no entendi casi nada. Disculpame pero creo que seria mejor que escribieras tambien en español, talvez sea por la dificultad de traduccion que no pude entenderte.
Javier Tovar wrote:is missing from the IDE automatically generating the code for additions, deletions, dodificaciones, queries, print, browses, etc..
Cuando dices estas son rutinas de manuntencion (inclusion/alteracion/delecion/busca/imprimir/exibicion en modo tabla) ya existe algo hecho, es decir algo con tal caracteristicas. Ya te fijaste en:

C:\hmg.3.1.5\SAMPLES\Controls\EditBox\EDIT.1 (simples, campos ya definidos)
C:\hmg.3.1.5\SAMPLES\Controls\EditBox\EDIT.2 (avanzado, campos a ser predefinidos)
C:\hmg.3.1.5\SAMPLES\Controls\EditBox\EDIT.EXTENDED (avanzado)

Y estas rutinas ya hacen parte de la biblioteca de HMG. Seria el comando EDIT.

No sé si era esto a lo que te referias, pero mismo asi no veo como incluir esto en la IDE, porque no se trata de un componente y si de un comando. Si hé disvirtuado lo que quiziste decir, por favor explicanos mejor asi podemos entenderte.

Un gran abrazo
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Javier Tovar
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Re: HMG IDE - Suggestions

Post by Javier Tovar »

Hola a todos;

Sé que no tengo mucha experiencia en la HMG-IDE, pero lo que también creo que no está en el IDE es que generará automáticamente el código para las "Altas", "Bajas", "Modificaciones", "Consultas", "Imprimir", "Filtros", "Browse", etc. para tener lo que necesitamos para los registros de personal o Artículos, por ejemplo. Yo hice un generador de código (pero muy básico) y a veces tengo que combinar mi generador con el IDE (para dar mejor presentación!) Y el Código lo género con mi generador de código. Se que para Forms muy complicados no aplicaría, pero para datos simples de registros si (con TextBox, DatePicker, CheckBox, EditBox, Spinner, RadioButton, ComboBox). Y eso le ahorraría mucho tiempo y sería un buen ejemplo de cómo se tiene que programar, para todos los que empezamos.
En Clipper 5.3 leí tutorial y ya se podía hacer esto CON EL IDE de Clipper 5.3 (si no me equivoco).

Reconozco que la tarea no es fácil.
C:\hmg.3.1.5\SAMPLES\Controls\EditBox\EDIT.1 (simples, campos ya definidos)
C:\hmg.3.1.5\SAMPLES\Controls\EditBox\EDIT.2 (avanzado, campos a ser predefinidos)
C:\hmg.3.1.5\SAMPLES\Controls\EditBox\EDIT.EXTENDED (avanzado)
Ok, si exactamente esto, pero que tu lo puedas hacer tu Form Personalizado con el IDE y que te genere el código. En el generador de código que hice y que ya compartí al Foro, hace esto mismo, pero con una presentación personalizada, la mía. (Que a lo mejor no a todos les gusta.).

Es con mis mejores intenciones.

Un abrazo.
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Pablo César
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HMG IDE - Suggestions

Post by Pablo César »

El ejemplo EDIT.2, si te fijas bien, tu puedes personalizarlo. Puedes inclusive colocar funciones de control y puedes poner descripciones personalizadas para cada campo.

En mi opinion, creo que lo que buscas, es un generador de aplicativos. Este es un otro ejemplo de nuestro amable colega Mustafa que disponibilizó el WinPrg en:

Lo que buscamos en este tópico, es reunir algunas demandas para el IDE que fundamentalmente son direccionados al Form Builder.
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Javier Tovar
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Re: HMG IDE - Suggestions

Post by Javier Tovar »

Ok, Pablo César voy a revisar el archivo que me recomiendas. Y a lo que te refieres de
Lo que buscamos en este tópico, es reunir algunas demandas para el IDE que fundamentalmente son direccionados al Form Builder.
Si, en este caso no puedo ayudar.

Gracias y un abrazo.
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HMG IDE - Suggestions

Post by Pablo César »

Recently seeing Javier's "QuickB" app, I had an idea regarding multiselecting controls would it be very very interesting to have a ListBox with multiselect option for multiple properties changing in HMG IDE.
It would be a very good idea !

Like is showing this old sample:

IMHO, is not so dificult to add this feature considering the high return of benefits when our IDE would it be able to multiselect controls and posible be handle common properties among it.

Imaging be posible in our IDE to select several controls and change BackColor for example.

Would it be not great ??
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