vscrollbar not activated message

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vscrollbar not activated message

Post by bluebird »


The program below is a convenience routine that I use to test ideas and to learn how things work. The matrix demonstration triggered by the DO SOMETHING button works, but the background and foreground matrix colors will only appear after I touch a scrollbar.

1. Why is this the case, I expected to see the Background and font colors right away
2. The msgbox appears to confirm that the scrollbar is active, but the lines 111 and 122 had to be commented out because error messages appear to say that the vscrollbar is not defined.
3. How do I tell the virtual window to scroll to a desired row?

Here is the entire code. I left line 122 uncommented so that you see the error message. If you put the "//" back
you can see the program work, showing the color delay problem.

Code: Select all

* HMG General Test Routine
// Usefull string  "("+alltrim(str(j))+","+ alltrim(str(k))+")" //cBlankInput

#include "hmg.ch"
#include "defines.ch"
#include "MatrixHdr.ch"
#define NEWLINE 13
#define DODGERBLUE {28,134,248}
#define LIGHTGOLDENROD {238 ,221 ,130 }
#define MAROON {238 ,48 ,100 }
#define COBALT1 {0,71,171}
#define COBALT2 {61,82,200}

* Set of define constants for gentest matrix draw demo
* nRow1,nCol1,nRowSpc,nColSpc,nWidth,nHeight,nFontSz,aBackColor ,aFontColor,cWindow
#define ROW1 1
#define COL1 2
#define ROWSPC 3
#define COLSPC 4
#define CELLWIDTH 5
#define CELLHEIGHT 6
#define FONTSZ 7
#define BACKCOLOR1 8
#define FONTCOLOR1 9
#define TITLEROW 10
#define TITLEHEIGHT 11
#define CODEBLOCK1  12
#define WINFORM 13
#define LABELVALUE 14
#define LABELNAME 15
#define LOOPFUNCTNS 16
#define MTITLE 17
#define HDRFONTNAME 18
Function Main

Local l2Tests:=.t.
LOCAL aTestArray:=array(4)

		ROW 10 ;
		COL 10 ;
		WIDTH 750 ;
		HEIGHT 650 ;
        VIRTUAL WIDTH 1000 ;
        VIRTUAL HEIGHT 750 ; 
		BACKCOLOR {12,130,55} ;
		TITLE 'A General Test Form!' ;

	ON KEY Escape of Win_1 ACTION {||(Win_1.release)}

	Define BUTTON TestIt
	Parent win_1
	Row 650
	Col 25
	CAPTION "Click to Test Something"  
    WIDTH 220  
    Height 40 	
    ONCLICK {||MsgInfo( Str ( Win_1.VScrollBar.Value ) ), DoSomething()}
	Define BUTTON TestAnother
	Parent win_1
	Row 650
	Col 290
	CAPTION "Click to Test Another"  
    WIDTH 220
    Visible l2Tests 	
    Height 40 	
    ONCLICK DoSomethingElse()
ON KEY ESCAPE of win_1 action {||(win_1.release)}

Function DoSomething()
* nRow1,nCol1,nRowSpc,nColSpc,nWidth,nHeight,nFontSz,aBackColor,aFontkColor,bOnCLick,
* cForm,bLabelValue,labelName,loopfunctions,MatrixTitle,hdr font,Label Font
Local nRows,nCols,cForm,cVaue
Local aMParameters:={}

* Define and set up parameters for Drawmatrix()
Local cTitle:=" Demonstration of an Array of Labels "
Local bLoopLogic:={|l,m|LoopFunctions(l,m)}
Local bOnClickCode:={||(This.Value:=This.name)}

Local bFirstVal:={|k,l|alltrim(str(k*l))}
PRIVATE cBlankInput:="-*-"
//SetProperty( "Win_1", "VScrollBar" , "value" , 0  )

*Set Up parameters to call DrawMatrix()

              bFirstVal,"TLbl",bLoopLogic,cTitle,"Times New Roman","Arial"}  //NIL}

Win_1.VScrollBar.Value :=750

Function DrawMatrix(nRows,nCols,aMParameters )
* Draws a matrix of Cells - nRows X nCols 
*Parameters list must be set up prior to call. Element names are
*Defined in MatrixHdr.ch. 
*Elements WINFORM and LABELNAME are sting literals and require &'s
*Element CODEBLOCK1  is a code block for the ON CLICK procedure
*Element LABELVALUE  is a code block for the initial VALUE of the cells
*Element LOOPFUNCTNS is a code block to execute code specific to the loop
*Element MTITLE creates a Title Label unless it is set to NIL 
Local j,k,clabel,cForm, cTitle


if cTitle != NIL
Define Label cTitle
	  PARENT &cForm
      Row aMParameters[TITLEROW]
      Col aMParameters[COL1]
      WIDTH (aMParameters[COLSPC]+aMParameters[CELLWIDTH])*nCols
      HEIGHT aMParameters[TITLEHEIGHT]
      FONTNAME aMParameters[HDRFONTNAME] //"Ariel"
	  ONCLICK {||This.backcolor:=DODGERBLUE}
      BACKCOLOR  aMParameters[BACKCOLOR1] //aBackColor
      FONTCOLOR  aMParameters[FONTCOLOR1]
	  VALUE cTitle
      FONTSIZE aMParameters[FONTSZ]*2
End Label
for j:=1 to nRows
   for k := 1 TO nCols
      clabel :=aMParameters[LABELNAME]+ alltrim( str(j)) + alltrim(str(k) )
      // are there additional actions to take in the loop?	  
      if aMParameters[LOOPFUNCTNS]!=Nil
      DEFINE label &clabel
	  PARENT &cForm
	  VALUE eval(aMParameters[LABELVALUE],j,k) //c1stVal          
      Row max(nTitleHeight+aMParameters[TITLEROW],aMParameters[ROW1]);
      Col aMParameters[COL1]+(aMParameters[CELLWIDTH]+aMParameters[COLSPC])*(k-1)
	  ON CLICK {||(eval (aMParameters[CODEBLOCK1]))} 
      WIDTH aMParameters[CELLWIDTH]
      HEIGHT aMParameters[CELLHEIGHT]
      FONTNAME aMParameters[HDRFONTNAME] //"Ariel"
      BACKCOLOR aMParameters[BACKCOLOR1]
      FONTCOLOR aMParameters[FONTCOLOR1]
      FONTSIZE aMParameters[FONTSZ]
   next k
next j

Return Nil
Function LoopFunctions(i,j)
   if i=9 .AND. j=9
     msgbox("Testling Loop function for ij=" +"(" +alltrim(str(i)) +"," +alltrim(str(j))+")" )


Function DoSomethingElse()
msgbox("Nothing to do here")
Last edited by bluebird on Thu Mar 23, 2017 4:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Pablo César
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vscrollbar not activated message

Post by Pablo César »

Hey man, please put your codes embraced with CODE tags... please...

It's terrible to read like this... without ident sources... scrolling screen...

I can not imagining to see this in cellphone... OMG
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Re: vscrollbar not activated message

Post by bluebird »

Sorry for being so HMG Forum illiterate. I would like to find out about these "code tags".

The code I sent you was copied from Notepad +
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Pablo César
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vscrollbar not activated message

Post by Pablo César »

Yes you can copy from any editor. But you need to start a tag and end the "code" tag.

You can edit by your self your first message putting code tags.
Screen135.png (43.5 KiB) Viewed 5120 times
Here is a brief explanation.

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Re: vscrollbar not activated message

Post by Pablo César »

Hard to understand and no way to compile without your missing include files.

I got compiling without error cutting off VScrollBar new assigning.
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Re: vscrollbar not activated message

Post by bluebird »

Dear Mentors

I added the code tags to the original submission.

The include files were pasted in before I sent this version, ie. all #defines should be included at the top of file

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Pablo César
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Vscrollbar not activated message

Post by Pablo César »

Please re-edit your first message again.
  1. Check in your editing msg the line after as it is here by the selected in blue backcolor (see pic below)
    Screen139.png (43.78 KiB) Viewed 5041 times
  2. You will see something like this:
    Screen140.png (10.61 KiB) Viewed 5038 times
  3. By selecting block and cut it by the edit-command Ctrl X the part be selected and cutted is  [/code] (see in red color)
  4. Make position with cursor at final of your code and paste on it with the edit-command Ctrl V
  5. Remove where is "code" and slash "code" at end of your message that you have duplicated:
    Screen141.png (12.71 KiB) Viewed 5037 times
  6. Submit your message. That's all...
Following by the exactly I've described, you will get your source-code braced in CODE TAGs.
Brief tutorial: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=5182
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"Matter tells space how to curve, space tells matter how to move."
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Re: vscrollbar not activated message

Post by bluebird »

time cane you or another mentor explain what is wrong with the color rendering of the matrix labels situated in the virtual size window, and how to force the vertical scrollbar to a desired position.
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Rude behaviour

Post by Pablo César »

My mother taught me to say "thank you" when someone does a kindness.

Being cordial and generous, does not take out your merits, on the contrary.

Bill, this is not the first time you make me a snubbing ... :|
Screen147.png (58.05 KiB) Viewed 4969 times
By the way... congratulations for having managed to put your code between CODE TAGS.

Another mentor (as yourself said) could explains to you for the rest of your problems... :mrgreen:
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"Matter tells space how to curve, space tells matter how to move."
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Re: vscrollbar not activated message

Post by bluebird »

DEAR Mentors

Now that the original post has the code tags assigned, Can some kind and knowledgeable soul run it and explain why the virtual size window vertical scrollbar does not work

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