At first forgive me for my absence from the forum.
OFF --
Currently i work in other city, so i have make trip of 130 Km for my job. Round trip.
I have wake up 4:30 for get in my job 7:40. And at the end of the day I get home at around 20:30.
But, the better part is that now i work only (x)harbour.
Well, in this topic our friend Esgici have posted your amazing code of DBA.
So I've add a little function.
Now DBA be able to export the table estructure for a PRG file, already creating a function for make this table. Please see bellow a file created with this function.
The function was add in "TOOLS" -> "Export to PRG" menu. it is very useful for me. I hope that be useful for you too.
The functions write in "DBATools.PRG". Function name "Export2Prg"
Code: Select all
//Created by HMG Data Base Assistant v.5.4.13 (13.04.2010-23:13:59)
//Under structure of TEST.DBF
Function _Create_TEST()
Local aStructure := {;
{ "CODE" , "N" , 10 , 0 },;
{ "FIRST" , "C" , 30 , 0 },;
{ "LAST" , "C" , 30 , 0 },;
{ "BIRTH" , "D" , 8 , 0 },;
{ "MARRIED" , "L" , 1 , 0 },;
{ "BIO" , "M" , 10 , 0 };
DBCreate( "TEST.DBF" , aStructure )
Return Nil
My best regards,