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CGI - Web using xharbour

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 6:41 pm
by marco_malac
Hello All,

I didn't find anything about how to use CGI / WEB with xharbour.
Does anybody have anything to post, sample or experiences ?

Thanks a lot !

Re: CGI - Web using xharbour

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:35 pm
by apais
1) hmg is harbour based (xharbour is a differenet beast )
2) cgi doesn't require a GUI layer so HMG or any other GUi is usseless
3) harbour tree has examples on cgi and an especific GT griver for that ( gtcgi )
4) form cgi point of view harbour is identical to clipper but 32 bits and with better performance ( any clipper cgi program can be recompiled with harbour with no much changes )


Re: CGI - Web using xharbour

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:39 pm
by marco_malac
Thanks for the answer angel !

in your opnion : what is the best way to use xbase with web for a simple application ? cgi or another one ?
Does the Hmg have any procedure to web ? Sorry for the insistence but i'm looking for for a long time and didn't find the asnwer yet. for me, the CGI method was a light in the tunel end. i would like to study this subject more as deeply as possible. I found a example, but it has a bugs and i didn't get to compile.

My target is to use a QR code with my database that will be showed over the internet. the web code is easy, but to show the database in xbase...

Could you help me ? or any tip ?

Re: CGI - Web using xharbour

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:00 pm
by apais
Currently with harebour you have 2 options:
1) traditional cgi stuff.
Pros: can ru on any web server already installed
2) Harbour has an httpserver made in pure .prg code called uhttpd (micro httpd) in the samples section.
Mindaugas (the author) have published a more recent version in his own site. (sorry but I don't have the link )