Where should I apply to be contributor to HMG Objects?

Moderator: Rathinagiri

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Re: Where should I apply to be contributor to HMG Objects?

Post by Rathinagiri »

I am sorry for this very late reply.

I was away from my home for few days and just now returned.

IMHO, we have to go through window.prg and control.prg in the source code to understand the strategy. :)
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Re: Where should I apply to be contributor to HMG Objects?

Post by gvaronas »

Roberto Lopez wrote:
dhaine_adp wrote: I am interested with browse Objects. I believed having a powerful browse object is good. Having a grid control is very good as well.
I've just added Grid class ready for you can start work with it.

Hola Roberto, al parecer falta agregar:
objects.prg y
Intente probar con los que se distribuyeron con HMG.OBJECTS, pero no funcionó

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Roberto Lopez
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Re: Where should I apply to be contributor to HMG Objects?

Post by Roberto Lopez »

gvaronas wrote:
Roberto Lopez wrote:
dhaine_adp wrote: I am interested with browse Objects. I believed having a powerful browse object is good. Having a grid control is very good as well.
I've just added Grid class ready for you can start work with it.

Hola Roberto, al parecer falta agregar:
objects.prg y
Intente probar con los que se distribuyeron con HMG.OBJECTS, pero no funcionó

Por favor, descarga los binarios de HMG 4 desde: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hmg/ y fuentes actualizados desde: http://hmg.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/hmg/


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Re: Where should I apply to be contributor to HMG Objects?

Post by gvaronas »

Hola Roberto, al parecer falta agregar:
objects.prg y
Intente probar con los que se distribuyeron con HMG.OBJECTS, pero no funcionó


Por favor, descarga los binarios de HMG 4 desde: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hmg/ y fuentes actualizados desde: http://hmg.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/hmg/[/quote]

Hola Roberto, he descargado los binarios y he actualizado los fuentes, todo me funciona, menos los demos del grid:
C:\HMG.4\svn\samples\grid>build demo_1
hbmk2: Processing local make script: hbmk.hbm
Harbour 2.1.0beta2 (Rev. 15332)
Copyright (c) 1999-2010, http://harbour-project.org/
Compiling 'demo_1.prg'...
demo_1.prg(9) Error F0029 Can't open #include file '..\..\include\objects.ch'
hbmk2: Error: Running Harbour compiler (embedded). 1
(C:\HMG.4\HARBOUR\BIN\WIN\MINGW\harbour.exe) -n2 demo_1.prg -oC:\Users\GUILLE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\hbmk_9j432w.dir\ iC:\HMG.4\HARBOUR\include -ic:\HMG.4\harbour\contrib\hbqt\qtcore -ic:\HMG.4\harbour\contrib\hbqt\qtcore\g -ic:\HMG.4\harbou
r\contrib\hbqt -ic:\HMG.4\harbour\contrib\hbqt\qtgui\g -ic:\HMG.4\harbour\contrib\hbqt\qtnetwork\g


¿Está funcionando el demo del Grid o es que aun esta en construcción y no se puede ejecutar?

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Roberto Lopez
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Re: Where should I apply to be contributor to HMG Objects?

Post by Roberto Lopez »

gvaronas wrote:
Hola Roberto, al parecer falta agregar:
objects.prg y
Intente probar con los que se distribuyeron con HMG.OBJECTS, pero no funcionó

Por favor, descarga los binarios de HMG 4 desde: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hmg/ y fuentes actualizados desde: http://hmg.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/hmg/[/quote]

Hola Roberto, he descargado los binarios y he actualizado los fuentes, todo me funciona, menos los demos del grid:
C:\HMG.4\svn\samples\grid>build demo_1
hbmk2: Processing local make script: hbmk.hbm
Harbour 2.1.0beta2 (Rev. 15332)
Copyright (c) 1999-2010, http://harbour-project.org/
Compiling 'demo_1.prg'...
demo_1.prg(9) Error F0029 Can't open #include file '..\..\include\objects.ch'
hbmk2: Error: Running Harbour compiler (embedded). 1
(C:\HMG.4\HARBOUR\BIN\WIN\MINGW\harbour.exe) -n2 demo_1.prg -oC:\Users\GUILLE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\hbmk_9j432w.dir\ iC:\HMG.4\HARBOUR\include -ic:\HMG.4\harbour\contrib\hbqt\qtcore -ic:\HMG.4\harbour\contrib\hbqt\qtcore\g -ic:\HMG.4\harbou
r\contrib\hbqt -ic:\HMG.4\harbour\contrib\hbqt\qtgui\g -ic:\HMG.4\harbour\contrib\hbqt\qtnetwork\g


¿Está funcionando el demo del Grid o es que aun esta en construcción y no se puede ejecutar?


Grid está en construcción.


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Re: Where should I apply to be contributor to HMG Objects?

Post by gvaronas »


Grid está en construcción.[/quote]

Ok. Gracias.

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