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Re: Please help with syntax

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:41 pm
by robbie73
serge_girard wrote:Robbie,

May I suggest to examine to valueof vfield before using the Alltrim function; vfield is probably empty.

Thank you serge, Yes, examining the data in the field is what i'm trying to do. But I am very beginner. :(

I need to clear EVERYTHING that is not an alpha-numeric character. Oddly, the exact code example I posted will work perfectly well when compiled in clipper/linker in DOS with the same sample data. Compiling in hmg won't work. I'm not saying HMG is the cause. merely that is seems to compile 'differently' or perhaps less forgiving of bad code?

Anyway, i still need a procedure that will examine the field and remove allnon alpha-numeric characters.. thinking about it... it needs to not only trim from both ends, but examine the entire string and remove/replace non alphanumeric characters that can be compiled in hmg unicode.

Do you know of the existence of such a procedure please??

Re: Please help with syntax

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:29 pm
by Javier Tovar

Please why not post your code and your DBF or where you ontienes your information seriously that easier.

I would say that Uses the VALTYPE() functions and function TYPE().


Re: Please help with syntax

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:12 pm
by esgici
robbie73 wrote:...i still need a procedure that will examine the field and remove allnon alpha-numeric characters.. thinking about it... it needs to not only trim from both ends, but examine the entire string and remove/replace non alphanumeric characters that can be compiled in hmg unicode.

Do you know of the existence of such a procedure please??

Code: Select all

#include <>
   Remove all non alpha-numeric characters from a string


   cOriginal := "=<abc_-.#@123>#+-.,"
   cCleaned  := RemNAN( cOriginal )
   MsgBox( "Original : " + cOriginal + STR( LEN( cOriginal ), 3 ) + CRLF + ; 
           "Cleaned  : " + cCleaned  + STR( LEN( cCleaned ), 3 ) )  


FUNC RemNAN( cString )

   LOCAL cRVal  := "",;
         c1Char := ""
   FOR EACH c1Char IN cString
      cRVal += IF( ISALPHA( c1Char ) .OR. ISDIGIT( c1Char ), c1Char, "" )         


Re: Please help with syntax

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:53 am
by esgici
A sample test program that scan any table records for empty fields in any type ,
and reports number of record(s) included empty field(s) with number of FIRST empty field.

Code: Select all

#include <>


   SET( _SET_EOF, .F. )  

   nFldCount := FCOU() 
   cTestFNam := "empties.txt"  
   nEmptyRec := 0
   SET ALTERNATE TO (cTestFNam)             
   SET ALTERNATE ON                         

   WHIL ! EOF()
      FOR nFld := 1 TO nFldCount
	     IF EMPTY( FIELDGET( nFld ) ) 
            ? RECN(), nFld
   SET ALTE OFF                             
   SET ALTE TO                              
   MsgBox( LTRIM( STR( RECC() ) ) + " records with " + LTRIM( STR( nFldCount ) ) + " field(s) scanned ;" + CRLF + ;
           LTRIM( STR( nEmptyRec ) ) + " records found with empty field." )
ScanFile.PNG (4.15 KiB) Viewed 3355 times

Re: Please help with syntax

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:29 am
by serge_girard
Brilliant Esgici !


Re: Please help with syntax

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 11:19 am
by esgici
Thanks Serge :oops:

Brilliant is HMG and supporters :)

Viva HMG :D

Re: Please help with syntax

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 4:01 pm
by andyglezl
Esgici Many thanks, we apply