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Re: EditBox control: increase capacity

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:22 pm
by srvet_claudio
Wow Carlos, nice idea.
but with the new functions of HMG the code is more simple.

Code: Select all

#include ""

Function Main

      AT 0,0 ;
      WIDTH 640 HEIGHT 480 ;
      TITLE 'HMG Demo' ;
      ICON 'DEMO.ICO' ;
      @ 30,10 EDITBOX Edit_1 ;
         WIDTH 410 ;
         HEIGHT 140 ;
         VALUE 'EditBox!!';
         MAXLENGTH 0       // same as --> SendMessage (GetControlHandle("Edit_1","Form_1"), 197, 0, 0 )

         ROW   250
         COL   290
         WIDTH   130
         CAPTION  '_GetCaretPos'
         ACTION   MsgInfo (Form1.Edit_1.CaretPos)  // ---> MsgInfo() --> convert xData to STR



   // CREATE EVENT PROCNAME OnkeyEdit_1() HWND GetControlHandle("Edit_1","Form_1")     // --> Work only with Form1.Edit_1
   CREATE EVENT PROCNAME OnkeyAllEditBox()                                             // --> Work with all EditBox controls



Return Nil

Function OnkeyEdit_1()
   IF EventMSG() == WM_CHAR
      IF .NOT. (GetKeyState(VK_INSERT) == 0) .AND. HMG_GetLastVirtualKeyDown() != VK_RETURN .AND. HMG_GetLastVirtualKeyDown() != VK_BACK
         SendMessage (EventHWND(), WM_KEYDOWN, VK_DELETE, 0)
Return NIL

Function OnkeyAllEditBox()
LOCAL nIndex := GetControlIndexByHandle (EventHWND())
   IF nIndex > 0 .AND. GetControlTypeByIndex (nIndex) == "EDIT"
      IF EventMSG() == WM_CHAR
         IF .NOT. (GetKeyState (VK_INSERT) == 0) .AND. HMG_GetLastVirtualKeyDown() != VK_RETURN .AND. HMG_GetLastVirtualKeyDown() != VK_BACK
            SendMessage (EventHWND(), WM_KEYDOWN, VK_DELETE, 0)
Return NIL

EditBox control: increase capacity

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:07 am
by Pablo César
Uhmm looks promising solution... :) Thanks Carlos and Claudio !

Hi dear Claudio, in your example are missing these functions:
I assume that will be available in the next release, but could you please anticipate to all of us ?

EditBox control: increase capacity

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:22 am
by Pablo César
I do not know what the rest of his colleagues opine, but IMHO this new option of OVERWRITE in EDIT controls by key pressed, could be incorporated into the function INITEDITBOX C:\hmg.3.1.4\SOURCE\c_editbox.c adding a new property (a new parameter) as an option for the programmer.

Something like this:

        ROW 30
        COL 10
        WIDTH 500
        HEIGHT 140
        VALUE "EditBox!!"
        OVERWRITE .T.

And this routine of key control would be only activated if OVERWRITE is .T.

Re: EditBox control: increase capacity

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 1:11 am
by srvet_claudio
Pablo César wrote:Uhmm looks promising solution... :) Thanks Carlos and Claudio !

Hi dear Claudio, in your example are missing these functions:
I assume that will be available in the next release, but could you please anticipate to all of us ?
Yes, these are functions of the new version.
Pablo César wrote:I do not know what the rest of his colleagues opine, but IMHO this new option of OVERWRITE in EDIT controls by key pressed, could be incorporated into the function INITEDITBOX C:\hmg.3.1.4\SOURCE\c_editbox.c adding a new property (a new parameter) as an option for the programmer.
Later I will try to develop a real routine overwriting.

Re: EditBox control: increase capacity

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 11:38 pm
by Carlos Britos
srvet_claudio wrote:

Code: Select all

      @ 30,10 EDITBOX Edit_1 ;
         WIDTH 410 ;
         HEIGHT 140 ;
         VALUE 'EditBox!!';
         MAXLENGTH 0   // same as --> SendMessage (GetControlHandle("Edit_1","Form_1"), 197, 0, 0 )

Hello Claudio
I was looking at the example code and the option "MaxLenght = 0" would invalidate the use of that property for text.

Re: EditBox control: increase capacity

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:16 am
by Carlos Britos
Carlos Britos wrote: I was looking at the example code and the option "MaxLenght = 0" would invalidate the use of that property for text.
Forget it, I'm wrong. :oops:

Los penales no me dejaron pensar claro. :lol:

Re: EditBox control: increase capacity

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 4:36 am
by srvet_claudio
Carlos Britos wrote:Los penales no me dejaron pensar claro. :lol:
Los penales errados hoy contra Francia y en la Copa de las Confederaciones contra Italia no me dejan dormir.
Pero como dijo hoy un colombiano en la pagina web de la FIFA: "pa´lante uruguayos, vamos que el segundo es el mejor entre los perdedores" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: EditBox control: increase capacity

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 4:05 pm
by EduardoLuis
Hi Friends:

Did you consider where you'll store EditBox contents ?
Take notice of this:

*.txt file: Max. 65535 char
memo Field: Max. 29958 (aprox.)

To solve storage problem using large Editbox contents, you must split text on portions which it size matches with storage output.-

Re: EditBox control: increase capacity

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 4:22 pm
by esgici
EduardoLuis wrote: Take notice of this:

*.txt file: Max. 65535 char
memo Field: Max. 29958 (aprox.)

To solve storage problem using large Editbox contents, you must split text on portions which it size matches with storage output.-
Hello Eduardo

As far as I know text limit is for Clipper and memo field limit is for DBFNTX.

In Window environment and by using Harbour and DBFCDX will be everything OK 8-) ( hopefully ;) )

There will be other limits, but I couldn't reached yet ;)

Happy HMG'ing :D

Re: EditBox control: increase capacity

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 4:58 pm
by EduardoLuis
Hi Esguici:

I've tested limits with HMG DBFNTX.-
Now i'll test limits with HMG DBFCDX.-
Thanks for you suggestion.-