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Re: HMG.3.4.2

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 8:16 pm
by luisvasquezcl
Gracias Claudio.
Saludos cordiales,

Re: HMG.3.4.2

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 6:19 am
by mol
Thanks for this new version, Claudio!
You've included my suggiestion about using comma as decimal point while editing numeric textboxes - THANK YOU!

Regards, Marek

Re: HMG.3.4.2

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 1:02 pm
by jozef
mol wrote:Thanks for this new version, Claudio!
You've included my suggiestion about using comma as decimal point while editing numeric textboxes - THANK YOU!

Regards, Marek




Re: HMG.3.4.2

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 5:22 pm
by chrisjx2002
Dear Claudio,

I made some more tests with picture in button.

I use your program and put the button in the window definition rather than in the toolbar.

With windows XP I have the problem with the test2 : no image on the screen

With windows 7 I have the problem that with test2 the image is on the left and with test3 the image is on the top. If I put the command top after the picture definition it is still the same.

Code: Select all

#include <>

Function Main()

      AT 0,0  ;
      WIDTH 240 HEIGHT 200 ;
        @10,10	BUTTON Button_1 CAPTION "Test 1 (No Img)" PICTURE "" ACTION ButtonClick() width 100 height 60
Return Nil

Function ButtonClick
STATIC i := 1

   IF i > 3
      i := 1
      CASE i == 1
         Form_1.Button_1.Caption := "Test 1 (No Img)"
         Form_1.Button_1.Picture := ""
      CASE i == 2
         Form_1.Button_1.Caption := "Test 2"
         Form_1.Button_1.Picture := "button5.bmp"
      CASE i == 3
         Form_1.Button_1.Caption := "Test 3"
         Form_1.Button_1.Picture := "button6.bmp"

Return Nil

Re: HMG.3.4.2

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 5:40 pm
by tonton2
Merci Beaucoup Dr Claudio
Je vous suis très reconnaissant pour tout le mal que vous vous donnez pour nous aider.
Attention it's translation of google
I'm really grateful to you for all the trouble you give to help us.
thank you very much

Re: HMG.3.4.2

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 5:54 pm
by tonton2
mol wrote:Thanks for this new version, Claudio!
You've included my suggiestion about using comma as decimal point while editing numeric textboxes - THANK YOU!

Regards, Marek
I did not understand, because nothing has changed with me, thank you for explanation :idea:
Merci d'avance

Re: HMG.3.4.2

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 6:55 pm
by EduardoLuis
Hi Claudio:

My first attemps with 3.4.2 where unsucessfully.- But i download and install an upgrado of lib you put on other post, and since then all works fine.-
I think this file _lib_HMG.3.4.2_PATCH_4.rar must be in this topic.-
This is only a suggestion, but - in my case - before install it, many of my app (under different OS versions) fail compilling process; after install, no one presents any issue.-
With regards.

Re: HMG.3.4.2

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 12:21 pm
by Mario Mansilla
Hola Claudio :
Seria posible incorporar al IDE :
1 - La propiedad BORDER ( .T. / .F. ) al control LABEL que ya esta definida en el control solo falta agregarla al IDE .
2 - En el IDE cuando agregas al MENU DROPDOWN separadores "-" , cuando editas el FMG que lo contiene no guarda los separadores ya definidos , en consecuencia hay que editarlos nuevamente .

Mario Mansilla

Hello Claudio:
It would be possible to incorporate the IDE:
1 - The border property (.T / .F..) To LABEL control that is already defined in the control only add to the IDE missing.
2 - IDE when you add the dropdown menu separators "-" when you edit the FMG that contains not save the separators already defined, therefore you need to edit again.

Mario Mansilla

Re: HMG.3.4.2

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 12:36 pm
by mol
I'm testing new debugger - there is a problem - while control is moved to debugger window, application should be blocked. Now, When focus is set to debugger window, you can operate on application and it causes errors.
Second - I'm using two displays in my work - is there a way to remember position of debug window (on the second screen) and recall these coordinates at next run?

Re: HMG.3.4.2

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 12:38 pm
by mol
there was splitted area of source code with evaluation area in traditional debugger. Could it be done in this way in your solution, Claudio?