Fixed and enhanced SAMPLES

HMG Samples and Enhancements

Moderator: Rathinagiri

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Pablo César
Posts: 4059
Joined: Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:18 pm
Location: Curitiba - Brasil

Re: Fixed and enhanced SAMPLES

Post by Pablo César »

Hi Rathi,

I made this BuildAllDemos.bat and runned:

Code: Select all

TITLE Build All Demos at %HMGPATH%
ECHO. ***********************************************
ECHO. *               Build All Demos               *
ECHO. ***********************************************
ECHO.                    N - No executes demos
ECHO.                    Y - Yes, can executes it
ECHO.                    C - Cancel
CHOICE /C:NYC /N /M:"Build HMG SAMPLES and running executable file ?"

ECHO Build All Demos Report - On %DATE% at %TIME%>%HMGPATH%BuildAll.Log
ECHO ======================>>%HMGPATH%BuildAll.Log

FOR /R %HMGPATH% %%G in (.) DO (
    PushD %%G
    IF NOT [%%G]==[%HMGPATH%.] (
    IF EXIST %%G\Build.bat ( ECHO %%G:>>%HMGPATH%BuildAll.Log
    CALL %%G\Build.bat
    IF EXIST %%G\error.log ECHO.>>%HMGPATH%BuildAll.Log
    IF EXIST %%G\error.log ECHO --- Error found at compiling --- >>%HMGPATH%BuildAll.Log
    IF EXIST %%G\error.log TYPE %%G\error.log >>%HMGPATH%BuildAll.Log
    IF EXIST %%G\error.log ECHO.>>%HMGPATH%BuildAll.Log )
    IF EXIST %%G\Compile.bat ( ECHO %%G:>>%HMGPATH%BuildAll.Log
    CALL %%G\Compile.bat
    IF EXIST %%G\error.log ECHO.>>%HMGPATH%BuildAll.Log
    IF EXIST %%G\error.log ECHO --- Error found at compiling --- >>%HMGPATH%BuildAll.Log
    IF EXIST %%G\error.log TYPE %%G\error.log >>%HMGPATH%BuildAll.Log
    IF EXIST %%G\error.log ECHO.>>%HMGPATH%BuildAll.Log )
    PopD )
ECHO End of Report at %TIME%>%HMGPATH%BuildAll.Log
ECHO =============>>%HMGPATH%BuildAll.Log
In summary: these errors registered in BuildAll.Log:
  1. C:\hmg.3.4.4\SAMPLES\Advanced\USER_COMPONENTS:

    Code: Select all

    --- Error found at compiling --- 
    Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1703241902)
    Copyright (c) 1999-2016,
    demo.prg(22) Error E0030  Syntax error "syntax error at '.'"
    demo.prg(23) Error E0030  Syntax error "syntax error at '.'"
    demo.prg(25) Error E0022  Invalid lvalue '()'
    demo.prg(34) Error E0030  Syntax error "syntax error at '@'"
    4 errors
    No code generated.
    hbmk2[demo]: Erro: Executando o compilador Harbour (interno): 1
    (C:\hmg.3.4.4\harbour\bin\harbour.exe) -n2 demo.prg -DHBMK_HAS_HMG32=1 -q -oC:\Users\MICROS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\hbmk_gvicax.dir\ -iC:\hmg.3.4.4\harbour\include -i. -iC:\hmg.3.4.4\include
  2. C:\hmg.3.4.4\SAMPLES\HFCL\QHTM:

    Code: Select all

    --- Error found at compiling --- 
    Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1703241902)
    Copyright (c) 1999-2016,
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/lib\libhfcl.a(h_qhtm.o):h_qhtm.c:(.data+0x1f8): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_QHTM_GETSCROLLPOS'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/lib\libhfcl.a(h_qhtm.o):h_qhtm.c:(.data+0x208): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_QHTM_SETSCROLLPOS'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/lib\libhfcl.a(h_qhtm.o):h_qhtm.c:(.data+0x298): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_QHTM_SETZOOMLEVEL'
    collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
    hbmk2[Demo]: Erro: Executando linkeditor. 1
    gcc.exe C:/Users/MICROS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/hbmk_2pzpcw.dir/demo.o C:/Users/MICROS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/hbmk_2pzpcw.dir/hbmk_tdobih.o C:/hmg.3.4.4/SAMPLES/HFCL/QHTM/_temp.o    -pthread  -static-libgcc  -static-libstdc++  -static -lpthread -mwindows -Wl,--start-group -lhmg -lcrypt -ledit -leditex -lgraph -lini -lreport -lhfcl -lmsvfw32 -lvfw32 -lhbmysql -lmysql -lhbfimage -lhbpgsql -lsddmy -lhbvpdf -lhbct -lhbwin -lhbmzip -lminizip -lhbmemio -lhbmisc -lhbtip -lsqlite3 -lhbsqlit3 -lsddodbc -lrddsql -lhbodbc -lodbc32 -lhbhpdf -lhbnetio -lxhb -lpng -llibhpdf -lhbzebra -lhbextern -lhbdebug -lhbvmmt -lhbrtl -lhblang -lhbcpage -lgtcgi -lgtpca -lgtstd -lgtwin -lgtwvt -lgtgui -lhbrdd -lhbuddall -lhbusrrdd -lrddntx -lrddcdx -lrddnsx -lrddfpt -lhbrdd -lhbhsx -lhbsix -lhbmacro -lhbcplr -lhbpp -lhbcommon -lhbmainwin -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -ladvapi32 -lws2_32 -liphlpapi -lwinspool -lcomctl32 -lcomdlg32 -lshell32 -luuid -lole32 -loleaut32 -lmpr -lwinmm -lmapi32 -limm32 -lmsimg32 -lwininet -lhbpcre -lhbzlib   -Wl,--end-group -oDemo.exe  -LC:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw -LC:/hmg.3.4.4/lib
    hbmk2: Erro: Referenciado, faltando, mas fun‡äes desconhecida(s):
  3. C:\hmg.3.4.4\SAMPLES\HFCL\SQL\HMGSQLite:

    Code: Select all

    --- Error found at compiling --- 
    Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1703241902)
    Copyright (c) 1999-2016,
    C:/Users/MICROS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/hbmk_1j67ao.dir/demo.o:demo.c:(.data+0xa8): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_CONNECT2DB'
    C:/Users/MICROS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/hbmk_1j67ao.dir/demo.o:demo.c:(.data+0x178): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_SQL'
    C:/Users/MICROS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/hbmk_1j67ao.dir/demo.o:demo.c:(.data+0x188): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_C2SQL'
    C:/Users/MICROS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/hbmk_1j67ao.dir/demo.o:demo.c:(.data+0x228): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_MISCSQL'
    collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
    hbmk2[demo]: Erro: Executando linkeditor. 1
    gcc.exe C:/Users/MICROS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/hbmk_1j67ao.dir/demo.o C:/Users/MICROS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/hbmk_1j67ao.dir/hbmk_ydz8nm.o C:/hmg.3.4.4/SAMPLES/HFCL/SQL/HMGSQLite/_temp.o    -pthread  -static-libgcc  -static-libstdc++  -static -lpthread -mwindows -Wl,--start-group -lhmg -lcrypt -ledit -leditex -lgraph -lini -lreport -lhfcl -lmsvfw32 -lvfw32 -lhbmysql -lmysql -lhbfimage -lhbpgsql -lsddmy -lhbvpdf -lhbct -lhbwin -lhbmzip -lminizip -lhbmemio -lhbmisc -lhbtip -lsqlite3 -lhbsqlit3 -lsddodbc -lrddsql -lhbodbc -lodbc32 -lhbhpdf -lhbnetio -lxhb -lpng -llibhpdf -lhbzebra -lhbextern -lhbdebug -lhbvmmt -lhbrtl -lhblang -lhbcpage -lgtcgi -lgtpca -lgtstd -lgtwin -lgtwvt -lgtgui -lhbrdd -lhbuddall -lhbusrrdd -lrddntx -lrddcdx -lrddnsx -lrddfpt -lhbrdd -lhbhsx -lhbsix -lhbmacro -lhbcplr -lhbpp -lhbcommon -lhbmainwin -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -ladvapi32 -lws2_32 -liphlpapi -lwinspool -lcomctl32 -lcomdlg32 -lshell32 -luuid -lole32 -loleaut32 -lmpr -lwinmm -lmapi32 -limm32 -lmsimg32 -lwininet -lhbpcre -lhbzlib   -Wl,--end-group -odemo.exe  -LC:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw -LC:/hmg.3.4.4/lib
    hbmk2: Erro: Referenciado, faltando, mas fun‡äes desconhecida(s): CONNECT2DB(),
           SQL(), C2SQL(), MISCSQL()

    Code: Select all

    --- Error found at compiling --- 
    Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1703241902)
    Copyright (c) 1999-2016,
    C:/Users/MICROS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/hbmk_v5hpsn.dir/demo.o:demo.c:(.data+0x38): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_DBPGCONNECTION'
    C:/Users/MICROS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/hbmk_v5hpsn.dir/demo.o:demo.c:(.data+0x258): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_PGRDD'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x16): undefined reference to `PQfinish'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x46): undefined reference to `PQclear'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x76): undefined reference to `PQfreeCancel'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x19d): undefined reference to `PQconnectdb'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x2bb): undefined reference to `PQsetdbLogin'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x336): undefined reference to `PQreset'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x3a6): undefined reference to `PQprotocolVersion'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x426): undefined reference to `PQclientEncoding'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x4b7): undefined reference to `PQsetClientEncoding'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x536): undefined reference to `PQdb'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x5b6): undefined reference to `PQuser'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x636): undefined reference to `PQpass'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x6b6): undefined reference to `PQhost'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x736): undefined reference to `PQport'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x7b6): undefined reference to `PQtty'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x836): undefined reference to `PQoptions'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x8b6): undefined reference to `PQtransactionStatus'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x936): undefined reference to `PQerrorMessage'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x9b6): undefined reference to `PQstatus'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0xa47): undefined reference to `PQexec'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0xba0): undefined reference to `PQexecParams'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0xc67): undefined reference to `PQresultStatus'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0xc84): undefined reference to `PQnfields'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0xcf7): undefined reference to `PQresultStatus'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0xd14): undefined reference to `PQntuples'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0xd96): undefined reference to `PQresultStatus'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0xddd): undefined reference to `PQgetisnull'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0xdf1): undefined reference to `PQgetvalue'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0xe7e): undefined reference to `PQresultStatus'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0xec8): undefined reference to `PQgetlength'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0xf45): undefined reference to `PQresultStatus'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0xf6b): undefined reference to `PQnfields'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0xf98): undefined reference to `PQfmod'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0xfa6): undefined reference to `PQftype'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x11b2): undefined reference to `PQfname'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x121a): undefined reference to `PQftable'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x123b): undefined reference to `PQftablecol'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x14e2): undefined reference to `PQresultStatus'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x1505): undefined reference to `PQntuples'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x1513): undefined reference to `PQnfields'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x157d): undefined reference to `PQgetvalue'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x1616): undefined reference to `PQresultErrorMessage'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x1696): undefined reference to `PQresultStatus'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x1716): undefined reference to `PQcmdStatus'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x1796): undefined reference to `PQcmdTuples'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x1831): undefined reference to `PQescapeString'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x189f): undefined reference to `PQescapeBytea'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x18b9): undefined reference to `PQfreemem'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x1935): undefined reference to `PQunescapeBytea'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x194f): undefined reference to `PQfreemem'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x19c6): undefined reference to `PQoidValue'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x1a46): undefined reference to `PQoidStatus'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x1ac6): undefined reference to `PQbinaryTuples'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x1b58): undefined reference to `PQftable'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x1be8): undefined reference to `PQftype'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x1c78): undefined reference to `PQfname'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x1d08): undefined reference to `PQfmod'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x1d98): undefined reference to `PQfsize'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x1e3c): undefined reference to `PQgetisnull'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x1ec7): undefined reference to `PQfnumber'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x1f46): undefined reference to `PQntuples'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x1fc6): undefined reference to `PQnfields'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x2057): undefined reference to `PQsendQuery'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x20d7): undefined reference to `PQgetResult'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x2186): undefined reference to `PQconsumeInput'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x2206): undefined reference to `PQisBusy'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x2286): undefined reference to `PQrequestCancel'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x2306): undefined reference to `PQflush'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x2397): undefined reference to `PQsetnonblocking'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x2416): undefined reference to `PQisnonblocking'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x24c6): undefined reference to `PQuntrace'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x2547): undefined reference to `PQsetErrorVerbosity'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x25d7): undefined reference to `lo_import'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x267a): undefined reference to `lo_export'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x2707): undefined reference to `lo_unlink'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x2786): undefined reference to `PQserverVersion'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x2807): undefined reference to `PQgetCancel'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x28d0): undefined reference to `PQcancel'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x29b7): undefined reference to `PQescapeByteaConn'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x29d1): undefined reference to `PQfreemem'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x2a8c): undefined reference to `PQprepare'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x2bda): undefined reference to `PQexecPrepared'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x2caa): undefined reference to `PQputCopyData'
    C:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw\libhbpgsql.a(postgres.o):postgres.c:(.text+0x2d2c): undefined reference to `PQputCopyEnd'
    collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
    hbmk2[demo]: Erro: Executando linkeditor. 1
    gcc.exe C:/Users/MICROS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/hbmk_v5hpsn.dir/demo.o C:/Users/MICROS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/hbmk_v5hpsn.dir/hbmk_96fflo.o C:/hmg.3.4.4/SAMPLES/HFCL/SQL/POSTGRESQL_1/_temp.o    -pthread  -static-libgcc  -static-libstdc++  -static -lpthread -mwindows -Wl,--start-group -lhmg -lcrypt -ledit -leditex -lgraph -lini -lreport -lhfcl -lmsvfw32 -lvfw32 -lhbmysql -lmysql -lhbfimage -lhbpgsql -lsddmy -lhbvpdf -lhbct -lhbwin -lhbmzip -lminizip -lhbmemio -lhbmisc -lhbtip -lsqlite3 -lhbsqlit3 -lsddodbc -lrddsql -lhbodbc -lodbc32 -lhbhpdf -lhbnetio -lxhb -lpng -llibhpdf -lhbzebra -lhbextern -lhbdebug -lhbvmmt -lhbrtl -lhblang -lhbcpage -lgtcgi -lgtpca -lgtstd -lgtwin -lgtwvt -lgtgui -lhbrdd -lhbuddall -lhbusrrdd -lrddntx -lrddcdx -lrddnsx -lrddfpt -lhbrdd -lhbhsx -lhbsix -lhbmacro -lhbcplr -lhbpp -lhbcommon -lhbmainwin -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -ladvapi32 -lws2_32 -liphlpapi -lwinspool -lcomctl32 -lcomdlg32 -lshell32 -luuid -lole32 -loleaut32 -lmpr -lwinmm -lmapi32 -limm32 -lmsimg32 -lwininet -lhbpcre -lhbzlib   -Wl,--end-group -odemo.exe  -LC:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw -LC:/hmg.3.4.4/lib
    hbmk2: Erro: Referenciado, faltando, mas fun‡äes desconhecida(s):
  5. C:\hmg.3.4.4\SAMPLES\Miscellaneous\NETIO\NETIO_02\Client:

    Code: Select all

    --- Error found at compiling --- 
    WINDRES: can't open icon file `Res\Main.ico': No such file or directory
    Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1703241902)
    Copyright (c) 1999-2016,
    gcc.exe: error: C:/hmg.3.4.4/SAMPLES/Miscellaneous/NETIO/NETIO_02/Client/_temp.o: No such file or directory
    hbmk2[DEMO]: Erro: Executando linkeditor. 1
    gcc.exe C:/Users/MICROS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/hbmk_ii4cdb.dir/main.o C:/Users/MICROS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/hbmk_ii4cdb.dir/hbmk_fa7doa.o C:/hmg.3.4.4/SAMPLES/Miscellaneous/NETIO/NETIO_02/Client/_temp.o    -pthread  -static-libgcc  -static-libstdc++  -static -lpthread -mwindows -Wl,--start-group -lhmg -lcrypt -ledit -leditex -lgraph -lini -lreport -lhfcl -lmsvfw32 -lvfw32 -lhbmysql -lmysql -lhbfimage -lhbpgsql -lsddmy -lhbvpdf -lhbct -lhbwin -lhbmzip -lminizip -lhbmemio -lhbmisc -lhbtip -lsqlite3 -lhbsqlit3 -lsddodbc -lrddsql -lhbodbc -lodbc32 -lhbhpdf -lhbnetio -lxhb -lpng -llibhpdf -lhbzebra -lhbextern -lhbdebug -lhbvmmt -lhbrtl -lhblang -lhbcpage -lgtcgi -lgtpca -lgtstd -lgtwin -lgtwvt -lgtgui -lhbrdd -lhbuddall -lhbusrrdd -lrddntx -lrddcdx -lrddnsx -lrddfpt -lhbrdd -lhbhsx -lhbsix -lhbmacro -lhbcplr -lhbpp -lhbcommon -lhbmainwin -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -ladvapi32 -lws2_32 -liphlpapi -lwinspool -lcomctl32 -lcomdlg32 -lshell32 -luuid -lole32 -loleaut32 -lmpr -lwinmm -lmapi32 -limm32 -lmsimg32 -lwininet -lhbpcre -lhbzlib   -Wl,--end-group -oDEMO.exe  -LC:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw -LC:/hmg.3.4.4/lib
  6. HBC deletion file was not proceeded at this release, as I recomended and apointed to you on my previous message.
  7. \SAMPLES\Advanced\USER_COMPONENTS demo is still with several errors even I adviced many times... (here and here)
  8. Other observations:
    • C:\hmg.3.4.4\SAMPLES\Basics\MULTIPRG
      Building LIBTEST1 - Remove PAUSE at bat
      Building LIBTEST2 - Remove PAUSE at bat
    • C:\hmg.3.4.4\SAMPLES\Basics\MIXEDCONSOLE
    • Building hello.prg, remove this --> #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x502
    • C:\hmg.3.4.4\SAMPLES\Controls\Grid\GRID_Column_Order is running when should not (need to fix Build.bat of this demo)
    • C:\hmg.3.4.4\SAMPLES\Controls\Grid\Grid_Context_Menu is running when should not (need to fix Build.bat of this demo)
I would like to see SAMPLES free of compiling errors. :oops:
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Re: Fixed and enhanced SAMPLES

Post by Anand »

I checked the errors of c:\hmg.3.4.4\SAMPLES\Advanced\USER_COMPONENTS\

I found similar code in MiniGui Extended which was working fine. On comparing I found some difference and made some changes in HMG 3.4.4 to make it compile without any error.

Result is attached.

Please note that below lines are giving error in HMG but Ok in MiniGui,
MENUITEM 'Custom Method: Disable' ACTION Win1.Test.Disable
MENUITEM 'Custom Method: Enable' ACTION Win1.Test.Enable
MENUITEM 'Custom Property: Handle (Set)' ACTION Win1.Test.Handle := 1

Also I copied from MiniGui. The one in HMG include is zero bytes.

I will try sort out errors of HMG as as and when I get time. If Ok then I will request Rathi Sir, to add it in HMG for next release.
Please advise me if I make some mistake.


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Re: Fixed and enhanced SAMPLES

Post by Pablo César »

Hi Anand,

Sorry to not agree with you right on your birthday. :|

But please take what I am going to say more for clarification purposes.

The decision to update USER_COMPONENTS is not up to me, but I need to clarify some facts:
A long time I am insisting to fix SAMPLES and many HMG versions were released already, most of then were corrected others with persistent errors.

I believe that Rathinagiri is forgetting to update or maybe I do not like my indications/corrections.
I do not know exactly because he likes silence intead to tell me the truth not to bother me... :lol: (Pls it's a joke)

But these messages since Jun, 2013 and on November, 2016: viewtopic.php?p=47854#p47854 I fixed (in both cases) and improved the USER_COMPONENTS. In this last, I wrote in ReadMe.txt:
- You will also need to check the "" file that is in the folder named <HMG_Root_Folder>\include
which should have the following content...
This indication serves to eliminate these errors in which I have recently referred and still persist:
Screen174.png (25.75 KiB) Viewed 5467 times
Probably was Claudio or Rathinagiri but did not liked or at least did not mention any thing about if could be approved or not liked about this idea, these corrections. (silence again) :mrgreen:

Now I see your willingness to fix it, too. :)
This is good and healthy and all those have happened, stimulated even more to I do it better...

Unlike what I have proposed before (in my previous messages) for HMG in the file, I made instead the same changes in the file (current include file) thus only being useful for this demo and not affecting the rest in a permanent way.

Your said you found similar include from HMEE, but I disagree to use that, because there are particular functions that we do not use in HMG and also is not complete for last introduced demo.

In your demo, I've noted you have disable the lines where contains: HANDLE attrib, DISABLE and ENABLE at MENUITEMs because the compiling error.

Now I propose another version, free of error. Free of big changing in HMG and more options too... :P
Screen176.png (16.75 KiB) Viewed 5388 times
Source files (2 Demos)
(5.23 KiB) Downloaded 284 times
Executables files (2 Demos)
(2.43 MiB) Downloaded 263 times
Please note that, in all my updating, I delete the previous versions for a reason of order and to preserve hosted space.. ..

Please Anand, do not take it personally.

I just wish everyone could collaborate as you did and we can achieve better examples in HMG SAMPLES.

Rathinagiri, I am still waiting for your response.
Last edited by Pablo César on Fri Apr 07, 2017 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fixed and enhanced SAMPLES

Post by Rathinagiri »

Thank you Pablo and Anand.

I will re-visit all the samples and try to reconcile the errors.
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Re: Fixed and enhanced SAMPLES

Post by Anand »

Pablo César wrote: Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:28 pm Please Anand, do not take it personally.
No, no nothing to worry :) We are friends and we all are trying to make HMG better.

I noted that there was no reply after your message and Claudio wanted some rest, so I thought to give a helping hand to Rathinagiri Sir, that's all.




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Re: Fixed and enhanced SAMPLES

Post by Pablo César »

Rathinagiri wrote: Fri Apr 07, 2017 6:03 am Thank you Pablo and Anand.

I will re-visit all the samples and try to reconcile the errors.
Thank you Rathinagiri.

This "same" problem "always" happen in USER_COMPONENTS demo. See this post since 2008: viewtopic.php?p=420#p420 :| :shock:

Always by the same reason.
To avoid this problem in compiling process, It's mandatory and recommended to read the ReadMe.txt file located at USER_COMPONENTS folder. Which indicates that user should modify the <HMG_PATH>\include\ file.

Roberto probably intended to make us see that it is possible to increase new definitions when windows/forms is defining and by using include file with BASE_USER_DEF definition and through the DECLARE CUSTOM COMPONENTS command <Window>.
This additional features, allows us to add new command, new settings.
Screen175.png (34.86 KiB) Viewed 5395 times
Simply: GREAT ! Very powerful. (My thanks for this in this message)

In my humble opinion, instead of making changes always at the <New_HMG_PATH>\include\ (Which is part of core specifically at HMG's INCLUDE folder) we could change and use at current file, located in the same project folder.
So then we would avoid to patch the include file all the times that HMG is being updated.
By this way we let the i_usrsoop only to be modified for other main reasons.

That's basically my proposal. I am waiting a response of this from HMG.

Another thing I would like to request from HMG is the possibility to replace the current MYBUTTON with the BS_OWNERDRAW button that Krzysztof (KDJ) make for us. It's wonderful work and we have not considered to be included in our SAMPLES at this last release of the HMG version.

We can replace MYBUTTON or add a new Demo at USER_COMPONENTS folder (probably demo3).
IMHO it would be better in that way.

Just to make reminding to everybody:
Krzysztof elaborated this in response of [url=viewtopic.php?p=47855#p47855~this[/url] (my request of help with font color button changing) at USER_COMPONENTS.
Thanks a lot Krzysztof, once again.

Please take in consideration the added second demo for LEFTJUSTIFY command at ChechBoxes (that's not demo included yet at HMG).

I will wait for your providences and your answer on my two requests Mr. Rathinagiri.
Anand wrote: Fri Apr 07, 2017 8:45 am No, no nothing to worry :) We are friends and we all are trying to make HMG better.

I noted that there was no reply after your message and Claudio wanted some rest, so I thought to give a helping hand to Rathinagiri Sir, that's all.
Many thanks Anand for your comprehension and help. Very much appreciated. :D
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Re: Fixed and enhanced SAMPLES

Post by serge_girard »

Thanks Pablo and all.
Demo1.exe gives error:
Date:04/07/17 Time: 17:19:12
Error BASE/1003 Variable does not exist: _SPLITCHILD_1_SETFOCUS

Called from GETCONTROLTYPE(1110)
Called from DOMETHOD(8982)
Called from _HMG_PRINTER_MOUSEZOOM(7378)
Called from EVENTPROCESS(161)
Called from DOMESSAGELOOP(0)
Called from _ACTIVATEWINDOW(5717)
Called from PRINTWINDOW(6382)
Called from (b)MAIN(27)
Called from EVENTS(1756)
Called from DOMESSAGELOOP(0)
Called from _ACTIVATEWINDOW(5717)
Called from MAIN(48)
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Re: Fixed and enhanced SAMPLES

Post by Pablo César »

Thank you Serge for reporting.

I saw last night at Print Preview, doesn't it ?

Something around Events in this new control...

I still do not know what HMG wiil do if is gonna accept this demo or not...

Anyway I will see it in this afternoon.
It's a petty that I am beasy now with ActiveX and JS function... :oops:

I am working on right now on searching and finding inner text of html files ...
I am so excited !! :P
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Re: Fixed and enhanced SAMPLES

Post by serge_girard »

Great Work Pablo : ActiveX and JS function !

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Re: Fixed and enhanced SAMPLES

Post by Pablo César »

It is strange and for me difficult to find a solution. :oops: (If nobody can help, better to cut off the preview option :| )

It's something about events with SplitChild... :?

"SETFOCUS" is coming as control name in MyButtonSetFocus.

So I tried to fix but it is a dirty and all buttons of preview loose its actions. Only Escape for exit.

Code: Select all

Function MyButtonSetFocus ( cWindow , cControl )
Local i

i := Ascan ( _HMG_SYSDATA [ CTRL_NAME ] , cControl ) // I added this
If i > 0 // I added this
   If GetControlType ( cControl , cWindow ) == 'MYBUTTON'

      SetFocus ( GetControlHandle ( cControl , cWindow ) )




   _HMG_SYSDATA [USR_COMP_PROC_FLAG] := .F. // I added this
I lost all my day and nothing with ActiveX + JS... :|
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