ViewError - HMG building utility

Utilities like DBU, Make, IDE written in HMG/ used to create HMG based applications

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Pablo César
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Post by Pablo César »

serge_girard wrote:1 - First run forces me to choose some log file
I was thinking about this. I've noted when is our first time running this app, we do not know what to do.
So, in this case (upto save preferences, ie creating INI file) ViewError will create two temporary files for this propose at temporary folder. This internal procedure, gives a chance to access Preferences <F10> directly and user can make his preferences and settings.

I understand when anyone have any difficulty, probably other will it have too. So is important to all of us, to note these signals for the right providences or adjustments.

I'm glad Serge you have mentioned your p-o-v, thank you my friend !

Note: Source codes and executable files were removed due there is a updated version more ahead for you downloading.

  • Please check if you need to updated your Build.bat located at HMG root folder in case you want to work with ViewError and working with the newest Build.bat version.
  • Source codes and executable files were removed due there is a updated version more ahead for you downloading.
I hope you enjoy it !
And tell me about your opinion abut this. :D
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Re: ViewError

Post by serge_girard »

Hi Pablo,

At the moment I'm very very busy.
I just take time to quickly check new posts and sometimes, between a compilation or 2, I take a break for testing/looking some of user contribs....

Next month will be less busy and then I continue ViewError testing!


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Post by Pablo César »

Ok Serge take your time ! :)
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ViewError - Version 1.8

Post by Pablo César »

More one step was superated.

Pending items (Development in progress):
  • Edit source code
    (still not saving source when at GRID as source editor)
  • Preference for source's editor
  • Multi language according IDE files langs
  • Re-Building option
  • RunTime error when choose error file and rebuild option.
    This does not occur when normal compilling.
  • Resources / some embellishment.
<All attached files were removed due there is a updated version more ahead for downloading>

I hope you enjoy it ! :D
Last edited by Pablo César on Sun Nov 13, 2016 1:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ViewError

Post by bpd2000 »

Thank you
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Post by Pablo César »

How to test ViewError.exe and Build.bat ?
  1. You make Download of newest versions.
    1. Download Build.bat from this topic. Please check last version released.
    2. Download ViewError.exe. Please check last version released here in this same topic. You can click here to make download of ViewError.rar
  2. Unpack rar files.
    1. Before unpack Build.rar, is good to preserve (make a backup copy) of your old Build.bat at HMG root folder (normally at C:\hmg.3.4.0), just for the case you do not like to use ViewError in your compilling process of your projects. Then you need to unpack Build.rar at HMG root folder and replacing existing Build.bat.
    2. Unpack ViewError.rar at a common folder for HMG proposes. I use to have my tools for programming with HMG at C:\HMGTools. So you need to unpack creating this folder and keep all HMG tools together.
  3. Execute ViewError.exe for your first time at C:\HMGTools folder.
    1. The app when excuted will ask: "Do you want to use ViewError when Building your HMG app ?". You can choose for "Yes", do not worry if you want turn back for original use. There is an option for uninstall it. After installed will be displayed: "You need to restart this computer for the installation to take effect !".
    2. The you will see this screen:
      Screen1.png (72.79 KiB) Viewed 5708 times
      In this step, you can set your favorite source editor by selecting executable file (Notepad++ is our indicated source editor). If you do want to work with any editor, you can choose for Grid option just for displaying the error line in your source code when any error occurrs during building process. Different colors for Grid can also be selected. But I prefer to work with my favorite source editor (Notepad++). One op below is where ViewError will work (after booting system) and you can clik in Save button just to confirm installation and save INI configuration file.
The installation is finnished upto here.

Now I will show how it works. But remember to make a BOOT of your system to make tests first.

We can take following tests building a source with error:
  1. Build thru IDE.
    1. Let's provocate an error first at one Demo in SAMPLES taking this C:\hmg.3.4.0\SAMPLES\Basics\Hello_World as example.
    2. Re-edict C:\hmg.3.4.0\SAMPLES\Basics\Hello_World\hello.prg and write any thing at line of Function Main as for example:
      Screen2.png (39.29 KiB) Viewed 5708 times
    3. Save this prg and try to build this demo click at IDE's Run button or pressing F5 at IDE.
    4. You will see instantaneally be displayed this:
      Screen3.png (50.71 KiB) Viewed 5708 times
      Please note this when favorite source editor were defined
    5. You can fix the prg where the error was positioned and Rebuild at this button:
      Screen4.png (57.28 KiB) Viewed 5708 times
    6. After saved and clicked at Re-Build will be displayed this:
      Screen5.png (59.68 KiB) Viewed 5708 times
      For confirming HMG version and HBP file.
    7. When confirming OK will start re-Building hello demo as you can see black window. And finish the building process will run Hellow word !
  2. Build thru command prompt (at DOS), by line commands.
    <This instructions will continue at next message>
  3. Re-build an existing project with error compiling.
    <This instructions will continue at next message>
To be continue...
Last edited by Pablo César on Sun Nov 13, 2016 12:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Pablo César »

Moving on ...
  • B. Build thru command prompt (at DOS), by line commands.
    1. Let's provocate same error as previous item at C:\hmg.3.4.0\SAMPLES\Basics\Hello_World as an example.
    2. Re-edict C:\hmg.3.4.0\SAMPLES\Basics\Hello_World\hello.prg and write any thing at line of Function Main as for example:
      Screen2.png (39.29 KiB) Viewed 5692 times
    3. Save this prg and go to Command Prompt at that folder and type:
      Build <Enter> then you will see this when the error has found:
      Screen6.png (71.22 KiB) Viewed 5692 times
      Items 5, 6 and 7 can be proceed like as the previous message. It's same procedure.
    C. Re-build an existing project with error compiling.
    1. Let's provocate same error as previous item at C:\hmg.3.4.0\SAMPLES\Basics\Hello_World as an example.
    2. Re-edict C:\hmg.3.4.0\SAMPLES\Basics\Hello_World\hello.prg and write any thing at line of Function Main as for example:
      Screen2.png (39.29 KiB) Viewed 5692 times
    3. Compile C:\hmg.3.4.0\SAMPLES\Basics\Hello_World\hello.hbp with "xxx" error and do not correct yet.
    4. Run C:\HMGTools\ViewError.exe and choose the error.log at C:\hmg.3.4.0\SAMPLES\Basics\Hello_World
    5. Items 5, 6 and 7 can be proceed like as the previous message. It's same procedure.
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Post by Pablo César »

ViewError app is part of my programming routine and compilations.

I have a folder named HMGTools where I deposit my tools related to HMG. And ViewError.exe is in this folder. :P

Running for the first time will ask if you want to establish this application to view the error file during builds. Either by the Build.bat of the HMG main folder or by the IDE.
The interesting thing is that when an error occurs during compilation, if there is the line number will open the source file on the same line where the error occurred. Having as option:

1. View the error in the source code
2. Fix PRG and write to your favorite editor
3. Re-Build Application
4. Configuring the Error Viewer

In this release, I make sure that in the memory environment recording, it is being done with administrator rights. Because the recording is done by the Register.

It also verifies that the registered application is the same one that is running.

I hope you like it and it is useful in your day to day life. If they have suggestions or criticism, they will be accepted.

<All attached files were removed due there is a updated version more ahead for downloading>

Last edited by Pablo César on Sun Nov 13, 2016 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ViewError - HMG building utility

Post by serge_girard »

Hello Pablo,

I got a runtime-error:

Date:11/13/16 Time: 11:17:53 Error BASE/1081 Argument error: + Called from MAIN(49)

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ViewError - HMG building utility

Post by Pablo César »

Thank you Serge for error reporting.

Now is working and added optional reboot for 20 seconds (Windows app command) for installation to take effect.
Executable file
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Source files
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"Matter tells space how to curve, space tells matter how to move."
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