STATIC Variables

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STATIC Variables

Post by ohaldi »

I'm still learning HMG and have a small problem with STATIC variables.
I don't think that is a HMG problem. Tell me if it's not allowed to ask no HMG question!

I have a small problem with STATIC variables. I used the compile.bat batch for this example.

If I compile this test.prg sample alone, it is OK. No error!
Example1 (test.prg):
Static Test := {}
Return nil

If I include this test.prg in the main.prg like this:
Example2 (main.prg):
set Procedure to test

Return nil

Then I get this error:
test.prg(1) Error E0004 STATIC declaration follows executable statement
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Re: STATIC Variables

Post by dhaine_adp »

I have a small problem with STATIC variables. I used the compile.bat batch for this example.
IMHO, your getting this problem because of the order of declaration of commands:

set procedure to.... follows an executable statement. Supposed to be you have to call the routine after the main() declaration.

You have two options to resolved your problem:

(1) - move the static declaration of variable to main()
(2) - revised the code as follows:

*set procedure to test -->> you would get the error because this line was executed first and followed by a statement, in this case it is a function declaration...... removed this line and compile them
function main()
return nil

function test(x)
static aTest := {}
return nil

Whether that is in one prg source code or in two different source code, I believed that would fix the problem.

You don't have to used the command statement SET PROCEDURE TO because when you linked the two files the procedure or function is available at run-time.
Here is another example
function main()

local nAbc := 1

? Test(nAbc)

return nil

function Test( nX )

static nVar

nVar := nX + 1

return nVar

Compile them in two separate .prg file or in one prg file does not matter. If you prefer to use HMG IDE make sure that you thick mark console mode on the preference. Otherwise, you would not see any output though the program is running but you cannot see anything. Fire-up the task manager to kill it (main.exe)



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Re: STATIC Variables

Post by ohaldi »

Many thanks for your quick help.
OK, now I understand.
function test(x)
static aTest := {}
return nil
This solution is good but this aTest array must be visible in the whole prg.
Raison that I placed it at the top.!

In fact I used "set procedure to" to compile 4 prg's at one time. I think, I have to switch to a MAKE solution.
I like to have a simple solution with a batch file. I use this solution with clipper, because from my editor (TextPad) I
have a button who call batch named CompAll.bat. This batch use first a make to find out witch prg's have to be compiled
If the compiler find any error then I only have to click on this error line to be placed correctly in the source.
If no error then the linker is called. Is somebody have a good sample for HMG, it will help me.
Thanks in advance.
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Re: STATIC Variables

Post by ohaldi »

Here the simple solution to compile 4 prg's individually.
This solve problem with STATIC variables.
My CompAll.Bat script:

SET MINGW=c:\HMG\mingw
SET HRB_DIR=c:\HMG\harbour

%HRB_DIR%\bin\harbour kalga.prg -n -i%HRB_DIR%\include;%MINIGUI_INSTALL%\include; -o%OBJ_DIR%
%HRB_DIR%\bin\harbour adresse.prg -n -i%HRB_DIR%\include;%MINIGUI_INSTALL%\include; -o%OBJ_DIR%
%HRB_DIR%\bin\harbour proce.prg -n -i%HRB_DIR%\include;%MINIGUI_INSTALL%\include; -o%OBJ_DIR%
%HRB_DIR%\bin\harbour reorgcmx.prg -n -i%HRB_DIR%\include;%MINIGUI_INSTALL%\include; -o%OBJ_DIR%

gcc -I. -I%HRB_DIR%\include -mno-cygwin -Wall -c %OBJ_DIR%kalga.c -o %OBJ_DIR%kalga.o
gcc -I. -I%HRB_DIR%\include -mno-cygwin -Wall -c %OBJ_DIR%adresse.c -o %OBJ_DIR%adresse.o
gcc -I. -I%HRB_DIR%\include -mno-cygwin -Wall -c %OBJ_DIR%proce.c -o %OBJ_DIR%proce.o
gcc -I. -I%HRB_DIR%\include -mno-cygwin -Wall -c %OBJ_DIR%reorgcmx.c -o %OBJ_DIR%reorgcmx.o

gcc -Wall -o kalga %OBJ_DIR%kalga.o %OBJ_DIR%adresse.o %OBJ_DIR%proce.o %OBJ_DIR%reorgcmx.o %MINIGUI_INSTALL%\resources\minigui.o -L%MINGW%\lib -L%HRB_DIR%\lib -L%MINIGUI_INSTALL%\lib -mno-cygwin -Wl,--start-group -lcnl -lgtwin -lminigui -ldll -luser32 -lwinspool -lcomctl32 -lcomdlg32 -lgdi32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lwinmm -lvfw32 -lwsock32 -lgraph -ledit -lreport -lini -leditex -lcrypt -lhbapollo -lhbbmcdx -lhbbtree -lhbclipsm -lhbcommon -lhbcpage -lhbcplr -lhbct -lhbcurl -lhbfbird -lhbgd -lhbhpdf -lhbhsx -lhblang -lhbmacro -lhbmainstd -lhbmisc -lhbmsql -lhbmysql -lmysqldll -lhbmzip -lhbnf -lhbodbc -lodbc32 -lhbpcre -lhbpgsql -lhbpp -lhbrdd -lhbrtl -lhbsix -lhbsqlit3 -lhbtip -lhbusrrdd -lhbvm -lhbvpdf -lhbw32 -lhbzlib -lrddado -lrddads -lrddcdx -lrddfpt -lrddntx -lxhb -Wl,--end-group
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Re: STATIC Variables

Post by Rathinagiri »

Thanks for the info.
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