MessageBox with TimeOut

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Pablo César
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MessageBox with TimeOut

Post by Pablo César »

Hellow every one !

I am looking for a simple solution for automatically closing a message box, function similar like this:

Screen.PNG (6.99 KiB) Viewed 6512 times
Would it be wonderfull to have it with changing seconds (SetTimer) at Caption of Button "Ok".
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MessageBox with TimeOut

Post by Pablo César »

Sometimes we think: the guy wants everything for free ... but please this is not the case.
I made my way to the one and tried to run this function MyMsgWait and am available to you:

Code: Select all

Function MyMsgWait(cMessage, cTitle, nTime)
Local I:=0, nHeight:=0, nLastLine:=0

Private lLoop := .T.

cMessage:=If(cMessage=Nil," ",cMessage)
nTime:=If(nTime=Nil, 10 , nTime)

If IsWindowDefined(Upper("Form'"))

If nHeight <= 70
   nHeight := 90

DEFINE WINDOW FormMsgWait AT 0,0 WIDTH 300 HEIGHT nHeight+35 ;
    TITLE cTitle ICON 'info.bmp' MODAL NOSIZE               ;
	ON RELEASE If(lLoop,lLoop:=.F.,) ON INIT Counting(nTime)

    ON KEY ESCAPE of FormMsgWait ACTION FormMsgWait.Release
    For I:=1 TO MLCount(cMessage,68,8,.f.)
        cTexLabel := 'Text'+Str(I,1)
		nLastLine := nLastLine+20
        @ nLastLine,06 LABEL &cTexLabel WIDTH 278 HEIGHT 16 ;
		    VALUE HMG_PADC(Alltrim(MemoLine(cMessage,68,I,8,.t.)),68) ;
    Next I
    @ nLastLine+30,115 BUTTON Button_1 CAPTION '&Ok' ;
	    WIDTH 80 HEIGHT 30 ACTION (FormMsgWait.Release)

Return Nil
Function Counting(nSecs)
Local nSeconds := 0, nCount := nSecs

Do While nCount > -1 .and. lLoop
   If Abs( Seconds() - nSeconds ) >= 1
      FormMsgWait.Button_1.Caption:=LTrim(Str(nCount))+" Second"+If(nCount > 1, "s", "")
      nSeconds := Seconds()
   Do Events
If lLoop
   lLoop := .F.
Return Nil
But it did not work where I wanted it to work (before activation of the Main window).
Screen.PNG (12.45 KiB) Viewed 6452 times
This happend because this:
Screen2.PNG (17.67 KiB) Viewed 6452 times
As we know, the MessageBox function C does not depend on it, and for this reason I come to ask (perhaps the person who always contributed his expertise in C) the creation of a new function that allows do the autorelease through some timer. But it must be done in C. :|

This function I'm wanting is to be used in this example and also will be usefull for other cases as well.

I do not know if I'm the only one in need of it ... :(
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MessageBox with TimeOut

Post by bpd2000 »

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MessageBox with TimeOut

Post by Pablo César »

Thank you Dave for your interest to help. I also found this ... essage-box but I think the best way is to make a new function at C:\hmg.3.1.5\SOURCE\c_msgbox.c with MessageBox...
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Pablo César
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MessageBox with TimeOut

Post by Pablo César »

Googling for a solution using the MessageBoxIndirect and I found in CodeProject (one of my favorite site) this example: ... geBox-v1-0

The example is very old (2005) but very well prepared, because it has several options with various combinations of MessageBox examples.


Worth checking out ... :D
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Re: MessageBox with TimeOut

Post by danielmaximiliano »

muchas cosas buenas hay en Codeproject. yo hace muchisimos años miro el sitio
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Jairo Maia
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Re: MessageBox with TimeOut

Post by Jairo Maia »

Hello Pablo,

Thanks for sharing this information. I didn´t know this site. It´s very cool.
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Pablo César
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MessageBox with TimeOut

Post by Pablo César »

Our MsgDebug() uses MessageBoxTimeout. It's very good one, I use too much.

HMG MessageBoxTimeout

Thank you Claudio, you're a genius !

But I'm looking for a MessageBox with ListView (grid). Many and many times I use to debug for display and sometimes are too large, so many items to make preview of it values. I've to count with a pen on the screen to see it each position and believe me this takes a lote of time.
So I got an idea, to put it into a grid in MessageBox (MessageBox, because is not necessary to declare any form/window) then could display each parameter in one line, displaying line number column + values, this would display with scrollbars.

I saw something at: ... to-message

I also found a Scrollable MessageBox at:

Image ... geBox.aspx

Or adding ListBox at MessageBox: ... rplanguage

The important is to display all listed data, complete and if is posible numerated by line numbers.
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Pablo César
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MessageBox with TimeOut

Post by Pablo César »

I made this adaptation:
Screen2.png (71.96 KiB) Viewed 5881 times

Code: Select all

#include <>

Function Main()
MsgDebug2(hb_ATokens( "Pablo       César  Arrascaeta", .T. ))
Return Nil

Function MsgDebug2
Local i, cMsg, cTitle

cMsg := "Called from: " + PROCNAME(1) + "(" + LTRIM(STR(PROCLINE(1))) + ") --> " + PROCFILE (1) + CRLF + CRLF
For i = 1 To PCount()
    cMsg := cMsg + AllTrim(Str(i))+". " + HB_VALTOEXP (PVALUE (i)) + IIF (i < PCOUNT(), CRLF, "")
cTitle := _MsgDebugTitle
HMG_MessageBoxTimeout ( cMsg, MsgDebugTitle(), MsgDebugType(), MsgDebugTimeOut() )
cMsg := cTitle + CRLF + cMsg
Return cMsg
But when is more than 60 items, there is not scrollbars to help for rolling down the screen. :(

Please note line of each parameter, help to identify each item.
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Pablo César
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MessageBox with TimeOut

Post by Pablo César »

I read this: MsgList shows an array on a modal dialog box.

An also this in Java:

Probably useful.
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"Matter tells space how to curve, space tells matter how to move."
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