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Re: Grid2Print - Suggestions

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:01 pm
by esgici
rathinagiri wrote:I had uploaded a small variant of Grid-print today.

Hi Rathi

Thanks, nice enhancement :)

But not good one by your side ;)

Because now we will say : Column names ( titles ) may be edit-able with column sizes; also no with separate textbox, but in-place, that is directly on grid cells :!:

Only a joke; user wishs never end.

By the way, although look like as a small and simple sample, your Grid-print is a good example of HMG stability. Surely your achievement is essential. But without HMG like a stable library such utility never has been exist.

Best regards



Re: Grid2Print - Suggestions

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:04 pm
by Rathinagiri
Thanks for the compliments Esgici. :)

I am working on a somewhat enhanced version. Expect the same in the near future.


Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:21 am
by sudip
Hi Rathinagiri,

Thank you very much for Grid2Print! :)

It works like a magic!

(Sorry members, may be I should not post this message in "HMG General Help". If I am wrong. Please tell me where to put this message)

Thank you Rathi. This will be very helpful to my clients, who really depend on me.

Thank you CCH, my friend. You told me about this forum.
(Sorry again members. I am really excited!)

With best regards.


Re: Grid2Print - Suggestions

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:51 pm
by Rathinagiri
Thank you.

Now I had given the link for the latest source code in the first post of this topic.

Re: Grid2Print - Suggestions

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:50 pm
by sudip
Hi Rathinagiri,

Thank you! I have misplaced my message about Print2grid.

Now can you tell me where can I get different features of Print2gird?

BTW, I stored your 1st message about grid2print in pdf form but you added more features later ;)

I saw the sourcecode. There is a suggestion. Can you please add 8.5"x12" paper to it?



Re: Grid2Print - Suggestions

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:49 pm
by Rathinagiri
Regarding the different features of Grid2print...Everything is on screen...

For your kind information I am listing some of it...

- It is a small utility to print the contents of a grid control. It is an interface to the HMG Print facility.
- Selection of columns to report (You can remove a particular column of the grid in reporting)
- The print size of the columns can be altered.
- Headers and Footers can be added to the report.
- Page numbers are printed on each page. :) It can be printed either on top or bottom of the page. Or, if it is not needed that can be removed too.
- Font size of the report can be changed
- Column wise, row wise grid lines can be printed.
- Report can be vertically centered to look neatly.
- Extra White space between the columns can be spread, so that the report is to fill the width of the paper excluding the margin.
- Orientation of the report can be selected
- Printer can be selected from a list
- Standard page sizes or custom page size can be selected, so are the margins.
- A blue print preview of the first page is shown before getting printed.

Re: Grid2Print - Suggestions

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:57 pm
by sudip
Hi Rathinagiri,

Thanks a lot!



Re: Grid2Print - Suggestions

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:10 pm
by Rathinagiri
The latest version of Grid2Print can be downloaded from here. Please test this version and report about bugs.

New Feature in this version:

Columns can be merged together and given a common header for a meaningful report. The merged columns should be given in an array in the following format.

{{start_column1, end_column1,"Header1"},{start_column2,end_column2,"Header2"}...)

Screen shot:


Now, I am working on 'Page wise summary for some numeric columns"

Re: Grid2Print - Suggestions

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:09 pm
by Rathinagiri
I think everybody is busy with some other work. :)

Now, I am coming with the new version of GridPrint with pagewise summary of numeric fields.

You have to add a parameter to the gridprint function with the syntax like this. {{.f.,""},{.f.,""},{.t.,"9999.99"}} ie, true for the columns where summation is required along with the picture mask.

Test and tell me about this version. :)

It can be downloaded from here.



Re: Grid2Print - Suggestions

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 4:24 pm
by mbar
English by Google

Hi rathi:

Gidprint problem.

If the parameter lShowWindow = .F. , when I click the print button a second time without being sent to the printer the first preview, the program hung up and throws the following error:

Date:05/19/09 Time: 12:59:14
Error: Harbour MiniGUI 2.9.1 (2009.05.10)
Window: printgrid already defined. Program Terminated
Called from _DEFINEMODALWINDOW(3418)
Called from GRIDPRINT(193)
Called from (b)MAIN(127)
Called from EVENTS(1360)
Called from _DOMESSAGELOOP(0)
Called from _ACTIVATEWINDOW(4318)
Called from MAIN(135)

Printgrid.Release should not be executed when you close the preview?



Problema con gidprint.

Si el parámetro lShowWindow es falso, cuando hago click en el botón print por segunda vez sin haber enviado a la impresora el primer preview, el programa se cuelga y arroja el siguiente error:

Date:05/19/09 Time: 12:59:14
Error: Harbour MiniGUI 2.9.1 (2009.05.10)
Window: printgrid already defined. Program Terminated
Called from _DEFINEMODALWINDOW(3418)
Called from GRIDPRINT(193)
Called from (b)MAIN(127)
Called from EVENTS(1360)
Called from _DOMESSAGELOOP(0)
Called from _ACTIVATEWINDOW(4318)
Called from MAIN(135)

No debería programarse printgrid.Release cuando cierro el preview ?

Saludos cordiales.