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Re: Export data to OpenOffice Calc and MS Office Excel

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 5:20 pm
by mol
Do anybody knows how to change font size and font name while exporting data to openoffice sheet?

Re: Export data to OpenOffice Calc and MS Office Excel

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 7:30 pm
by andyglezl
En OpenOffice no se, en Excel lo hago así.
In OpenOffice I do not know, in Excel I do it that way.

oSheet:Range( "A1:D2" ):Font:Name := "Calibri"
oSheet:Range( "A1:D2" ):Font:Bold := .T.
oSheet:Range( "A1:D2" ):Font:Size := 12

Re: Export data to OpenOffice Calc and MS Office Excel

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 8:45 pm
by mol
This does not work in OpenOffice.
It's more complicated.

Re: Export data to OpenOffice Calc and MS Office Excel

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 9:25 pm
by apais
Why don't you use libxlswriter ? It generates agnostic spreadsheets.

Re: Export data to OpenOffice Calc and MS Office Excel

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 9:33 pm
Hi Marek,
I searched for:
openoffice calc functions change font

Maybe you can record the corresponding Makro?

I have no knowledge of VBA, but sometimes recording makros helps me a lot, Recording makros is certainly a feature in openoffice.


Re: Export data to OpenOffice Calc and MS Office Excel

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:17 am
by mol
I'm trying to do it in this way. VBA is very easy opposite to macros in openoffice (I'm not familiar with Java).

Re: Export data to OpenOffice Calc and MS Office Excel

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 10:44 am
by mol
It was so easy to realize, but so hard to find right method name :-D

Code: Select all

nFontSize := 22
nFontName := "ARIAL"
oSheet:getCellRangeByPosition(1,1,1,2):CharHeight := nFontSize
oSheet:getCellRangeByPosition(1,1,1,2):CharFontName := nFontName
if you want to set BOLD, you must do int in this way

Code: Select all

oSheet:getCellRangeByPosition(1,1,1,2):CharWeight := 150		// percent of font weight --- BOLD  ==>  ""
DONTKNOW The font weight is not specified/known.
THIN specifies a 50% font weight.
ULTRALIGHT specifies a 60% font weight.
LIGHT specifies a 75% font weight.
SEMILIGHT specifies a 90% font weight.
NORMAL specifies a normal font weight.
SEMIBOLD specifies a 110% font weight.
BOLD specifies a 150% font weight.
ULTRABOLD specifies a 175% font weight.
BLACK specifies a 200% font weight.

if you want to underline content of your cell:

Code: Select all

oSheet:getCellByPosition(0,i):CharUnderline := nLineType
where nLineType can be: (info from ... rline.html)
0 - not underline
1 - single line
2 - double line
3 - dot line (....)
4 - not underline ???
5 - dotted line ( _ _ _ _ )
6 - dotted line ( __ __ __ __ )
7 - dot and dotted ( _._._._._)
8 - _.._.._.._..
9 - ~~~~~~~~~
10 - ~~~~~~~~

If you want to use Italic font:

Code: Select all

oSheet:getCellByPosition(0,i):CharPosture := nFontSlant
where nFontSlant
0 - no slant
1 - slant not designed into the font (where font does not have italic option - it's slanted by openoffice)
2 - where font has italic option built-in
I used small piece of code to test it:

Code: Select all

 function test1
 	begin sequence with { |e| break(e)}
		oServiceManager := TOleAuto():New("")
		oDesktop := oServiceManager:createInstance("")
	recover using e
		oDeskTop := NIL
	end sequence
	IF oDesktop = NIL
	  MsgStop("OpenOffice not installed?","Error")
	oDocument := oDesktop:loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/scalc","_blank", 0, {})
	oSchedule := oDocument:GetSheets()
	oSheet := oSchedule:GetByIndex(0)

	for i:=0 to 100
		c := "Line: "+str(i,3)
		oSheet:getCellByPosition(0,i):SetString( c )
	next i
	for i:=0 to 10
		oSheet:getCellByPosition(0,i):CharUnderline := i
	next i

Re: Export data to OpenOffice Calc and MS Office Excel

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 1:05 pm
by Mario Mansilla
Hola Amigos :
necesito exportar a Excel una base de datos cuyos valores son : 00000001 ,001 , 0001 .
Si utilizo la propiedad Numberformat "###0" me coloca todos 1 alineados a la derecha .
oHoja:Columns(2):NumberFormat := "###0"

Si utilizo la propiedad Numberformat "@" me coloca todos 1 alineados a la izquierda .
oHoja:Columns(2):NumberFormat := "@"

Si directamente no coloco nada me asigna un valor numerico sin ceros

Que valor deberia usar para que al exportar me deje los valores tal como estan en la base de datos .

Mario Mansilla

Hello friends :
I need to export to Excel a database whose values are: 00000001, 001, 0001.
If I use the Numberformat property "### 0" I put all 1 aligned to the right.
oHoja: Columns (2): NumberFormat: = "### 0"

If I use the Numberformat property "@" I put all 1 aligned to the left.
oHoja: Columns (2): NumberFormat: = "@"

If I do not place anything directly, it assigns me a numeric value without zeros

What value should I use to export the values as they are in the database?

Re: Export data to OpenOffice Calc and MS Office Excel

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 11:19 pm
by andyglezl
Al tener ceros a la izquierda, deben ser texto, por lo tanto deben de ir entre
comillas y no usar Numberformat "###0".

"00000001" ,"001" , "0001"

Re: Export data to OpenOffice Calc and MS Office Excel

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 1:20 pm
by koke
Si es un número que quieres exportar como texto agrega una comilla sencilla antes del mismo.

---- google translate ----

If it is a number that you want to export as text, add a single quote before it.