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Getting Table Struct with TMySqlServer:TableStruct()

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 2:42 am
by hmgchang
Dear Masters,

REef. to this :

Code: Select all

* MySql Harbour Contribution Library 

CLASS TMySQLRow: Every single row of an answer

	DATA  aRow		

		A single row of answer

	DATA  aDirty		

		Array of booleans set to .T. if corresponding field of aRow has
		been changed

	DATA  aOldValue		

		If aDirty[n] is .T. aOldValue[n] keeps a copy of changed value 
		if aRow[n] is part of a primary	key

	DATA  aOriValue		

		Original values ( same as TMySQLtable:aOldValue )

	DATA  aFieldStruct	

		Type of each field

	DATA  cTable		

		Name of table containing this row, empty if TMySQLQuery returned
		this row

	METHOD	New(aRow, aFStruct, cTableName)

		Create a new Row object

	METHOD   FieldGet(cnField)

		Same as clipper ones, but FieldGet() and FieldPut() accept a 
		string as

	METHOD   FieldPut(cnField, Value)

		Field identifier, not only a number

	METHOD   FieldName(nNum)

	METHOD   FieldPos(cFieldName)

	METHOD   FieldLen(nNum)

		Length of field N

	METHOD   FieldDec(nNum)

		How many decimals in field N

	METHOD   FieldType(nNum)

		Clipper type of field N

	METHOD   MakePrimaryKeyWhere()

		Returns a WHERE x=y statement which uses primary key (if 

CLASS TMySQLQuery: Every single query submitted to MySQL server

	DATA  nSocket

		Connection handle to MySQL server

	DATA  nResultHandle

		Result handle received from MySQL

	DATA  cQuery

		Copy of query that generated this object

	DATA  nNumRows

		Number of rows available on answer NOTE MySQL is 0 based

	DATA  nCurRow

		I'm currently over row number

	DATA  lBof
	DATA  lEof

	DATA  lFieldAsData

		Use fields as object DATA. For compatibility
		Names of fields can match name of TMySQLQuery/Table DATAs,
		and it is dangerous. ::lFieldAsData:=.F. can fix it

	DATA  aRow

		Values of fields of current row

	DATA  nNumFields

		How many fields per row

	DATA  aFieldStruct

		Type of each field, a copy is here a copy inside each row

	DATA  lError

		.T. if last operation failed

	METHOD   New(nSocket, cQuery)

		New query object

	METHOD   Destroy()

	METHOD   End()

	METHOD   Refresh()

		ReExecutes the query (cQuery) so that changes to table are 

	METHOD   GetRow(nRow)

		Return Row n of answer

	METHOD   Skip(nRows)
		Same as clipper ones

	METHOD   Bof()

	METHOD   Eof()

	METHOD   RecNo()

	METHOD   LastRec()

	METHOD   GoTop()

	METHOD   GoBottom()

	METHOD   GoTO(nRow)

	METHOD   FCount()

	METHOD   NetErr()

		Returns .T. if something went wrong

	METHOD   Error()

		Returns textual description of last error and clears ::lError

	METHOD   FieldName(nNum)

	METHOD   FieldPos(cFieldName)
	METHOD   FieldGet(cnField)

	METHOD   FieldLen(nNum)

		Length of field N

	METHOD   FieldDec(nNum)

		How many decimals in field N

	METHOD   FieldType(nNum)
		Clipper type of field N

CLASS TMySQLTable: A query without joins; Insert() e Delete() rows are allowed. 
NOTE: it's always a SELECT result, so it will contain a full table only if
SELECT * FROM ... was issued

	DATA  cTable
		Name of table

	DATA  aOldValue

		Keeps a copy of old value

	METHOD   New(nSocket, cQuery, cTableName)

	METHOD   GetRow(nRow)

	METHOD   Skip(nRow)

	METHOD   GoTop()
	METHOD   GoBottom() 

	METHOD   GoTo(nRow)
	METHOD   Update(oRow, lOldRecord, lRefresh)

		Gets an oRow and updates changed fields

	METHOD   Save()

	METHOD   Delete(oRow, lOldRecord, lRefresh)

		Deletes passed row from table

	METHOD   Append(oRow, lRefresh)

		Inserts passed row into table
	METHOD   GetBlankRow( lSetValues )
		Returns an empty row with all available fields empty

	METHOD   SetBlankRow() 


	METHOD   Blank()

	METHOD   FieldPut(cnField, Value)

		Field identifier, not only a number

	METHOD   Refresh()

	METHOD   MakePrimaryKeyWhere()

		Returns a WHERE x=y statement which uses primary key (if 

CLASS TMySQLServer: Every available MySQL server

   DATA  nSocket

	Connection handle to server (currently pointer to a MYSQL structure)

   DATA  cServer

	Server name

   DATA  cDBName

	Selected DB

	DATA  cUser

		User accessing db

	DATA  cPassword
		His/her password

	DATA  lError

		.T. if occurred an error

	DATA  cCreateQuery

	METHOD   New(cServer, cUser, cPassword)

		Opens connection to a server, returns a server object

	METHOD   Destroy()

		Closes connection to server

	METHOD   SelectDB(cDBName)

		Which data base I will use for subsequent queries

	METHOD   CreateTable(cTable, aStruct,cPrimaryKey,cUniqueKey,cAuto)

		Create new table using the same syntax of dbCreate()

	METHOD   DeleteTable(cTable)

		Delete table

	METHOD   TableStruct(cTable)

		Returns a structure array compatible with clipper's dbStruct() 

	METHOD   CreateIndex(cName, cTable, aFNames, lUnique)
		Create an index (unique) on field name(s) passed as an array of
		strings aFNames

	METHOD   DeleteIndex(cName, cTable)

		Delete index cName from cTable

	METHOD   ListDBs()

		Returns an array with list of data bases available

	METHOD   ListTables()

		Returns an array with list of available tables in current 

	METHOD   Query(cQuery)

		Gets a textual query and returns a TMySQLQuery or TMySQLTable 

	METHOD   NetErr() INLINE ::lError

		Returns .T. if something went wrong

	METHOD   Error()

		Returns textual description of last error

	METHOD   CreateDatabase( cDataBase )
		Create an New Mysql Database

	METHOD   sql_Commit()

		Commits transaction

	METHOD   sql_Rollback()

		Rollbacks transaction

	METHOD   sql_Version()

	Server version as numeric

I tried to get the table struct by the oServer:TableStruct( cTable) method... but always
return an empty array / {}. Pls advise where have i make mistake, or any other ways
to have the infos ? ( at mysql command line i can use DESCRIBE table... but i dont know
how to get the info into the program...


best rgds,

Re: Getting Table Struct with TMySqlServer:TableStruct()

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:08 am
by Rathinagiri
You can pass on the 'Describe...' query to the sql server the same way you are sending any other 'select...' query.