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Preguntas de HMG + SQLite

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:21 pm
by joposadas

Estoy ya haciendo una pequeñas pruebas con SQlite, y a medida que las hago me surgen algunas preguntas:
He leído que hay versiones de SQLite entonces mi pregunta es:
1- ¿Qué versión es la que usa HMG de SQLite?
2- ¿Se está actualizando esta librería frecuentemente ?
3- ¿Cómo puedo saber QUÉ versión tiene actualmente el paquete de instalación de HMG?

Y por último, ¿alguno de ustedes ya ha hecho una aplicación usando SQLite? y si la respuesta es SI entonces

1- ¿Qué desempeño tiene HMG + SQLite?
2- ¿Cuantos usuario se acceden a la base de datos?
3- ¿Algo que no les ha agradado el uso de SQLite + HMG?

Y si me podrían compartir algunos programas para ver como hace para un INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE,

De antemano muchas gracias por la ayuda que me puedan prestar.

PD: YO ya hice aplicaciones con HMG + Access, HMG + MS-SQL, HMG + SQLEspress2005

Re: Preguntas de HMG + SQLite

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:04 am
by Rathinagiri

First, SQLite is the part and parcel of the harbour package. Let us see the answers for your questions one by one.

1. We can find the version of SQLite we use, by calling a function sqlite3_libversion_number() It is in the format: 3005001 which means that the version we use is 3.5.1
2. Yes, the latest version of HMG3.1.2 is distributed with the latest SQLite version.
3. Same answer as the first question.
4. I have made many applications using SQLite. It is my favorite to do projects using SQLite.
5. HMG is nothing to do with SQLite's performance. Since the whole library is included and natively called using 'c' wrappers, it is so fast.
6. SQLite and networking is fantastic if it is read operation. In case of write operation, the network will be slow for more than 2 or more concurrent users. Basically SQLite is designed for single user systems. It doesn't have a table level/record level locking system. The whole file is locked for writing. But, it doesn't mean that SQLite don't have networking capabilities. Since SQLite is a single file based serverless database management system, the file sharing depends upon the operating system.
7. If the database is accessed by many persons concurrently for writing, then SQLite is not suggested. My preference at that time is MariaDB. In other situations, it is ok with SQLite.
8. Many persons have shared their sample code for SQLite. You can see the sample code here.

Re: Preguntas de HMG + SQLite

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:22 am
by joposadas

Gracias por tu respuesta, tu mencionaste que :

8. Many persons have shared their sample code for SQLite. For me, I use HMGSQLite library in my code. You can see the sample code here.

¿En dónde puedo encontrar documentación de la librería HMGSQLite?
¿Me puedes compartir unos ejemplo de como se usa esa librería?

Muchas gracias.

Re: Preguntas de HMG + SQLite

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:07 am
by Rathinagiri
You can see the documentation of HMGSQLite (or HMGSQL) in hmgsql/doc folder of HMG installation.