HMG en Español

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Post by danielmaximiliano »

Hola a Todos:
Baje hace dias la nueva version liberada de HMG.4, me encontre escribiendo un ejemplo para ver lo nuevo en el mismo que no encuentro la documentacion sobre la sintaxis de HMG.4
mirando hmg.4.html me encontre que hay muchas cosas termninadas como lo que necesito "define Tab" mas completa

pero mirando ..\hmg.4\svn\include\hmg.ch no es asi

Code: Select all

//                                Tab

#command DEFINE TAB <oObj> ;
      [ <dummy1: OF, PARENT> <oParent> ] ;
      AT <nRow> , <nCol> ;
      WIDTH <nWidth> ;
      HEIGHT <nHeight> ;
      [ VALUE <nValue> ] ;
      [ FONT <cFontName> ] ;
      [ SIZE <nFontSize> ] ;
      [ <lFontBold : BOLD> ] ;
      [ <lFontItalic : ITALIC> ] ;
      [ <lFontUnderline : UNDERLINE> ] ;
      [ <lFontStrikeout : STRIKEOUT> ] ;
      [ TOOLTIP <cToolTip> ] ;
                [ <lButtons: BUTTONS> ]       ;
                [ <lFlat: FLAT> ]       ;
      [ ON CHANGE <bOnChange> ] ;
                [ <lNoTabStop: NOTABSTOP> ]       ;
                [ <lMultiLine: MULTILINE> ]       ;
   With Object <oObj> := Tab():New() ; :Name := <"oObj"> ; oPriotTab := oCurrentTab ; oCurrentTab := <oObj>   ;;
      [:Row      := <nRow>      ]   ;;
      [:Col      := <nCol>      ]   ;;
      [:Parent   := <oParent>      ]   ;;
      [:Width      := <nWidth>      ]   ;;
      [:Height   := <nHeight>      ]   ;;
      [:Value      := <nValue>      ]   ;;
      [:FontName   := <cFontName>      ]   ;;
      [:FontSize   := <nFontSize>      ]   ;;
      [:FontBold   := <.lFontBold.>   ]   ;;
      [:FontItalic   := <.lFontItalic.>   ]   ;;
      [:FontUnderline   := <.lFontUnderline.>   ]   ;;
      [:FontStrikeout   := <.lFontStrikeout.>   ]   ;;
      [:ToolTip   := <cToolTip>      ]   ;;
      [:OnChange   := <{bOnChange}>   ]   ;;
      [:Flat      := <.lFlat.>      ]   ;;
      [:TabStop   := !<.lNoTabStop.>   ]   ;;
      [:MultiLine   := <.lMultiLine.>   ]

#command DEFINE TAB <oObj> ;
      [ PARENT> <oParent> ] ;
      ROW <nRow> ;
      COL <nCol> ;
      WIDTH <nWidth> ;
      HEIGHT <nHeight> ;
      [ VALUE <nValue> ] ;
      [ FONTNAME <cFontName> ] ;
      [ FONTSIZE <nFontSize> ] ;
      [ FONTBOLD <lFontBold> ] ;
      [ FONTITALIC <lFontItalic> ] ;
      [ FONTUNDERLINE <lFontUnderline> ] ;
      [ FONTSTRIKEOUT <lFontStrikeout> ] ;
      [ TOOLTIP <cTooltip> ] ;
                [ BUTTONS <lButtons> ]       ;
                [ FLAT <lFlat> ]       ;
      [ ON CHANGE <bOnChange> ] ;
                [ TABSTOP <lTabStop> ]       ;
                [ MULTILINE <lMultiLine> ]       ;
   With Object <oObj> := Tab():New() ; :Name := <"oObj"> ; oPriotTab := oCurrentTab ; oCurrentTab := <oObj> ;;
      [:Row      := <nRow>      ]   ;;
      [:Col      := <nCol>      ]   ;;
      [:Parent   := <oParent>      ]   ;;
      [:Width      := <nWidth>      ]   ;;
      [:Height   := <nHeight>      ]   ;;
      [:Value      := <nValue>      ]   ;;
      [:FontName   := <cFontName>      ]   ;;
      [:FontSize   := <nFontSize>      ]   ;;
      [:FontBold   := <.lFontBold.>   ]   ;;
      [:FontItalic   := <.lFontItalic.>   ]   ;;
      [:FontUnderline   := <.lFontUnderline.>   ]   ;;
      [:FontStrikeout   := <.lFontStrikeout.>   ]   ;;
      [:ToolTip   := <cTooltip>      ]   ;;
      [:OnChange   := <{bOnChange}>   ]   ;;
      [:Flat      := <.lFlat.>      ]   ;;
      [:TabStop   := <.lTabStop.>      ]   ;;
      [:MultiLine   := <.lMultiLine.>   ]

// Page Without Name

#command PAGE <cCaption> [ IMAGE <cImage> ] ;
   oPriorPage := oCurrentPage ;;
   With Object oCurrentPage := TabPage():New()   ;;
      :Parent := oCurrentTab      ;;
      :Caption := <cCaption>      ;;
      [ :Image := <cImage> ]

#command DEFINE PAGE <cCaption> [ IMAGE <cImage> ] ;
   oPriorPage := oCurrentPage ;;
   With Object oCurrentPage := TabPage():New()   ;;
      :Parent := oCurrentTab      ;;
      :Caption := <cCaption>      ;;
      [ :Image := <cImage> ]

#command DEFINE TAB PAGE <cCaption> [ IMAGE <cImage> ] ;
   oPriorPage := oCurrentPage ;;
   With Object oCurrentPage := TabPage():New()   ;;
      :Parent := oCurrentTab      ;;
      :Caption := <cCaption>      ;;
      [ :Image := <cImage> ]

// Page With Name

#command PAGE <cCaption> [ IMAGE <cImage> ] NAME <oObj> ;
   oPriorPage := oCurrentPage ;;
   With Object oCurrentPage := TabPage():New()   ;;
      <oObj> := oCurrentPage      ;;
      :Parent := oCurrentTab      ;;
      :Caption := <cCaption>      ;;
      [ :Image := <cImage> ]

#command DEFINE PAGE <cCaption> [ IMAGE <cImage> ] NAME <oObj> ;
   oPriorPage := oCurrentPage ;;
   With Object oCurrentPage := TabPage():New()   ;;
      <oObj> := oCurrentPage      ;;
      :Parent := oCurrentTab      ;;
      :Caption := <cCaption>      ;;
      [ :Image := <cImage> ]

#command DEFINE TAB PAGE <cCaption> [ IMAGE <cImage> ] NAME <oObj> ;
   oPriorPage := oCurrentPage ;;
   With Object oCurrentPage := TabPage():New()   ;;
      <oObj> := oCurrentPage      ;;
      :Parent := oCurrentTab      ;;
      :Caption := <cCaption>      ;;
      [ :Image := <cImage> ]

#command END PAGE  ;
   End With ; oCurrentPage := oPriorPage ; oPriorPage := Nil

#xcommand END TAB => End With ; oCurrentTab := oPriorTab ; oPriorTab := Nil
es un error mio ????
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¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´. (¸.·` *
.·`. Harbour/HMG : It's magic !

Saludos / Regards

Whatsapp. := +54901169026142
Telegram Name := DaNiElMaXiMiLiAnO
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