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HMG-IDE 3.0.0 (Forum test VI)

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:03 am
by Roberto Lopez
Hi All,

Here is ide 3.0.0 forum test VI.

It requires HMG 3.0.0 forum test VI.

The only change is that it is compatible with HMG 3 :)



Re: HMG-IDE 3.0.0 (Forum test VI)

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:01 am
by Vanguarda

Thank once again master.

with best regards,

Re: HMG-IDE 3.0.0 (Forum test VI)

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:12 am
by Vanguarda
Hello Master,

Sorry, but i dont be able for compile my project using this version of HMG-IDE.

When i click on compile button, show me a window "building" and it is closed. And my resource file not opened in this IDE.

Where i miss?

with best regards,

Re: HMG-IDE 3.0.0 (Forum test VI)

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:51 am
by Rathinagiri
I am sure it is 'Diwali' gift. :)

Re: HMG-IDE 3.0.0 (Forum test VI)

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:58 am
by mol
I'm starting to test

Re: HMG-IDE 3.0.0 (Forum test VI)

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:22 am
by mol
I've tried to recompile my project with version 3.0 (hmg & ide).
I've reset incremental data, deleted manually all *.o files, but compiler didn't start.
I can see "BUILD" window for a while and nothing else happens.
What's going on?


Re: HMG-IDE 3.0.0 (Forum test VI)

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:28 am
by arroya2
Maestro te lo estás currando (expresión andaluza que quiere decir "trabajando" y que le da más dramatismo).

Es una maravilla lo que está haciendo.

Rafael Pérez

Re: HMG-IDE 3.0.0 (Forum test VI)

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:34 am
by Roberto Lopez
mol wrote:I've tried to recompile my project with version 3.0 (hmg & ide).
I've reset incremental data, deleted manually all *.o files, but compiler didn't start.
I can see "BUILD" window for a while and nothing else happens.
What's going on?

I've forgot something....

Please, replace \hmg\batch\build.bat with the following and re-test:

Code: Select all

@echo off

rem ***************************************************************************
rem HMG 3.0 Build batch 
rem Roberto Lopez (2009.10.16)
rem Syntax:
rem	Build [/i|/r|/d|/cs|/ci/cr] <PrgFile> | <filelist.hbp> [config.hbc]
rem	[/i] : incremental build
rem	[/r] : incremental build (rebuild all)
rem	[/cs] : Console/mixed mode (std build)
rem	[/ci] : Console/mixed mode (incremental build)
rem	[/cr] : Console/mixed mode (incremental rebuild all)
rem	[/d] : Debug mode (gui and console)
rem	<filelist.hbm> : A text file with .hbp extension containing a source list
rem	<configfile.hbc>: A text file with configuration parameters as additional
rem	libs, include paths and lib paths.
rem		<configfile.hbc> Syntax:
rem		incpaths = incpath1 incpath2 ... incpathn
rem		libpaths = libpath1 libpath2 ... libpathn
rem		libs = lib1 lib2 ... libn
rem	- library names must not include 'lib' prefix nor '.a' extension.
rem	- build.bat will create an 'error.log' file in the app folder when build
rem	process ends with an error condition.
rem ***************************************************************************


echo building...

if exist hbmk.log del hbmk.log
if exist del
if exist windres.log del windres.log
if exist error.log del error.log

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Set variables
rem ***************************************************************************

Set Path=c:\hmg\util;c:\hmg\mingw\bin;c:\hmg\harbour\bin;%PATH%
if "%Resources%"==""  Set Resources=c:\hmg\resources\minigui.o
if "%HmgPath%" =="" Set HmgPath=c:\hmg

set GT=-gtgui
set DEBUG=""
set RUN=.T.

rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Parameters Processing
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

rem ***************************************************************************
rem No run after build
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/n" goto norun
if "%1"=="/N" goto norun


rem ***************************************************************************
rem Console Incremental Rebuild
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/cr" goto consoleincrebuild
if "%1"=="/CR" goto consoleincrebuild

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Console Incremental
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/ci" goto consoleincremental
if "%1"=="/CI" goto consoleincremental

rem ***************************************************************************
rem GUI Incremental Rebuild
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/r" goto increbuild
if "%1"=="/R" goto increbuild

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Console Standard Build
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/cs" goto console
if "%1"=="/CS" goto console

rem ***************************************************************************
rem If debug mode specified, use GTWIN and pass -b parameter
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/d" goto debug
if "%1"=="/D" goto debug

rem ***************************************************************************
rem If /i parameter rceived set BUILDTYPE to incremental
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/i" goto incremental
if "%1"=="/I" goto incremental

rem ***************************************************************************
rem If /i parameter rceived set BUILDTYPE to incremental
rem ***************************************************************************

if "%1"=="/i" goto incremental
if "%1"=="/I" goto incremental


if exist %~n1.exe del %~n1.exe

if exist %~n1.exe goto error

rem ***************************************************************************
rem If a resource with the same base name as the first parameter exist compile it
rem ***************************************************************************

if exist %~n1.rc copy /b %HmgPath%\resources\minigui.rc+%~n1.rc+%HmgPath%\resources\filler _temp.rc >NUL
if exist %~n1.rc redir -e windres.log windres -i _temp.rc -o _temp.o 
if exist %~n1.rc Set Resources=_temp.o

rem ***************************************************************************
rem invoke HBMK2
rem ***************************************************************************

redir -eo  hbmk2 -nohbc -o%~n1.exe %GT% %DEBUG% -head=real %BUILDTYPE% %REBUILDALL% -incpath=%HmgPath%\include -incpath=%CD% -L%HmgPath%\lib -lminigui -lhbmysql -lmysql -lcrypt -ledit -leditex -lgraph -lini -lreport -lhbwin -lhbziparc -lhbmzip -lmsvfw32 -lvfw32 -lsddodbc -lrddsql -lsddmy -lhbodbc -lodbc32 -lhbhpdf -lhbvpdf -lhbmemio -lhbsqlit3 -lsqlite3 -lhbfimage.a -lhbpgsql -lpq -prgflag=/q %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 %Resources%  >hbmk.log

goto end

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure increbuild
rem ***************************************************************************


set BUILDTYPE=-inc
set REBUILDALL=-rebuild


goto continue

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure Console
rem ***************************************************************************


set GT=-gtwin


goto continue

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure Debug
rem ***************************************************************************


set GT=-gtwin
set DEBUG=-b

echo Options NoRunAtStartup > Init.cld


goto continue

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure Incremental
rem ***************************************************************************


set BUILDTYPE=-inc

goto continue

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure IncConsole
rem ***************************************************************************


set BUILDTYPE=-inc
set GT=-gtwin


goto continue

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure IncConsole
rem ***************************************************************************


set BUILDTYPE=-inc
set GT=-gtwin
set REBUILDALL=-rebuild


goto continue

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure NoRun
rem ***************************************************************************


set RUN=.F.


goto continue0

rem ***************************************************************************
rem Procedure Error
rem ***************************************************************************


echo Can't delete previous %~n1.exe version (still running?) > error.log

goto showlog


rem ***************************************************************************
rem Cleanup
rem ***************************************************************************

rem If build error, create 'error.log' ----------------------------------------

if errorlevel 1 if exist windres.log copy /b windres.log+hbmk.log error.log >nul

if errorlevel 1 if not exist windres.log copy /b hbmk.log error.log >nul

rem If no error run the exe ---------------------------------------------------

if "%RUN%"==".T." if not errorlevel 1 if exist %~n1.exe %~n1.exe

rem Delete temporary files ----------------------------------------------------

if exist windres.log del windres.log
if exist hbmk.log del hbmk.log
if exist del

if exist _temp.rc del _temp.rc

if exist _temp.o  del _temp.o

rem if exist delete debugger file ---------------------------------------------

if exist init.cld del init.cld


if exist error.log type error.log



Re: HMG-IDE 3.0.0 (Forum test VI)

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:40 am
by Roberto Lopez
Vanguarda wrote:Hello Master,

Sorry, but i dont be able for compile my project using this version of HMG-IDE.

When i click on compile button, show me a window "building" and it is closed. And my resource file not opened in this IDE.

Where i miss?

with best regards,
Please, replace build.bat with the one included in the previous message and re-test.



Re: HMG-IDE 3.0.0 (Forum test VI)

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:47 am
by Roberto Lopez
Vanguarda wrote:Hello Master,

Sorry, but i dont be able for compile my project using this version of HMG-IDE.

When i click on compile button, show me a window "building" and it is closed. And my resource file not opened in this IDE.

Where i miss?

with best regards,
Apparently, resource compiler in MingW 4 is working different.

Some resource names are not accepted now, ie: BUTTON resource from resource demo causes an error.

