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Re: GridAdo

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:56 pm
by luisvasquezcl
Adjunto nueva version de GridAdo.
Ahora trae validación para los tipos básicos ded datos.
Espero sus comentarios
Saludos cordiales

In English by google.
Deputy new version of Grid.
It brings validation for basic types of data.
I hope your comments

Luis Vásquez

Re: GridAdo

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:47 am
by MigSoft
Hola Luis,

Interesante aporte,

Se podría controlar el cierre de la conexion al salir por la X de la ezquina superior derecha agregando:

ON RELEASE ( oRs:close, oConn:close() ) ---------> en Form_1

P.D. aparece el siguiente mensaje:

demo.prg(35) Warning W0027 Meaningless use of expression: ':'


Miguel Angel Juárez A.

Re: GridAdo

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:54 pm
by luisvasquezcl
El cierre de la conexión se hace en el evento on release de la ventana, ve el demo.prg.
Aprovecho de informarles que hice una actualización del GridAdo.

Se agregó el Recordset al array _HMG_SYSDATA para asociar el recordset al control.
Se producia un error al abrir 2 recordset se perdia el anterior ya que se utilizaba una variable pública.

Se agregó el Demo1.prg: permite sólo visualizar los datos de la tabla.
Se agregó el Demo2.prg: permite abrir otra ventana mostrando un segundo recordset.

Espero sus comentarios.
Saludos cordiales

English provided by Google.
The closure of the connection is made at the event on release of the window, sees the demo.prg.
I take to inform you that I gave an update on the grid.

Added to the Recordset array _HMG_SYSDATA to associate the recordset control.
It resulted in an error when opening 2 perdia the previous recordset is already being used a variable public.

It added Demo1.prg: allows only view the data in the table.
It added Demo2.prg: Opens another window showing one second recordset.

I hope your comments.
Best regards

Luis Vásquez.

Re: GridAdo

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:57 pm
by luisvasquezcl
El error no sé por qué aparece, tendré que averiguarlo aunque como ves está correcta la referencia al objeto.

Re: GridAdo

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:06 pm
by esgici
Hola Luis

Congratulations, you succeed a difficult task.

A little problem:

When selected "Edit\Get Item" from menu:
Error 14255416/9 Either BOF or EOF is true or record deleted. Operation required a current record.: VALUE (*)

Called from TOLEAUTO:VALUE(0)
Called from GETPROPERTY(4046)
Called from GETITEM(108)
Called from (b)MAIN(42) (**)
Called from EVENTS(1233)
Called from _DOMESSAGELOOP(0)
Called from _ACTIVATEWINDOW(4070)
Called from MAIN(99)
(*) Message is in local language, translation may be slightly different.
(**) (b)MAIN(42) for demo.prg and demo1.prg, (b)MAIN(44) for demo2.prg




Re: GridAdo

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:18 pm
by luisvasquezcl
Hi esgici,
have not selected any row of the grid.
I will validate not to be reminded to display the error.
Luis Vasquez.

Re: GridAdo

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:06 pm
by esgici
Ok. Thanks.



Re: GridAdo

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:27 pm
by luisvasquezcl
Se actualizó el GridAdo.
-Se agregó el headerimages por compatibilidad con la última versión de hmg.
-Se hizo cambios internos.
-Se agrego demo4 con imagenes en las cabeceras.

It updated the grid.
- Added the headerimage for compatibility with the latest version of HMG.
- It was internal changes.
- Added demo4 with entries in the headers.

LUis Vasquez.

Re: GridAdo

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 10:06 pm
by luisvasquezcl
New version of Grid.
- Validates the value given to the recordset. Transform the value according to the appropriate type of cell.
I'm wait for your comments.
Luis Vasquez.

Re: GridAdo

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:56 pm
by esgici
luisvasquezcl wrote:Hello,
New version of Grid.
- Validates the value given to the recordset. Transform the value according to the appropriate type of cell.
I'm wait for your comments.
Hola Luis

Good job, good samle, thanks.

Generally my needs are humble, DBFNTX is sufficient for me. I don't know almost anything about ADO. So I don't have any consideration about ado section of your sample. Except one: USE'ing and converting to GRID a .mdb file is very impressive, thanks again.

By the way, some little and random sights:
  • Perhaps you forgot adding to last version. The previous is ok. I suppose that it haven't any difference.

    Also 00.bmp and 02.bmp are missing. Perhaps because of this absence, colum headers of GRID left empty.

    After added this two image file to last folder ( by bring up from old version's folder), only first column header seen with image, others no. IMHO you will need:
    • Making aImages array private, no local (ie removing local keyword).
      Adding these lines to PROCEDURE SORT()

      Code: Select all

          AEVAL( aImages,  { | c1, i1 | aImages[ i1 ] := '00.bmp' } )
          aImages[ N ] := '02.bmp'
          AEVAL( aImages, { | c1, i1 | Form_1.Grid_1.HeaderImages( i1 ) := c1 } )
    And one last : SORT always require considerably long time. Indexing is more preferable unless sorting is inevitable.
You may realized and applied all of these before me.

I want only offer some comments.


