HMG version installed

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Re: HMG version installed

Post by bpd2000 »

Screen of Win-8
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HMG version installed

Post by Pablo César »

Hi Dave,

This 3.3.1 version is the only HMG version installed in this your PC ? Is it correct ?

Thank you Dave !
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Re: HMG version installed

Post by bpd2000 »

Pablo César wrote:Hi Dave,

This 3.3.1 version is the only HMG version installed in this your PC ? Is it correct ?

Thank you Dave !
Yes only HMG 3.3.1 installed 64 Bits
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HMG version installed

Post by Pablo César »

Thank you Dave. So seems it is working properly and in Win8 !
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HMG version installed

Post by Pablo César »

Improved version wich can help to display version number and patches applied when are wrongly described in the principal files.
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<Source codes and executable files were removed because there is a updated version ahead of this topic>

I hope you enjoy ! :D
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HMG version installed

Post by claudiotedesco »

Muy buen trabajo, el unico inconveniente que tengo es que no me muestra en el HMG331 la version del patch, me muestra un "cero", tengo la ultima version cargada pero no l a muestra.


Very good job, the only problem that I have not shown me the HMG331 version of the patch, shows me a "zero", I have the latest version loaded but not shown.
Thank You

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HMG version installed

Post by Pablo César »

claudiotedesco wrote:Hola
Muy buen trabajo, el unico inconveniente que tengo es que no me muestra en el HMG331 la version del patch, me muestra un "cero", tengo la ultima version cargada pero no l a muestra.

Hola Claudio !

Paso a explicar como funciona este aplicativo que elaboré, para poder entender bien tu cuestionamiento y de paso para entender la evolucion de registro de versiones en HMG. Por eso lo hare en dos etapa (como funciona y despues explicar por qué no te vino el número del parche en 3.3.1):
  1. Este aplicativo no es solo para demonstrar en pantalla todas las instalaciones de HMG, tambien es para mostrar donde están instaladas, tanto las instalaciones registradas como las que no. Las registradas a que me refiero (solo para aclarar) es cuando instalamos HMG por el programa INSTALL cuando bajamos de nuestro site y no con apenas copiar desde una instalacion hecha.

    Es decir tenemos dos situaciones (ejemplifico en esta version):
    1. Una que instalamos atravez del HMG.3.3.1.exe (programa INSTALL)
    2. Y la otra es cuando copiamos para nuestro disco la carpeta C:\hmg.3.3.1\
    Volviendo al asunto, el aplicativo sirve tambien para mostrar en todos los archivos actualmente responsables por la definicion correcta de tu version de HMG. Para esto, actualmente cuenta con 4 (cuatro) que contienen la informacion del path y número de version con número de parches instalados y estos archivos son:
    1. <hmg_root>\version.txt
    2. <hmg_root>\version64.txt
    3. <hmg_root>\IDE\hmg.ini
    4. <hmg_root>\INCLUDE\
    Ocurre que estes denominaciones de version, fueron evolucionando (creo que desde la version HMG 3.2.1) pasó a poseer en el archivo los campos:

    Code: Select all

    #define _HMG_VERSION_NUMBER_            331        //  eg. 330 --> HMG 3.3.0
       #define _HMG_VERSION_WIN32_STABLE_   "Stable"   //  "Stable", "Test" or ""
       #define _HMG_VERSION_WIN64_STABLE_   "Test"     //  "Stable", "Test" or ""
       #define _HMG_VERSION_PATCH_          0          //  if 0 --> not exist patch in this version
       #define _HMG_VERSION_FULL_           _HMG_VERSION_NUMBER_ * 10 + _HMG_VERSION_PATCH_   // eg. 3301 --> HMG.3.3.0 Patch 1
    Este campos adicionales, nos proporciona una informacion más completa.

    Anteriormente a la version HMG 3.2.1, no existia. Existia apenas en los archivos <hmg_root>\version.txt y <hmg_root>\IDE\hmg.ini.

    Entonces podemos decir, que no todas las informaciones estarán completas en este listado de código fuente (arriba descripto), pero todo irá depender de la version que clicastes para ver esta informacion:

    Hoy en dia, no se nos ocurre alterar archivos de código fuente de la biblioteca HMG, como por ejemplo <hmg_root>\INCLUDE\
  2. Volviendo a tu observacion Claudio Tedesco. Aclaro que no exclusivo que ocurre a ti solo.

    Basicamente, en esta version, como las anteriores, desde que el Dr. Claudio incorporó la estructura de CONSTANTES en el archivo, no supimos actualizar este archivo a medida que fueron saliendo los parches. Entonces ocurre que el archivo queda siempre desactualizado. Pero esto no es proposital, sinó que como es algo nuevo y hay una demanda de consertar ciertos bugs cuando es lanzado nuevos recursos, esta informacion queda sin ser actualizada.

    Esta información, es importante, principalmente para nosotros los usuários, para saber si nuestr HMG está al dia actualizado. Por ese mismo, en este tópico, hago recordar al equipo de desarrollo (Srs. Rathinagiri y Claudio Soto) que mantengan actualizado esta informacion cada vez que es lanzado un nuevo parche o una nueva actualizacion de version.

    Entonces resumiendo lo que te ocurrió a todos, es que Claudio dejó de actualizar el al pasarnos todos los parches.[/color]
Yo, en nombre de todos, pido disculpa al Dr. Claudio, porque no estoy responsabilizando a nadie. Todo esto es para esclarecer a todos como funciona lo que Claudio nos disponibilizó y sabemos muy bien que no es intencional su fallo y siempre somos muy agradecidos con toda la atencion que nos brinda siempre. Tanto a Claudio como Rathinagiri.

Espero haber esclarecido todo y buscaremos auxiliar de la mejor forma al equipo de desarollo de HMG para poder dividir tareas y responsabilidades. Fué con este propósito que elaboré este aplicativo. Para poder englobar todos los cambios que se necesitan para mantener actualizado la informaciones de version.

Por eso, talvez sea necesário que atravéz de este aplicativo se pueda hacer re-ediciónes de esas informaciones que quedaron para atrás.

Al Dr. Claudio Soto: Seria convieniente que el usuário pueda alterar los archivos envolvidos sobre version de HMG cuando lo considere propicio alterarlo ? Qué te parece Claudio Soto ?

Agradezco a todos que tuvieron la atencion de leer todo esto para mejor esclarecimiento.

Un gran abrazo Claudio Tedesco, gracias por tu interés ! :)

claudiotedesco wrote:hello
Very good job, the only problem that I have not shown me the HMG331 version of the patch, shows me a "zero", I have the latest version loaded but not shown.
Thank You

Hi Claudio!

I will explain how this application I made it works, to understand your question and taking the opportunity to explain for all understanding of HMG versions and evolution. So I'll do a two-stage (how it works and then explain why you did not come the right number of patch 3.3.1):
  1. This application is not only to demonstrate on screen all of your HMG version installed at your disc, is also to show where it are installed in both facilities (registered or not). Why I said registered ? What I mean (just to clarify) is when we installed HMG by the INSTALL program when we got from our site and not just making copy from an installed one.

    I.e. we have two situations (with exemplified version):
    1. One case is when we have installed through HMG.3.3.1.exe file (INSTALL program)
    2. And the other is when we make a HMG's folder copy from other place to your disk folderC:\hmg.3.3.1\
    Now rReturning to the subject... the application also serves to show all files currently responsible for the correct definition of your HMG version. For this working, currently we have 4 (four) files containing the information of the path and HMG version HMG with the number of installed patches as follows:
    1. <hmg_root>\version.txt
    2. <hmg_root>\version64.txt
    3. <hmg_root>\IDE\hmg.ini
    4. <hmg_root>\INCLUDE\
    What is happening is that denominations version came up since (I think from HMG 3.2.1 version) which has started to holds these fields at file:

    Code: Select all

    #define _HMG_VERSION_NUMBER_            331        //  eg. 330 --> HMG 3.3.0
       #define _HMG_VERSION_WIN32_STABLE_   "Stable"   //  "Stable", "Test" or ""
       #define _HMG_VERSION_WIN64_STABLE_   "Test"     //  "Stable", "Test" or ""
       #define _HMG_VERSION_PATCH_          0          //  if 0 --> not exist patch in this version
       #define _HMG_VERSION_FULL_           _HMG_VERSION_NUMBER_ * 10 + _HMG_VERSION_PATCH_   // eg. 3301 --> HMG.3.3.0 Patch 1
    This additional fields, provides a more complete information.

    Prior to HMG 3.2.1 version, these does not exist. Existed only in the archives <hmg_root>\version.txt and <hmg_root>\IDE\hmg.ini.

    Then we can say, that not all information will be not able as should be in the source code (described above), so everything will depend on the version that will be choosen to view this information:

    Today, normally we are not thinking of re-edit source files of HMG library, such as<hmg_root>\INCLUDE\
  2. Returning back to Claudio Tedesco observation. I can say that: this condition is not solely yours.

    Basically, in this version, like as previous ones too, since Dr. Claudio implemeted CONSTANT structure in the file, we have not done updates in according were released patches, so leaving patches numbers: outdated at file. But this is not intentional, but as it is something new and always a big demand for improvements specially when launched new resources, then can occurrs this can of lack information and result of not being updated.

    This information about version, is important for us as users, to see if HMG is duly updated at our workbench. most for this same reason, I post on this tópic, I reminding to development team (Srs. Rathinagiri and Claudio Soto) to keep this information updated each time it is released a new patch or a new update to version.

    Then summarizing what happened to you all is that Claudio stopped updating the to spend all patches.[/color]
I, on behalf of all, ask apology to Dr. Claudio, because I'm not blaming anyone. All this is to clarify all Claudio's gives us with all showcasing what we know about his work and this is not intentional what happen as always we are very grateful for his all attention brings. Thanks to Claudio and Rathinagiri.

I hope I have clarified everything and trying to find the best assistant to team development of HMG to divide tasks and responsibilities. It was for this purpose that drew up this application. To encompass all the changes that are needed to keep the information updated version.

So maybe it's necessary right through this application can be re-edit this information that remained behind.

To Dr. Claudio Soto: Would it be convenient this app can allow to user re-edit/write changes about HMG versions into the files when deemed propitious to enable writing ? Dear Claudio Soto what do you think ?

I thank everyone who had the attention of read this for better clarification.

Claudio Tedesco, a big hug to you and thanks for your interest ! :)
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Re: HMG version installed

Post by Renegado »

¡Excelente! Gracias Pablo Cesar.
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HMG version installed

Post by Pablo César »

Que bueno que te gustó ! :)
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HMG version installed

Post by Pablo César »

HMG always walking for optimization and in this last release is showing that.
Specially for an improved HMGVersion()    :!:    (see revised changelog at HMG 3.4.0)

I just have looked deep in C:\hmg.3.4.0\SOURCE\h_error.prg and I saw the brillant idea of Dr. Claudio, taking HMG constants about version. Very clever and safe way to extract constants directly from running Harbour PreProcesor ( __pp_Process ( pPP, cCommand ) ). Congratulations Mr. Claudio, you're a genious !

The terrible thing is I will have to remake this InstalledAt.prg app... :twisted:
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But I will do it with all my heart, knowing that now no longer depend on files as Version.txt and Version64.txt :!:

Thank you Claudio !

And let's wait for a new release of InstalledAt app... :D
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"Matter tells space how to curve, space tells matter how to move."
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