ERASE WINDOW command does not delete the graph titles

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ERASE WINDOW command does not delete the graph titles

Post by andyglezl »

El comando ERASE WINDOW no borra los titulos de la grafica, creo que ya se habia dado una solucion
pero en esta version (3.4) sigue sin aplicarse. Quizas ya este implementada en la 3.41 ?
The ERASE WINDOW command does not delete the graph titles, I think they had already given a solution
but in this version (3.4) remains unimplemented. It may already be implemented in the 3.41?
EraseWin01.png (72.63 KiB) Viewed 4984 times
Andrés González López
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Re: ERASE WINDOW command does not delete the graph titles

Post by esgici »

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Re: ERASE WINDOW command does not delete the graph titles

Post by EduardoLuis »

Esgici you are "HMG-ENCICLOPEDIA".-
Thanks for share with all of us your knowledge.-
With regards.
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Re: ERASE WINDOW command does not delete the graph titles

Post by andyglezl »

Thanks Esgici that was the solution.
Andrés González López
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Re: ERASE WINDOW command does not delete the graph titles

Post by serge_girard »

He sure is a "HMG-ENCICLOPEDIA" !

There's nothing you can do that can't be done...
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Re: ERASE WINDOW command does not delete the graph titles

Post by mol »

serge_girard wrote:He sure is a "HMG-ENCICLOPEDIA" !

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Re: ERASE WINDOW command does not delete the graph titles

Post by Rathinagiri »

IMHO, drawing graph on the window itself is an outdated HMG graphics functionality.

The permanent solution for drawing graph is using the ultimate and versatile Bos Taurus library.

I have tried to convert the existing draw graph function ( only BAR type and not 3D) using BT library and saved the graph in a bitmap file. That bitmap can be used to show or print.

May be we can extend this to all other types and we have a NEW graph functionality to save the graph easily to a bitmap in HMG.

Code: Select all

#include <>

Function Main

   define window graph at 0, 0 width 1000 height 700 main 
      define button ok
         row 10
         col 10
         width 80
         caption 'Draw'
         action drawgraph()
      end button   
      define image grapharea
         row 50
         col 50
         width 800
         height 600
      end image
   end window

function drawgraph
   local cImage := 'graph.bmp'
   local nImageWidth := 800
   local nImageHeight := 600
   local cTitle := 'Sample Graph'
   local aYValues := {"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May"}
   local aData := { {14280,20420,12870,25347, 7640},;
           { 8350,10315,15870, 5347,12340},;
           {12345, -8945,10560,15600,17610} }
   local nBarDepth := 15
   local nBarWidth := 15   
   local nHValues := 5
   local l3D := .f.
   local lGrid := .t.
   local lXGrid := .t.
   local lYGrid := .t.
   local lXVal := .t.
   local lYVal := .t.
   local nGraphType := BARS
   local lViewVal := .t.
   local lLegends := .t.
   local cPicture := '99,999.99'
   local aSeries := {"Serie 1","Serie 2","Serie 3"}
   local aColors := { {128,128,255}, {255,102, 10}, {55,201, 48} }
   local lNoBorder := .f.
   local nLegendWidth := 50

   graphsave( cImage, nImageWidth, nImageHeight, aData,  cTitle, aYValues, nBarDepth, nBarWidth, nil, nHValues, l3d, lGrid, lXGrid, lYGrid, ;
            lXVal, lYVal, lLegends, aSeries, aColors, nGraphType, lViewVal, cPicture, nLegendWidth ,lNoBorder ) 
   graph.grapharea.picture := 'graph.bmp'
   return nil
function graphsave( cImageFileName, nWidth, nHeight, aData, cTitle, aYVals, nBarD, nWideB, nSep, nXRanges, ;
	              l3D, lGrid, lxGrid, lyGrid, lxVal, lyVal, lLegends, aSeries, aColors, nType, lViewVal, cPicture , nLegendWindth , lNoborder )
   LOCAL nI, nJ, nPos, nMax, nMin, nMaxBar, nDeep
   LOCAL nRange, nResH, nResV,  nWide, aPoint, cName
   LOCAL nXMax, nXMin, nHigh, nRel, nZero, nRPos, nRNeg
   local hBitMap, hDC, BTStruct
   local nTop := 0
   local nLeft := 0
   local nBottom := nHeight
   local nRight := nWidth

	DEFAULT cTitle   := ""
	DEFAULT nSep     := 0
	DEFAULT cPicture := "999,999.99"
	DEFAULT nLegendWindth := 50
   private nPenWidth := 0.25

	If ( HMG_LEN (aSeries) != HMG_LEN ( aData ) ) .or. ;
		( HMG_LEN ( aSeries ) != HMG_LEN ( aColors ) ) 
		MsgHMGError("DRAW GRAPH: 'Series' / 'SerieNames' / 'Colors' arrays size mismatch. Program terminated", "HMG Error" )

   hBitMap := BT_BitmapCreateNew ( nWidth, nHeight, { 255, 255, 255 } )
   hDC := BT_CreateDC( hBitMap, BT_HDC_BITMAP, @BTStruct )

   IF lGrid
      lxGrid := lyGrid := .T.
   IF nBottom <> NIL .AND. nRight <> NIL
      nHeight := nBottom - nTop / 2
      nWidth  := nRight - nLeft / 2
      nBottom -= IF( lyVal, 42, 32)
      nRight  -= IF( lLegends, 32 + nLegendWindth , 32 )
   nTop    += 1 + IF( Empty( cTitle ), 30, 44 )             // Top gap
   nLeft   += 1 + IF( lxVal, 80 + nBarD, 30 + nBarD )     // LEFT
   DEFAULT nBottom := nHeight - 2 - IF( lyVal, 40, 30 )    // Bottom
   DEFAULT nRight  := nWidth - 2 - IF( lLegends, 30 + nLegendWindth , 30 ) // RIGHT

   l3D     := IF( nType == POINTS, .F., l3D )
   nDeep   := IF( l3D, nBarD, 1 )
   nMaxBar := nBottom - nTop - nDeep - 5
   nResH   := nResV := 1
   nWide   := ( nRight - nLeft )* nResH / ( nMax( aData ) + 1 ) * nResH

   // Graph area
   IF ! lNoborder
	   DrawWindowBoxInBitMap( hDC, Max( 1, nTop - 44 ), Max( 1, nLeft - 80 - nBarD ), nHeight - 1, nWidth - 1 )

   // Back area
   IF l3D
      drawrectinbitmap( hDC, nTop+1, nLeft, nBottom - nDeep, nRight, { 255, 255, 255 } )
      drawrectinbitmap( hDC, nTop-5, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, { 255, 255, 255 } )

   IF l3D
         // Bottom area
         FOR nI := 1 TO nDeep+1
             DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nBottom-nI, nLeft-nDeep+nI, nBottom-nI, nRight-nDeep+nI, { 255, 255, 255 } )
         NEXT nI

         // Lateral
         FOR nI := 1 TO nDeep
             DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nTop+nI, nLeft-nI, nBottom-nDeep+nI, nLeft-nI, {192, 192, 192} )
         NEXT nI

         // Graph borders
         FOR nI := 1 TO nDeep+1
             DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nBottom-nI     ,nLeft-nDeep+nI-1 ,nBottom-nI     ,nLeft-nDeep+nI  ,GRAY )
             DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nBottom-nI     ,nRight-nDeep+nI-1,nBottom-nI     ,nRight-nDeep+nI ,BLACK )
             DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nTop+nDeep-nI+1,nLeft-nDeep+nI-1 ,nTop+nDeep-nI+1,nLeft-nDeep+nI  ,BLACK )
             DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nTop+nDeep-nI+1,nLeft-nDeep+nI-3 ,nTop+nDeep-nI+1,nLeft-nDeep+nI-2,BLACK )
         NEXT nI

         FOR nI=1 TO nDeep+2
             DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nTop+nDeep-nI+1,nLeft-nDeep+nI-3,nTop+nDeep-nI+1,nLeft-nDeep+nI-2 ,BLACK )
             DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nBottom+ 2-nI+1,nRight-nDeep+nI ,nBottom+ 2-nI+1,nRight-nDeep+nI-2,BLACK )
         NEXT nI

         DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nTop         ,nLeft        ,nTop           ,nRight       ,BLACK )
         DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nTop- 2      ,nLeft        ,nTop- 2        ,nRight+ 2    ,BLACK )
         DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nTop         ,nLeft        ,nBottom-nDeep  ,nLeft        ,GRAY  )
         DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nTop+nDeep   ,nLeft-nDeep  ,nBottom        ,nLeft-nDeep  ,BLACK )
         DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nTop+nDeep   ,nLeft-nDeep-2,nBottom+ 2     ,nLeft-nDeep-2,BLACK )
         DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nTop         ,nRight       ,nBottom-nDeep  ,nRight       ,BLACK )
         DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nTop- 2      ,nRight+ 2    ,nBottom-nDeep+2,nRight+ 2    ,BLACK )
         DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nBottom-nDeep,nLeft        ,nBottom-nDeep  ,nRight       ,GRAY  )
         DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nBottom      ,nLeft-nDeep  ,nBottom        ,nRight-nDeep ,BLACK )
         DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nBottom+ 2   ,nLeft-nDeep-2,nBottom+ 2     ,nRight-nDeep ,BLACK )

   // Graph info

   IF !Empty(cTitle)
      DrawTextInBitmap( hDC, nTop - 30 * nResV, nLeft, cTitle, 'Arial', 12, RED, 2 )

   // Legends
   IF lLegends
      nPos := nTop
      FOR nI := 1 TO HMG_LEN( aSeries )
         DrawBarinbitmap( hDC, nRight+(8*nResH), nPos+(9*nResV), 8*nResH, 7*nResV, l3D, 1, aColors[nI] )
         DrawTextInBitmap( hDC, nPos, nRight+(20*nResH), aSeries[nI], 'Arial', 8, BLACK, 0 )
         nPos += 18*nResV
      NEXT nI

   // Max, Min values
   nMax := 0
   FOR nJ := 1 TO HMG_LEN(aSeries)
      FOR nI :=1 TO HMG_LEN(aData[nJ])
         nMax := Max( aData[nJ][nI], nMax )
      NEXT nI
   NEXT nJ
   nMin := 0
   FOR nJ := 1 TO HMG_LEN(aSeries)
      FOR nI :=1 TO HMG_LEN(aData[nJ])
         nMin := Min( aData[nJ][nI], nMin )
      NEXT nI
   NEXT nJ

   nXMax := IF( nMax > 0, DetMaxVal( nMax ), 0 )
   nXMin := IF( nMin < 0, DetMaxVal( nMin ), 0 )
   nHigh := nXMax + nXMin
   nMax  := Max( nXMax, nXMin )
   nRel  := ( nMaxBar / nHigh )
   nMaxBar := nMax * nRel

   nZero := nTop + (nMax*nRel) + nDeep + 5    // Zero pos
   IF l3D
      FOR nI := 1 TO nDeep+1
          DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nZero-nI+1, nLeft-nDeep+nI   , nZero-nI+1, nRight-nDeep+nI, {192, 192, 192} )
      NEXT nI
      FOR nI := 1 TO nDeep+1
          DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nZero-nI+1, nLeft-nDeep+nI-1 , nZero-nI+1, nLeft -nDeep+nI, GRAY )
          DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nZero-nI+1, nRight-nDeep+nI-1, nZero-nI+1, nRight-nDeep+nI, BLACK )
      NEXT nI
      DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nZero-nDeep, nLeft, nZero-nDeep, nRight, GRAY )

   aPoint := Array( HMG_LEN( aSeries ), HMG_LEN( aData[1] ), 2 )
   nRange := nMax / nXRanges

   // xLabels
   nRPos := nRNeg := nZero - nDeep
   FOR nI := 0 TO nXRanges
      IF lxVal
         IF nRange*nI <= nXMax
            DrawTextInBitmap( hDC, nRPos, nLeft-nDeep-70, Transform(nRange*nI, cPicture), 'Arial', 8, BLUE )
         IF nRange*(-nI) >= nXMin*(-1)
            DrawTextInBitmap( hDC, nRNeg, nLeft-nDeep-70, Transform(nRange*-nI, cPicture), 'Arial', 8, BLUE )

      IF lxGrid
         IF nRange*nI <= nXMax
            IF l3D
               FOR nJ := 0 TO nDeep + 1
                  DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nRPos + nJ, nLeft - nJ - 1, nRPos + nJ, nLeft - nJ, BLACK )
               NEXT nJ
            DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nRPos, nLeft, nRPos, nRight, BLACK )
         IF nRange*-nI >= nXMin*-1
            IF l3D
               FOR nJ := 0 TO nDeep + 1
                  DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nRNeg + nJ, nLeft - nJ - 1, nRNeg + nJ, nLeft - nJ, BLACK )
               NEXT nJ
            DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nRNeg, nLeft, nRNeg, nRight, BLACK )
      nRPos -= ( nMaxBar / nXRanges )
      nRNeg += ( nMaxBar / nXRanges )
   NEXT nI

   IF lYGrid
      nPos:=IF(l3D, nTop, nTop-5 )
      nI  := nLeft + nWide
      FOR nJ := 1 TO nMax(aData)
         DrawlineinBitmap( hDC, nBottom-nDeep, nI, nPos, nI, {100,100,100} )
         DrawlineinBitmap( hDC, nBottom, nI-nDeep, nBottom-nDeep, nI, {100,100,100} )
         nI += nWide

   DO WHILE .T.    // Bar adjust
      nPos = nLeft + ( nWide / 2 )
      nPos += ( nWide + nSep ) * ( HMG_LEN(aSeries) + 1 ) * HMG_LEN(aData[1])
      IF nPos > nRight

   nMin := nMax / nMaxBar

   nPos := nLeft + ( ( nWide + nSep ) / 2 )            // first point graph
   nRange := ( ( nWide + nSep ) * HMG_LEN(aSeries) ) / 2

   IF lyVal .AND. HMG_LEN( aYVals ) > 0                // Show yLabels
      nWideB  := ( nRight - nLeft ) / ( nMax(aData) + 1 )
      nI := nLeft + nWideB
      FOR nJ := 1 TO nMax(aData)
         cName := "yVal_Name_"+LTRIM(STR(nJ))
         DrawTextInBitmap( hDC, nBottom + 8, nI - nDeep - IF(l3D, 0, 8), aYVals[nJ], 'Arial', 8, BLUE )
         nI += nWideB

   // Bars
	IF nType == BARS
		if nMin <> 0
			nPos := nLeft + ( ( nWide + nSep ) / 2 )
			FOR nI=1 TO HMG_LEN(aData[1])
				FOR nJ=1 TO HMG_LEN(aSeries)
					DrawBarinbitmap( hDC, nPos, nZero, aData[nJ,nI] / nMin + nDeep, nWide, l3D, nDeep, aColors[nJ] )
					nPos += nWide+nSep
				NEXT nJ
				nPos += nWide+nSep
			NEXT nI
   BT_BitmapSaveFile(hBitmap, cImageFileName )
   BT_DeleteDC( BTstruct )
   BT_BitmapRelease( hBitmap )

   && // Lines
   && //
   && IF nType == LINES
	&& if nMin <> 0
      && nWideB  := ( nRight - nLeft ) / ( nMax(aData) + 1 )
      && nPos := nLeft + nWideB
      && FOR nI := 1 TO HMG_LEN(aData[1])
         && FOR nJ=1 TO HMG_LEN(aSeries)
            && IF !l3D
               && DrawPoint( parent, nType, nPos, nZero, aData[nJ,nI] / nMin + nDeep, aColors[nJ] )
            && ENDIF
            && aPoint[nJ,nI,2] := nPos
            && aPoint[nJ,nI,1] := nZero - ( aData[nJ,nI] / nMin + nDeep )
         && NEXT nJ
         && nPos += nWideB
      && NEXT nI

      && FOR nI := 1 TO HMG_LEN(aData[1])-1
         && FOR nJ := 1 TO HMG_LEN(aSeries)
            && IF l3D
               && drawpolygon(parent,{{aPoint[nJ,nI,1],aPoint[nJ,nI,2]},{aPoint[nJ,nI+1,1],aPoint[nJ,nI+1,2]}, ;
                           && {aPoint[nJ,nI+1,1]-nDeep,aPoint[nJ,nI+1,2]+nDeep},{aPoint[nJ,nI,1]-nDeep,aPoint[nJ,nI,2]+nDeep}, ;
                           && {aPoint[nJ,nI,1],aPoint[nJ,nI,2]}},,,aColors[nJ])
            && ELSE
               && DrawLine(parent,aPoint[nJ,nI,1],aPoint[nJ,nI,2],aPoint[nJ,nI+1,1],aPoint[nJ,nI+1,2],aColors[nJ])
            && ENDIF
         && NEXT nI
      && NEXT nI

	&& endif
   && ENDIF

   && // Points
   && //
   && IF nType == POINTS
		&& if nMin <> 0
      && nWideB := ( nRight - nLeft ) / ( nMax(aData) + 1 )
      && nPos := nLeft + nWideB
      && FOR nI := 1 TO HMG_LEN(aData[1])
         && FOR nJ=1 TO HMG_LEN(aSeries)
            && DrawPoint( parent, nType, nPos, nZero, aData[nJ,nI] / nMin + nDeep, aColors[nJ] )
            && aPoint[nJ,nI,2] := nPos
            && aPoint[nJ,nI,1] := nZero - aData[nJ,nI] / nMin
         && NEXT nJ
         && nPos += nWideB
      && NEXT nI
   && ENDIF

   && IF lViewVal
      && IF nType == BARS
         && nPos := nLeft + nWide + ( (nWide+nSep) * ( HMG_LEN(aSeries) / 2 ) )
      && ELSE
         && nWideB := ( nRight - nLeft ) / ( nMax(aData) + 1 )
         && nPos := nLeft + nWideB
      && ENDIF
      && FOR nI := 1 TO HMG_LEN(aData[1])
         && FOR nJ := 1 TO HMG_LEN(aSeries)
            && cName := "Data_Name_"+LTRIM(STR(nI))+LTRIM(STR(nJ))
            && @ nZero - ( aData[nJ,nI] / nMin + nDeep ), IF(nType == BARS, nPos - IF(l3D, 8, 10), nPos + 10) ;
			&& LABEL &cName OF &parent ;
			&& VALUE Transform(aData[nJ,nI], cPicture) AUTOSIZE ;
            && nPos+=IF( nType == BARS, nWide + nSep, 0)
         && NEXT nJ
         && IF nType == BARS
            && nPos += nWide + nSep
         && ELSE
            && nPos += nWideB
         && ENDIF
      && NEXT nI
   && ENDIF

   && IF l3D
      && DrawLine( parent, nZero, nLeft-nDeep, nZero, nRight-nDeep, BLACK )
   && ELSE
      && IF nXMax<>0 .AND. nXMin<>0
         && DrawLine( parent, nZero-1, nLeft-2, nZero-1, nRight, RED )
      && ENDIF

	&& endif
   && ENDIF


function DrawWindowBoxInBitMap( hDC, row, col, rowr, colr )
   BT_DrawRectangle ( hDC, Row, Col, Colr - col, rowr - row, { 0, 0, 0 }, nPenWidth )
return nil


function drawrectinbitmap( hDC, row, col, row1, col1, aColor )

   BT_DrawFillRectangle (hDC, Row, Col, col1 - col, row1 - row, aColor, aColor, nPenWidth )
return nil   

function DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, Row1, Col1, Row2, Col2, aColor )
   BT_DrawLine ( hDC, Row1, Col1, Row2, Col2, aColor, nPenWidth )
return nil   

function DrawTextInBitmap( hDC, Row, Col, cText, cFontName, nFontSize, aColor, nAlign )
   default nAlign := 0
   do case
   case nAlign == 0
      BT_DrawText ( hDC, Row, Col, cText, cFontName, nFontSize, aColor, )
   case nAlign == 1
      BT_DrawText ( hDC, Row, Col, cText, cFontName, nFontSize, aColor, , BT_TEXT_RIGHT )
   case nAlign == 2
      BT_DrawText ( hDC, Row, Col, cText, cFontName, nFontSize, aColor, , BT_TEXT_CENTER )
return nil   

function DrawBarinbitmap( hDC, nY, nX, nHigh, nWidth, l3D, nDeep, aColor )
   LOCAL nI, nColTop, nShadow, nH := nHigh

   && nColTop := ClrShadow( RGB(aColor[1],aColor[2],aColor[3]), 15 )
   && nShadow := ClrShadow( nColTop, 15 )
   && nColTop := {GetRed(nColTop),GetGreen(nColTop),GetBlue(nColTop)}
   && nShadow := {GetRed(nShadow),GetGreen(nShadow),GetBlue(nShadow)}

   FOR nI=1 TO nWidth
      DrawLineinbitmap( hDC, nX, nY+nI, nX+nDeep-nHigh, nY+nI, aColor )  // front
   NEXT nI

   && IF l3D
      && // Lateral
      && drawpolygoninBitmap( parent,{{nX-1,nY+nWidth+1},{nX+nDeep-nHigh,nY+nWidth+1},;
                   && {nX-nHigh+1,nY+nWidth+nDeep},{nX-nDeep,nY+nWidth+nDeep},;
                   && {nX-1,nY+nWidth+1}},nShadow,,nShadow )
      && // Superior
      && nHigh   := Max( nHigh, nDeep )
      && drawpolygon( parent,{{nX-nHigh+nDeep,nY+1},{nX-nHigh+nDeep,nY+nWidth+1},;
                   && {nX-nHigh+1,nY+nWidth+nDeep},{nX-nHigh+1,nY+nDeep},;
                   && {nX-nHigh+nDeep,nY+1}},nColTop,,nColTop )
      && // Border
      && DrawBox( parent, nY, nX, nH, nWidth, l3D, nDeep )
   && ENDIF


   LOCAL nI, nMax := 0

   FOR nI :=1 TO HMG_LEN( aData )
      nMax := Max( HMG_LEN(aData[nI]), nMax )
   NEXT nI

RETURN( nMax )

   LOCAL nE, nMax, nMan, nVal, nOffset



      nMax := 10**nE

      IF Int(nNum/nMax)>0

         nVal := (Int(nNum/nMax)+nOffset)*nMax




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Re: ERASE WINDOW command does not delete the graph titles

Post by esgici »

Rathinagiri wrote:IMHO, drawing graph on the window itself is an outdated HMG graphics functionality.

The permanent solution for drawing graph is using the ultimate and versatile Bos Taurus library.

I have tried to convert the existing draw graph function ( only BAR type and not 3D) using BT library and saved the graph in a bitmap file. That bitmap can be used to show or print.

May be we can extend this to all other types and we have a NEW graph functionality to save the graph easily to a bitmap in HMG.
Thanks Mr. Rathinagiri :)

I couldn't understand lines commented by old style "&&" sign instead of "//" :?

Is there a special meaning / purpose of that coding style :?:

Regards :D
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Re: ERASE WINDOW command does not delete the graph titles

Post by esgici »

EduardoLuis, Serge, Marek wrote:..."HMG-ENCICLOPEDIA"...
Hi friends, please don't exaggerate :oops:

I'm simply a HMG student :P

Viva HMG :D
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Re: ERASE WINDOW command does not delete the graph titles

Post by Rathinagiri »

I don't know the difference. But NotePad++ comments the lines we select and press Control+Q with &&.
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