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Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 7:19 am
by Rathinagiri
If you are using HMGMySQL library to use with MariaDB/MySQL, the following code can be used to make a dump backup of whole database

Code: Select all

#include <>

function backup_db( cFname )
   local aTable := {}
   local aTables := {}
   local tables := {}
   local aData := {}
   local aRow := {}
   local cLB := chr( 10 ) + chr( 13 )
   local nHandle := 0
   local cTime := time()
   local cTempFolder := GetCurrentFolder() + '\' + 'backup_' + dtos( date() ) + substr( cTime, 1, 2 )  + substr( cTime, 4, 2 ) + substr( cTime, 7, 2 )
   local aFiles := {}
   default cFName := 'backup.sql'
   tables := sql( oDB,"show tables")
   for i := 1 to len(tables)
   next i
   i := 0
   tottables := len(aTables)
   if MakeDir( cTempFolder ) <> 0
      msgstop( 'Backup Directory could not be created!' )
      return nil
   nHandle := fcreate( cTempFolder + '\' + cFName )
   aadd( aFiles, cTempFolder + '\' + cFName )
   if nHandle < 0
      msgstop( 'Backup File Could not be created!' )
      return nil
   for i := 1 to tottables
      WAIT WINDOW "Processing Table - " + aTables[ i ] + '( ' + alltrim( str( i ) ) + '/' + alltrim( str( tottables ) ) + ' )'   NOWAIT
      aTable := sql( oDB, 'show create table ' + aTables[ i ] )
      cCreateCommand := aTable[ 1, 2 ]
      fwrite( nHandle, alltrim( cCreateCommand ) + ';' + cLB )
      // try to dumpt data to file
      cTempFileName := cTempFolder + '\' + alltrim( aTables[ i ] ) + '.txt'
      aadd( aFiles, cTempFileName )
      cTempFileName := strtran( cTempFileName, '\', '/' )
      miscsql( oDB, "select * from " + aTables[ i ] + " into outfile '" + cTempFileName + "'" )
      if .not. file( cTempFileName )
         msgstop( 'Dump file not created!' )
         return nil
   next i
   wait clear
   fClose( nHandle )
   cZip := cTempFolder + '.zip'
   hb_zipFile( cZip, aFiles )
//   compress files aFiles to cZip
   if file( cZip )
      for i := 1 to hmg_len( aFiles )
         ferase( aFiles[ i ] )
      next i
      dirremove( cTempFolder )
   msginfo( 'Backup Complete - ' + cZip + ' File Created' )   
return nil
Restore utility can be created with the code as below:

Code: Select all

#include <>

Function Main
   define window main at 0, 0 width 260 height 200 main
      define label hostlabel
         row 10
         col 10
         width 100
         value 'Host'
      end label
      define textbox host
         row 10
         col 110
         width 120
         value 'localhost'
      end textbox
      define label userlabel
         row 40
         col 10
         width 100
         value 'UserName'
      end label
      define textbox user
         row 40
         col 110
         width 120
         value 'root'
      end textbox
      define label passlabel
         row 70
         col 10
         width 100
         value 'Password'
      end label
      define textbox pass
         row 70
         col 110
         width 120
         password .t.
      end textbox
      define label newdblabel
         row 100
         col 10
         width 100
         value 'New DB'
      end label
      define textbox newdb
         row 100
         col 110
         width 120
      end textbox
      define button restore
         row 130
         col 60
         caption 'Restore'
         action restoredb()
      end button   
   end window

function restoredb( cZip )
   local aFiles := {}
   local cSQLFile := ''
   local cLB := chr( 10 ) + chr( 13 )
   local cTime := time()
   default cZip := ''
   if hmg_len( alltrim( cZip ) ) == 0
      cZip := GetFile( , 'Select the File to Restore' )
   if .not. file( cZip )   
      msgstop( cZip + ' File Not Found!' )
      return nil
   cCurFolder := GetCurrentFolder()
   cTempFolder := GetCurrentFolder() + '\' + '_RestoreTemp' + dtos( date() ) + substr( cTime, 1, 2 )  + substr( cTime, 4, 2 ) + substr( cTime, 7, 2 )
   if MakeDir( cTempFolder ) <> 0
      msgstop( 'Restore Directory could not be created!' )
      return nil
   SetCurrentFolder( cTempFolder )
   WAIT WINDOW 'Processing the zip file...' nowait
   Uncompress File cZip
   aDirectory := Directory()
   for i := 1 to hmg_len( aDirectory )
      if HB_UTF8RAT( '.SQL', hmg_upper( aDirectory[ i, 1 ] ) ) > 0
         cSQLFile := aDirectory[ i, 1 ]
         aadd( aFiles, aDirectory[ i, 1 ] )
   next i
   if hmg_len( aFiles )== 0
      msgstop( 'Could not find any file!' )
      return nil
   if hmg_len( cSQLFile ) == 0
      msgstop( 'SQL File Not found!' )
      return nil
   cUser := main.user.value
   cHost :=
   cPass := main.pass.value
   cNewDB := main.newdb.value
   oDB := connect2db( cHost, cUser, cPass, cNewDB )
   if oDB == nil
      msgstop( 'Database could not be connected' )
      return nil
   tables := sql( oDB, "show tables" )
   if hmg_len( tables ) > 0
      msgstop( 'Database Should be new and empty!' )
      return nil
   WAIT WINDOW 'Creating Tables...' nowait
   aCreate := HB_ATOKENS( MEMOREAD( cSQLFile ),   cLB ) 
   for i := 1 to hmg_len( aCreate )
      if hmg_len( alltrim( aCreate[ i ] ) ) > 0
         lSuccess := .t.
         lSuccess := miscsql( oDB, alltrim( aCreate[ i ] ) )
         if .not. lSuccess
            msgstop( 'Table Creation Error!' )
            return nil
   next i
   tottables := hmg_len( aFiles )
   for i := 1 to tottables
      cFileName := aFiles[ i ]
      cTable := substr( cFileName, 1, hmg_len( cFileName ) - 4 )
      WAIT WINDOW "Processing Table - " + cTable + '( ' + alltrim( str( i ) ) + '/' + alltrim( str( tottables ) ) + ' )'   NOWAIT
      cFileNameWithPath := cTempFolder + '\' + cFileName
      cTempFileName := strtran( cFileNameWithPath, '\', '/' )
      lSuccess := miscsql( oDB, "load data infile '" + cTempFileName + "' into table " + cTable )
      if .not. lSuccess 
         msgstop( cFileName + ' could not be restored!' )
         return nil
   next i
   wait clear
   msginfo( 'Database restored successfully!' )
   ferase( cSQLFile )
   for i := 1 to hmg_len( aFiles )
      ferase( aFiles[ i ] )
   next i
   SetCurrentFolder( cCurFolder )
   dirremove( cTempFolder )
   return nil

Re: MySQL DB Backup - HMGMySQL

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 5:54 pm
by ecabrerizo
Thanks !!!!
Best Regards

Re: MySQL DB Backup - HMGMySQL

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 6:18 pm
by koke
Thanks !!

Re: MySQL DB Backup - HMGMySQL

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 11:59 am
Muchas gracias.

Re: MySQL DB Backup - HMGMySQL

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 5:43 pm
by jairpinho
good afternoon, I did test with ide and appeared the errors could help like to see working

hbmk2: Linkando... HMGMYSQL.exe
.hbmk/win/mingw/Main.o:Main.c:(.data+0x2b8): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_CONNECT2DB'
.hbmk/win/mingw/Main.o:Main.c:(.data+0x2d8): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_SQL'
.hbmk/win/mingw/Main.o:Main.c:(.data+0x338): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_MISCSQL'
.hbmk/win/mingw/F_Backup.o:F_Backup.c:(.data+0x88): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_SQL'
.hbmk/win/mingw/F_Backup.o:F_Backup.c:(.data+0x188): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_MISCSQL'
.hbmk/win/mingw/F_Backup.o:F_Backup.c:(.data+0x1c8): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_HB_ZIPFILE'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
hbmk2[HMGMYSQL]: Erro: Executando linkeditor. 1
gcc.exe .hbmk/win/mingw/Main.o .hbmk/win/mingw/F_Backup.o .hbmk/win/mingw/_hbmkaut_Main.o "D:/@Drive-TW/@MasterServ/@Utilitario/HMGMYSQL/_temp.o" -pthread -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -static -lpthread -mwindows -Wl,--start-group -lhmg -lcrypt -ledit -leditex -lgraph -lini -lreport -lhfcl -lmsvfw32 -lvfw32 -lhbmysql -lmysql -lhbfimage -lhbpgsql -lsddmy -lhbvpdf -lhbct -lhbwin -lhbmzip -lminizip -lhbmemio -lhbmisc -lhbtip -lsqlite3 -lhbsqlit3 -lsddodbc -lrddsql -lhbodbc -lodbc32 -lhbhpdf -lhbnetio -lxhb -lpng -llibhpdf -lhbzebra -lhbextern -lhbdebug -lhbvmmt -lhbrtl -lhblang -lhbcpage -lgtcgi -lgtpca -lgtstd -lgtwin -lgtwvt -lgtgui -lhbrdd -lhbuddall -lhbusrrdd -lrddntx -lrddcdx -lrddnsx -lrddfpt -lhbrdd -lhbhsx -lhbsix -lhbmacro -lhbcplr -lhbpp -lhbcommon -lhbmainwin -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -ladvapi32 -lws2_32 -liphlpapi -lwinspool -lcomctl32 -lcomdlg32 -lshell32 -luuid -lole32 -loleaut32 -lmpr -lwinmm -lmapi32 -limm32 -lmsimg32 -lwininet -lhbpcre -lhbzlib -Wl,--end-group -oHMGMYSQL.exe -LC:/hmg.3.4.4/harbour/lib/win/mingw -LC:/hmg.3.4.4/lib

hbmk2: Dica: Adicionar op‡Æo 'hbziparc.hbc' faltando nas fun‡äes: hb_ZipFile()
hbmk2: Erro: Referenciado, faltando, mas fun‡äes desconhecida(s): CONNECT2DB(),